It has too many buttons. As a pro I’m hardly ever (read never) shooting for massive end physical image size, and even if I was it would be very rare that I couldn’t get away with delivering a 2000 x 3000px image. Like watching a Monty Python skit…. It’s full frame, very affordable if you can find one in decent condition. When Sony took over the Minolta range of DSLRs, the Minolta design team moved across but they have been confined to designing Sony DSLRs and (D)SLTs. Of course, there are exceptions to this. Of course the camera would otherwise have to be enjoyable to hold and shoot with (the basic ergonomics etc), or it wouldn’t matter what modes it did or didn’t have! I have the A7R mk1 and Love it! Once the Sony A7s hype is over, as always, it will turn out to be a camera with pro’s and cons. I Shall get James the video guy to look at it for me…, Thanks for your comment, and thanks also for being a normal human being and understanding that it’s ok for two people to not both like the same camera! i just find the manual focusing a faff compared to RF focusing which feels so natural to me now. I can’t help feeling Hamish the best camera for you (and indeed for a lot of us) is the Leica M-D. Little Feng Shui is very well put… I’d not thought of it like that. And the wisdom of the review I had read that made the case that it’s simply impossible to beat the performance of a native lens system like the Sony with the Sony camera, became fully clear to me. Isn’t it such a shame that we don’t all like the same things? I had one of the sigma foveon cameras once – I wish i’d kept it now. The reason I suppose is that the ‘creative eye’ is not a technical competence it is a human right – an evolution of sensing and seeing. As a multidiscipline photographer who runs an agency that also offers video, the Sony A7Rii offers everything I need in one box. I have had an x100 and xpro before, but even without that experience they are pretty logical camera. The problem is, it tries, and through its incredible effort to offer something for everyone, it feels like it’s purpose as just a simple camera is lost, or at very least highly diluted. It is funded by adverts. Laughing his ass off. Sigh…, Ha yeah… I think I described most white and brown goods too…. Die Sony Alpha 7R II serviert zwar Bildqualität und Ausstattung satt, kosten aber entsprechend viel. I’m down with the weight, the buttons, the tech, the tripod (maybe). What makes all this even more crackers is that even if you do over or underexpose, there’s so much room for manoeuvre in the raw files that it hardly matters. In contrast, the A7 mirrorless series is somewhat alien. I photograph dance competitions using Elinchrom strobes with PocketWizard triggers and have had multiple instances where despite using manual exposure settings and the strobes triggering correctly, the camera underexposed by as much as 3 stops. Sony Alpha Camera Diaries: London Fashion Week. My one other request os a smaller RAW option. I have interests in Industrial design and user experience, and by that merit find cameras interesting and indeed inspiring as things. It´s a camera to be operated, not an extention of the photographer´s creative mind. Per my testing I think it has a bit more, another stop or two at least given its latitude on the under exposure side (BSI here). Mamiya press 65mm lens on the fron, I’ve got this 18mm f/8 pancake lens on loan from, I’ve just published a review of the Pentax ME Su, Me and Chris from @skyllaneyoptomechanics have bee, I’ve just shared an article about a recent exper, Epson R-D1 review – a digi-film camera – By Simone Zuccarini, Leica M8 – A Year with an Ageing Digital Rangefinder – By Rui Hu, Leica TL Review – finding joy in very limited function and purpose,,, The Leica M9 - Rediscovering a Joy in Digital Photography - 35mmc, Reflecta RPS 10M Review - Reflections on Homes Scanning - by Frank Lehnen, My Time With The Travelling Yashica - Paul Rice - Chatham, Ontario Canada, Camera, Lens, Film and Peripheral Kit Reviews. . I ran a series of tests. Combined with the Zeiss Loxia 35, Batis 25 and light tripod I have everything I need for landscapes. That translates well for me to shooting Pentax film SLRs too. But … I could never get rid of the itch to fill my hand with the heavier, bigger, but more hand-friendly 5D. – cheap now, work with m42 lenses. This Sony has an outstanding silent mode that actually is. Even my aforementioned 1994 Samsung ECX1 has a time lapse mode. Sony have to be applauded for this, for offering a full frame mirrorless camera which is actually quite affordable, and the fact it’s 35mm is why I keep using it. But once I put it on, I never thought about taking it off again. These digital cameras and software programs are magical. Of course this is just from subjective viewing of test shots but to me, discounting noise, If I see all of the lowlight detail without clipping, then to me it has resolved at that exposure. Yes its more frustrating and more complicated than fuji X-T1 that I previously used. Well, for the Fuji files, the right software is important. Maximal 