L’École Polytechnique participe à de nombreux événements dans le monde chaque année. On this page you will find all the information you need for admission to EPFL, whether as a Bachelor, Master or CMS student. Pendant trois ans, nos étudiants suivent un programme scientifique pluridisciplinaire exigeant. Master. Recognition of ETH study achievements. Contact: Admissions officer, bachelor-admissions (a) polytechnique . Bachelor students get to not only learn concepts, but also experiment them spending time in École Polytechnique cutting-edge Research Center, working in the labs on real problems currently tackled by our scientists. A second round of admission will be held from January 9th to February 20th, 2018 to fill the ... kristina.lutsik - 2017-10-19 16:49. The Bachelor of Science is an intense program leading to a double major that allows students to develop strong knowledge and skills in either discipline. It goes without saying that EP - Palaiseau is a very selective educational institution, accepting only 1 out of every 9 students. En savoir plus. Students are also offered regular scientific conferences and seminars on current research themes as well as laboratory visits. This document applies to students enrol-led in the Program as of the 2020-2021 academic year. You should submit an admission application for each level of study that interests you. IF YOU HAVE ANY DIFFICULTIES USING THIS FORM OR PROVIDING THE REQUIRED INFORMATION, PLEASE EMAIL THE ADMISSIONS TEAM. Interviews for Round 1 will be carried out between Tuesday, January . Nos étudiants découvrent ainsi les laboratoires de l'intérieur, où ils sont en interaction régulière avec les chercheurs. In the first year of the program students spend their time and energy acquiring the intellectual tools and key knowledge which that will form a base the rest of their higher education. Sunday, 27. Students thus get to spend time in the lab, where they are interacting with scientists and get a feel of the day-to-day routine of PhD students, post-docs, technicians and prominent researchers. > Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program: The Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program is an advanced 4-year program, for which the first three years of studies result in the prestigious engineering degree: Ingénieur diplômé de l'École polytechnique. Bachelor in Engineering - Admission. Saskatchewan Polytechnic offers 3 bachelor’s degree programs and several diplomas, applied certificates, advanced certified, apprenticeship programs, and other such programs. Applicants to the Bachelor Program must submit a number of documents (transcripts, cover letter, contact of 2 referents, etc.) The possibility for Bachelor students to. Le programme comprend également deux heures d'activité physique et sportive obligatoire par semaine. About the Bachelor. Students thus get to spend time in the lab, where they are interacting with scientists and get a feel of the day-to-day routine of PhD students, post-docs, technicians and prominent researchers. Whichever specialization students choose, they have to do a Bachelor Thesis, carried out in the form of a research project. ADMISSIONS TO ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE . We are looking for qualities such as team spirit, perseverance and dynamism. Site web des anciens et diplômés de l'École polytechnique. As well as an external auditor. L'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère est obligatoire dans le cursus. International Facultyat École Polytechnique, International or Bi-NationalStudents in the Program. Comme toutes les formations de l'École polytechnique, le Bachelor s'adresse à des étudiants brillants, à très fort potentiel, capables de suivre un curriculum riche et exigeant. International Academic Exchange Program. Either French nationals or international students are eligible. Application Fee – 75 CAD for … You cannot apply for a Bachelors of Science (B.Sc.) Additional Information. The Admissions process is very simple: you just need to submit your written application and if you are selected, the jury will invite you for an interview. A complete application must include the supporting documentation required to process your file. Please include any other documents that you feel would be beneficial to your application for our bachelor's degree program in hospitality management, such as academic awards, employment certificates, letters of recommendation and/or your resume. Key Features Academic Advisors Administrative Staff After Graduation Videos The Bachelor in the press Testimonies Bachelor: webinars. About teaching at EPFL: English Skills. This highly selective and multidisciplinary program is taught entirely in