2.448 Linienpaaren pro Bildhöhe markiert die bislang höchste Kantenschärfe, die wir an einer DSLM gemessen haben. But I afraid that its not the way of sony unless they decide to make niche model targeted at leica market. Whilst there are a lot of features in this camera that feel like this to me, there is one that really quite readily illustrates my point:eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'35mmc_com-leader-4','ezslot_22',190,'0','0'])); The Sony A7rii has a mode called “automatic autofocus” – and no it’s not the 1st of April. They are like those bureaucrats whose quality is to know how many signatures and stamps a document needs. The autofocus wasn’t just slow, it was non-existent. The less functions the more expensive Leica cameras are. I fully empathise with the challenges of a young camera system, with it being less than a year since I jumped across to Fuji full time. Given these shooting circumstances, I just find it hard to argue that shooting 3200iso at f/1.4 is a better option than f/2.8 and 12,800iso. Since writing that, I spend the day today with the A7rii, shooting it for my hobby. Thank you for that, and the article of course! I eliminated the problem by changing the power saver timeout to 30 minutes so it won’t sleep between heats or during breaks. Zudem arbeitet die Sony Alpha 7R II etwa ein Bild pro Sekunde schneller als ihre Vorgängerin mit sechs Megapixel weniger. eine Provision vom Händler, z.B. Well they use the term ‘performs compatibly’. and a couple of others including the ZM 35 and 25. The Sony A7rii is a full frame 42 megapixel compact mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. If you view it as bad, it’s ridiculously bad, yet entirely simultaneously it can be viewed as ridiculously good! Correct! I think you might be right, I agree with all of that to the letter. Leica has some attractive sides, but as I’m details and nature man – there are two aspects that are stop for me – close focus ability and low angle shots. It’s a case of breaking it down and thinking what do people actually need to use a camera. And there will be a newer and better camera on the horizon (think Photokina in September). But unlike with Nikon where I became quite pragmatic about it and shot with cameras for much longer, Sony have me trapped in this idea that 2 years is plenty long enough to own a digital camera. Unfortunately, the world has turned to a point where people still want weddings in fancy hotels with terrible lighting, but at the same time also want discrete reportage photography with coverage all day. Über 1.000 Produkte durchlaufen jedes Jahr das CHIP-Testlabor. To a greater or lesser extent, this feels a little like it begins with the lowest common denominator. Also per this, I’m considering sending my A7RII to Kolari Vision for their new sensor ‘Thin Film Replacement’. That would be the ideal for me, but on this camera it wouldn’t solve the physical issues of badly labelled buttons etc. In fact in real terms, the output is so good that it completely outperforms my needs. In with the Canon 5D and Nikon blah. Is it for people who don’t know what type of autofocus they need and when? The most likely candidate is probably a 40D, which seems a good balance of simplicity versus capability, has a decent VF, and is very affordable these days. This means that even in pretty difficult lighting situations, a near fully automatic shooting camera can really easily be manipulated into taking the exact exposure you want very quickly and easily. I used the 5D mk ii a bit too but it just didn’t have the magic of the 5D, even though on paper it’s obviously a better spec. Don’t be fooled by the weird design, it doesn’t have much in the way of bells and whistles, just what you need, and ergonomically it’s simple, but it will make you work for your images. If you pay close attention you will have noticed that photos taken with these Sony A7 series cameras have recently sneaked their way into posts on 35mmc. Hi, Justin – some very good questions! And in your pleasantly and apparently purposefully semi-articulate approach you kinda nail it. I mostly shoot boudoir and portraits in a studio setting. A photographer who is improvising and flowing w/ the scene stumbles on their bureaucratic design all the time. So I put the A7ii away again, and wonder why I still keep it. Very quickly after starting to use the A7RII, I’ve fallen into a pattern of not looking at exposure values in the viewfinder or on the rear LCD. Also, the size and look of that Zeiss 55f1.8 is just perfect for shooting at kid graduations while trying to pretend I’m just being casual about it. As a generalist, I produce product shots, photos of building and vehicles, LinkedIn profile head shots, PR and press photography, photos of events etc (you can see all the stuff me and my team shoot here) all to a technical standard that is higher than the expectations of the client. As soon as you snap on the 24-70 G master … isn’t this part of the problem? They just need to think less about the tech and more about the basics. Just a digital photography