English. Admission procedures: Bachelor. Les étudiants qui entrent dans le programme Bachelor ont déjà suivi une solide formation en sciences et en mathématiques au lycée. As of the second and third years, students work towards one of three double majors: In the third year, students have the option to study abroad for the fall semester at one of our partner universities,  such as the University of Toronto, UC Berkeley, EPFL, KAIST, King’s College London, or The University of Melbourne. Students from other universities must complete at least 45 undergraduate credits at Polytechnique Montréal before they can enter the integrated bachelor’s–DESS stream; have a GPA of at least 2.75/4.0; have completed, or will complete in the current semester, a minimum of 105 credits. 1. They are dedicated and well-rounded individuals, who get involved both inside and outside of class. Nous recherchons des candidats témoignant de qualités telles que … Au cours de la procédure de sélection, le jury d'admission s'attache à identifier les candidats faisant preuve des compétences qui seront nécessaires pour leur réussite dans notre Bachelor : autonomie dans le travail, capacité à réfléchir de manière indépendante, motivation et aptitudes à suivre un programme d'études exigeant. Le Bachelor of Science est un programme intensif menant à une double majeure qui permet aux étudiants d'acquérir de solides connaissances et compétences dans plusieurs disciplines. For three years, our students follow a demanding multidisciplinary scientific curriculum. Bachelor Program. In the spring, students have an eight-week research internship, at the end of which they must submit their Bachelor Thesis. On top of their education in fundamental sciences, our Bachelor students follow several courses providing them with the complementary soft skills to round out their background and knowledge. Graduate programs (Graduate and Postgraduate levels) require candidates to have completed a bachelor’s degree (University level) or its equivalent. d’étudiants internationaux ou binationaux. La première année est consacrée à l’acquisition des connaissances fondamentales essentielles pour le reste de leurs études, ainsi qu'à l'expérimentation de plusieurs disciplines afin de choisir la bonne spécialisation par la suite. L'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère est obligatoire dans le cursus. It includes undergraduate bachelor degrees that usually take between 3 to 5 years to complete ... student nationality or residence and other criteria. A notable point is the attention given from the beginning of the course … This three-year program is designed for students entering higher education who are passionate about mathematics and science and who wish to study science at one of the world's top universities. Through courses in Humanities and Social Sciences, they discover artistic and literary masterpieces, learn about French and European political systems and discuss ethical questions related to sciences. Terms outlined in this Handbook may be revised as needed. The Bachelor of Science delivered by École Polytechnique is a three-year undergraduate degree, taught exclusively in English. The primary purpose of the Bachelor program is to open the doors of various Master’s and graduate degree programs, at École Polytechnique or other major institutions worldwide. Cette accréditation permet à nos étudiants d'être éligibles pour des Masters ou autres programmes de second cycle, en France ou à l'international. using 3 certificates), via the online admissions interface. 8, 201. L’École Polytechnique participe à de nombreux événements dans le monde chaque année. The Bachelor in Management (BSc) programme was granted the “Grade de licence” for the “diplôme d’études supérieures en commerce et entrepreneuriat” (Bac+3) by the French Ministry of Higher Education Research and Innovation (MESRI) in France. for 2018 - 2019 The first application round for admission to École Polytechnique’s Bachelor Program opened on October 10th, ... student, a cover letter and a resume. Les étudiants peuvent également profiter des conférences et des séminaires scientifiques ayant lieu toute l'année à l'X sur des sujets de recherche très contemporains. Please note that it is only possible to create an account during the online application session time periods indicated below. Admission requirements. Find out more. A year of bachelor studies will cost you around 6,351 USD. Ask all your questions to our students! There will be two admission rounds. During the selection process, we look for a demonstration of the skills and aptitude necessary to succeed in the program. Mathematics at the Center of the Program: The Mathematics courses given in École