camera with nothing else. As a professional I find it’s consumer features obstruct me as a pro – that’s what I’m talking about when I talk about it being a dad cam. Also, the USB port is USB 2. //Erik, I’d love to give you a straight answer to that one, but I can really only recommend that you try – maybe hire one with an adapter and try it. It sounds like you and the Sony will make a great partnership… Get that automatic autofocus setting switched on and wave the fucker around on continuous shooting mode. That and the fact you can mount practically any lens on it with an adapter and it works great. Weather sealed. The original Sony A7R was built around the same sensor as the Nikon D800, so when one replaced the other, I thought the step would be easy. Glad you got my point though! Caveat to the above. Yeah but the flexibility the extra resolution gives you is amazing. Nebst eingebautem Stereo-Mikrofon verstecken sich für professionelle Aufnahmen auch Anschlüsse für Kopfhörer sowie externe Mikros unter einer Gummihaube. As far as I’m concerned, it’s too small. Ironically, your response to my review is quite similar to my response to the Sony…, I get the impression you’ve insulted someone’s favourite camera…. I’ve only been shooting it a few months and curse the menu systems (always have), but I have learned to tame the beast by treating it (90% of the time) as a full-on manual camera – at that point, it’s just a simple body with auto-nothing – and it does its job well. Where’s the need to make the body compact? The crazy thing is, the one time I did use it I’d switched it on by accident, and it didn’t work. . The Sony A7Rii makes this easier to achieve than any other camera in my photography career, but it does so in a way that feels like I’m being lazy. Comparing it to driving some boring old sedan, (i.e. It doesn’t have a lot of af points, probably, 9 but that means it’s quite uncluttered. Dunno mate. At the point of announcement, this sensor is by far the largest backside illuminated CMOS chip ever to be released, allowing the maximum expanded ISO to rise two stops to 102,400. Not the best UI, but pretty good, and quite simple. zzgl. And then finally, my last bugbear is the stuff that’s missing. I do wish it was slightly better with lenses with the nodal point close to the sensor. Then on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I would get all impressed again at the insane resolution and sharpness of the a7r. The menus are badly organized. Hank.. are you still interested in selling it?? In fact, it actually works so well now that I haven’t dreamed of throwing either of them out of the window for autofocus issues, even once… But this doesn’t mean I don’t think about replacing them…. I shot with a 30D for several years, which was only very slightly upgraded from the 20D. One of my major rationalizations for getting the a7r was this non-native lens capacity (having spent considerable funds on a decent set of Canon glass) and very specifically, the notion that I could slap my much beloved and cherished 70-200 2.8 L onto this seemingly-DARPA designed ultracamera from the future. Dude, your “dad camera” sectiondescribes the exact reason I’m not getting an a7rii, now that rumors of an a7iii are becoming more solid. There is apparently no cross-fertilisation of ideas between the two design teams. Can you make up your mind? I also have the Leica Macro Elmar M 1:4/90 extending lens which I really like for being tiny but with good reach. Not knowing if that what’s next from Sony, or if there will be at least a good sized step in that direction just keeps me waiting for the upgrade… Which frankly, is just not the way I like to live my life!eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'35mmc_com-box-4','ezslot_10',182,'0','0'])); The issue is – whether I like it or not – having sold my Nikon’s and committed to the Sony system I’m not about to take a step backwards. Quite simply, the Sony offers my company the best bang-for-buck. The Batis is a little slow, but the Sony lens shouldn’t be… How frustrating this all sounds!! That said: for a hobbyist/amateur/aspiring/budding/wannabeanawesome picture taker in the future, it appears that the frustration/love with the a7RII is high in this article, and scares me a bit about making the wrong purchase. I can’t wait. No cahnge in screen brightness like there is with “darkscreen”. I found myself almost immediately ordering the multiple battery grip and not just because of the horridly short battery life, but MUCH MORE to simply make the camera bigger in my hand. as for knowing you will replace it… such a mad world we live in! If I had the money I’d get an M-D and probably a 50mm ZM planar and that would be all I’d need, I know that deep inside. We are after all talking about light, glass, sensors, F-stops, ISO and a general understanding of pixels. If you don’t know what much of these numbers and phrases means, it doesn’t matter. I’ve invested in the system, it’s become the backbone of my photo/video services at F8, I have lenses for it that I love, and actually James and Janine who