Polytechnique's Bachelor Program are designed to fit any subsequent specialization streams (Physics, Economics, Computer Science). Decree of 7 November 2013 defining the landscape of higher education and the academic organization of studies. Furthermore, it outlines the structure and conditions of the Program’s three years of study. Whichever specialization students choose, they have to do a Bachelor Thesis, carried out in the form of a research project. Les étudiants qui entrent dans le programme Bachelor ont déjà suivi une solide formation en sciences et en mathématiques au lycée. - accumlated (i.e. Polytechnique Program; Bachelor; Admissions; Application FAQ; Niveaux 2 à 3. Visit the Ecole Polytechnique Alumni Association website. Nous recherchons des candidats témoignant de qualités telles que l'esprit d'équipe, la persévérance et le dynamisme. Our students benefit from an exceptional learning environment in which they have access to cutting-edge facilities located in École Polytechnique’s Research Centers. Non-Swiss matriculation certificate. La notice 2021 est disponible. Our admissions process prioritizes diversity in backgrounds and experience, which falls directly in line with PSL’s proactive equal opportunity policy. To access our Bachelor in International Hospitality Management program, you must have successfully completed your final secondary school examinations, qualifying you for university admission in the country where you went to school. Le principal objectif du programme Bachelor est d’ouvrir les portes vers de nombreux Masters, à l’École Polytechnique ou dans d’autres grandes institutions partout dans le Monde. Le jury d'admission prend en compte l'ensemble du dossier de candidature ainsi que les entretiens oraux pour prendre leurs décisions. This Program is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation to award a "grade de licence", which is the official undergraduate degree in French higher education. This group is dedicated to applicants for École Polytechnique's Bachelor Program. A ce titre, les promotions du programme Bachelor sont volontairement petites, afin de favoriser les interactions entre les étudiants et les professeurs et de développer la cohésion au sein du programme. Pour leur deuxième et troisième année, les étudiants doivent ensuite choisir entre trois doubles majeures, ou spécialisations : En troisième année, les étudiants ont la possibilité d'étudier à l'étranger pour le semestre d'automne dans l'une de nos universités partenaires, telles que l'Université de Toronto, UC Berkeley, EPFL, KAIST, King's College London ou The University of Melbourne. Nos étudiants bénéficient d’un environnement d’apprentissage exceptionnel. Admission par voie universitaire à 15 grandes écoles d'ingénieurs. Study at l'X Academics Undergraduate Graduate programs Bachelor Ingénieur polytechnicien ProgramMaster's Programs Post graduate programs Professional programs Doctoral Programs Continuing EducationExecutive masterE-learning Campus … The Bachelor students enjoy a truly international setting. École Polytechnique’s Bachelor of science is a multidisciplinary degree for internationally-oriented students who hold dear the values of excellence, audacity and integrity. of applicants and their admission to the École Polytechnique’s Bachelor Program. Les étudiants sont encadrés et soutenus tout au long du programme. Instead, you must: Submit your request via email to: registraire-certificats@polymtl.ca; Apply during the last term of your third certificate, or latest, 24 consecutive months after the obtention of your third certificate. This program gives state-of-the-art knowledge in chemical sciences and brings the students towards their Learn more about student support in the program. Swiss matriculation certificate. l'X offre un cadre multiculturel, encourageant la diversité et favorisant le dialogue et les échanges entre cultures. fr > Learn more on our dedicated website. Each program has specific requirements. Covid-19 update: we are open for the 2021/22 academic year. École Polytechnique offers a multicultural environment promoting diversity and nourishing intercultural dialogue. Tout au long de leurs études, nos étudiants sont guidés par différentes équipes, notamment les coaches de développement personnel, qui les accompagnent dans leur intégration et les aident à créer de la cohésion au sein du programme. A highly selective 3-year undergraduate science program taught entirely in English Enter the application form. Re-entry. Bachelor program. The Bachelor of Science is a three-year Program designed for students with a strong interest in Mathematics and Science. l'X offre un cadre multiculturel, encourageant la diversité et favorisant le dialogue et les