use it at work think it’s great. Thanks very much, I will try that today! I would love to see a review of that maybe compared to the Leica M10 – that would be awesome if you could get hold of both cameras. That’s the problem here. Occasionally, I will pick it up and shoot some frames with it. An excellent, almost poetic review, Hamish. It’s also fair to say I have little knowledge of what all those features are down in the menu’s. Der hat mit insgesamt 399 Fokusfelder nicht nur zahlenmäßig deutlich zugelegt, sondern beinhaltet nun auch eine Phasenerkennung. Having used that Eos for the best part of a decade and now having a very competent D3300, I can’t help but love one and merely respect the other. (Withstood a full four foot drop onto the sidewalks of Manhattan with damage only to the lens, none to the body.) I really can’t emphasise enough how absurd the high ISO performance of this camera is; it can be used almost without concern for the ISO it’s set to. This all translates into a camera that to shoot it as a professional photographer feels a little like you’re shooting it against its will. Hamish – what do you think of the A9 then? I think it’s a curse these advances in processing that makes cameras far more complicated than needed and lenses relying in digital corrections than in true optics properties. It does sound to me like the M9 would suit you … It suits me very well indeed! I still find these cameras totally overwhelming and baffling though. Probably biased by the fact that I’m old and that’s the way I learned back in the mid Sixties. Admittedly, with how fool proof the automatic exposure system is when combined with the exposure compensation dial, it’s hard to imagine getting an exposure wrong. I had the A7R first, then the A7S, and now the A7Rii. The a7R II's 5-axis image stabilization that is rated at 4.5 stops, according to CIPA standard. Being an old tv video man (vision mixer in the UK) I learned years ago a strong image is predominately about the blacks. You'll learn why this camera is highly sought after by enthusiasts and professional photographers alike. I did, though, once. I think we’re in a similar boat mate.. I confess to being an A7RII owner. Hmmm. I don’t use EV compensation as many would shooting in auto modes. It should have been released years ago rather than this path we’ve been on of constant enhancements and upgrades to cameras, giving us more and more bloated features but forgetting the essence of what a camera is. Die Sony a7R II (Alpha 7R II) setzt im Test die Messlatte weit nach oben. That’s a decent-sized lens sitting on a little body. Told myself to just use my A7 and get a good lens for it, so I ended up with the Sony 28mm f2 (meh…it’s ok) and recently I’ve bought the Zeiss 85mm batis which is mind blowing. I’m pinning possibly a bit too much hope on the Konost camera project. Thanks, Bob! The A7RII has a wide dynamic range with low noise and captures pretty good colorimetry. “Mega-hyper-superfluousnessness” – what a fantastic term. I expect to literally wear this camera out over 5-10 years. By Nasim Mansurov 26 Comments Last Updated On April 11, 2020 « » ISO Performance at low ISOs (ISO 100-800) Let’s take a look at how the Sony A7R II performs at low ISOs. The 17mm TSE talks well to it, as does the 70-200. I don’t care much about the screen – the NEX has a great screen, but I’m looking for a good VF experience, as I said, close(r) to my beloved film bodies like the Contax 139 Quartz and 167MT, so I can use the same C/Y and M42 lenses I use on those cameras on a DSLR with a similar-ish experience. But my Sony A7II can take my Leica M lenses, which the D800 cannot. BSI stands for back side illuminated (which is funny if you’re English and have a puerile sense of humour). Interesting read. 2 Sony, BIONZ X, Exmor, InfoLITHIUM, Memory Stick, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, Memory Stick PRO-HG Duo, the Memory Stick logo, PlayMemories Home, PlayMemories Mobile, PlayMemories Camera Apps, PlayMemories Online, Remote Commander, … This is so much the case, that I even find myself looking at the screen on the back after I’ve taken a photo less with the Sony A7rii than I did my DSLRs. There’s something about technology and getting results fast and easy. Troisième rejeton de l'entrée de gamme des hybrides à plein format 24x36 de chez Sony, l'Alpha A7 Mark III embarque toujours un CMOS Exmor R de 24 Mpix. It works for me in my work and still have C3, FN, Trash button assigned to other things. Panasonic for video. . One way or another, my Sony A7R was eventually replaced with a Sony A7Rii resulting in this being my main works-camera with the Sony A7S as a backup. Es ist der Nachfolger des Modells Sony A7R II und richtet sich wie dieses an ambitionierte Amateure und professionelle Fotografen. In setup menu #2, page three, under FINDER/MONITOR set to “Monitor(Manual)”. I believe formal claim is the A7RII has a 5 total stop exposure latitude. The other troubling issue is that it randomly won’t focus. It’s possibly even the camera I take most photos with. So why is it I mostly shoot with the Sony A7RII? And that impacts the whole button thing as well. I got the 35mm F/1.4 lens a couple of months ago, which is a really special lens that renders with a beautiful quality that’s hard to describe and quite uncommon in digital gear. The problem is no-one wants to buy a CD of 20 tracks to just listen to just one or two! With the A7Rii though you can err so much toward retaining highlights that areas of an image can be very dark and still be readily recoverable. You’ve missed a bit it’s more “this camera does everything and more, but feels like it does just as much to prevent me from doing it efficiently or in any way close to how I’d like … I can’t get on with it, as much as I’d love to be able to” . As I’ve alluded to, the idea of this design approach is basically to make a thing that does all of the things that a thing of its type could possibly need to do – almost regardless of whether or not these things will ever be used. And this about a complicated film camera that I don’t like. I’m totally sold on proper manual focus capability now.. It is foolhardy indeed to hit the field needing to be able to make adjustments only to find–that you can’t find–the menu or sub menu that you need. You know what will probably put off a lot of people from reading this article? I figured if the 70-200 2.8 could trick me into thinking I was a professional, the combination of the two would erase all doubt that I was a true “master of light.” Or at least a pretty nifty camera dude. The second version is even more tempting, but it’s beyond my current budget. Sony Alpha A7 Mark III Description. At the moment I’m getting ready to revive usage of my A7RII – will equip myself with few old imperfect soviet lenses and Mastin labs film emulation presets – well see if I’ll be able to downgrade picture perfection up to my taste and bring excitement back. The 35, too.. And it fits in your pocket (if you’ve got a big pocket). Though I am not an A7Rii, I am an RX1Rii shooter – which is really your camera without the “complexity” of having to change lenses. Versand. If so why are they spending £3k on a camera? BSI stands for back side illuminated (which is funny if you’re English and have a puerile sense of humour). Zum einen aufgrund der hochauflösenden Darstellung. I want to buy an M-A. The D800 will be replaced and the D810 was my choice…untill I came up with the idea of a A7rll. I should add that I just wanted to correct what looked like a minor misconception, not go against your personal and “not so technical” approach, which I like very much. February 21, 2018. The quality-headroom combined with the level of automation on offer just makes life too easy.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'35mmc_com-leader-2','ezslot_19',189,'0','0'])); A portrait that was shot alongside a video shoot. Auch die üppige Ausstattung mit Ultra-HD-Video, Bildstabilisator und riesigem Sucher punktet. The art stuff that I shoot now with it is just incredible. The former was similar to the Fujifilm X-e1 with a fujinon 35mm f1.4 I had a time, although it resembles a film camera it was by far the most digital (in a bad way) I’ve ever used, I needed always to go to menus (sometimes seemed I needed more clickes than with the Samsung ECX-1) never letting me forget I am using a camera instead of justing grabbing what I was seeing, something that never happened with the Sony R1; and the Sony RX100, well, it was similar to the Sony a5000 I had also a time, a camera that I could never feel like a camera, more like a kind of cell phone with bloatware and yet I think they had the defect of my Sony R1, the colors need work. So thanks Hamish. Or is it for people who are too lazy to switch between the two modes? I suppose I fit the definition of a ‘dad’…..I would buy the all singing thingy knowing most of the ‘professional’ photographers out there give it more than a 7 out of ten and about the same price as other cameras of +7 reputation. I have been debating about buying the A7Rii. So why do I shoot a Sony and not a Fuji then? Even I call in less inspirational than my film cameras, more complicated, but still – its one of the best from brave new digital world. Oh, the joy. Serien Sony Alpha, Sony Alpha ILCE; Markteinführung Juli 2015; Produkt-Highlights 399 AF-Punkte, 42,4 MP Vollformatsensor, 5-achsige Bildstabilisierung, bis zu ISO 102.400; Gehäuse; Objektivanschluss Sony E-Mount; Gehäusematerial Magnesium-Legierung; Abmessungen 126,9 x 95,7 x 60,3 mm; Gewicht (nur Gehäuse) 582 g; Gewicht (inkl. Good web site, so, thanks for publishing. For me it’s a tool that enhances the historical preservation of image making by sustaining the use of many time honored old lenses. However. . Take for example the silent shooting mode or the mode that switches the viewfinder between showing the effect of the camera’s settings and just showing a bright picture, or the mode that stops the viewfinder switching to eye-level from the screen.”. Now you might ask why I am so driven to replace them so frequently? Im Juli 2019 erschien … Gerade mal 73 Minuten hält der Stromspeicher durch.