échanges entre cultures. Le Bachelor de l’École polytechnique est un programme pluridisciplinaire destiné aux étudiants brillants, audacieux, et attirés par l'international. Cours de Mathématiques Spéciales (CMS) External auditors. Bachelor of Science in Management degree following international standards and fully compliant with the EU Bologna process. Where to apply – All students can apply through the Online Application on the official website or complete a paper application. A notable point is the attention given from the beginning of the course to applications across the spectrum of Mathematics (Numerical Simulation and Calculations, Randomness and Data, Arithmetic Related Cryptology etc.). The Bachelor is a three-year program fully taught in English which opened in 2017. Tout au long de leurs études, nos étudiants sont guidés par différentes équipes, notamment les coaches de développement personnel, qui les accompagnent dans leur intégration et les aident à créer de la cohésion au sein du programme. Tenez-vous informé des dernières actualités, vidéos et articles sur tous les programmes de l’École Polytechnique. PhD. Un point important est l’attention accordée dès le début du cours aux différentes applications à travers le spectre des mathématiques (simulation numérique et calculs, cryptologie arithmétique, etc.). Les inscriptions sont ouvertes Suivre ce lien Les candidats devront prendre connaissance de la notice avant de s'inscrire et se conformer aux instructions décrites. 80% d’étudiants internationaux ou binationaux, Les étudiants du programme Bachelor sont baignés dans un environnement très international. Les mathématiques au centre du programme : Les cours de mathématiques dispensés dans le programme Bachelor sont adaptés à toutes les doubles-majeures (physique, économie, informatique). En 2020, nos étudiants ont reçu des offres dans les universités suivantes: Double Majeure Mathématiques & Informatique, À propos du Cycle Ingénieur polytechnicien, À propos des Masters of Science and Technology, Master Artificial Intelligence & advanced Visual Computing, Master Cybersecurity: Threats and Defenses, Master Internet of Things: Innovation and Management, Master Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance, Master Economics for Smart Cities and Climate Policy, Master Environmental Engineering and Sustainability Management, Master Energy Environment: Science Technology and Management, Programme d'échange académique international, Programme de stage pour étudiants internationaux, En savoir plus sur l'accompagnement des étudiants Bachelor, Ce programme est accrédité par le Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation en tant que "grade de licence". What's the program like, why they applied, how the campus life is.. En 2020, nos étudiants ont reçu des offres dans les universités suivantes: Berkeley, Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi, Caltech, University of Cambridge, Carnegie Mellon University, CentraleSupélec, Columbia University, TUDelft, emlyon Business School, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, ENS PSL, Grenoble INP Ensimag, EPFL, ESADE,ESCP Business School, ETH Zürich, HEC Paris, HULT, Imperial College London, INSEAD, ISAE Supaero, King's College London, KTH, London School of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Oxford, Paris School of Economics, PSL, Princeton University, Science Po, Sorbonne Université, Stanford, Stockholm School of Economics, TUM, UCL, University of Massachusetts, Université de Montréal, University of Pennsylvania, The University of Edinburgh, Université de Strasbourg, UVSQ, University of Toronto, Université Paris Dauphine. Ils apprennent à connaître le quotidien des doctorants, des post-doctorants, techniciens et chercheurs éminents. L'École polytechnique est classée parmi les "World's Best Small Universities" (Meilleures universités à taille humaine au monde). Bachelor students get to not only learn concepts, but also experiment them spending time in École Polytechnique cutting-edge Research Center, working in the labs on real problems currently tackled by our scientists. For example, the ability to think and work both independently and as a team, together with the motivation to follow a demanding curriculum. Nos étudiants ont aussi la possibilité de partir un semestre à l'étranger en troisième année. À quoi ressemble le programme, pourquoi ils ont candidaté, comment est la vie de campus... Posez toutes vos questions à nos élèves ! bachelor-admissions@polytechnique.fr. Le Bachelor of Science de l'École polytechnique est un programme en trois ans conçu pour les étudiants passionnés par les mathématiques et les sciences. Ce programme hautement sélectif et pluridisciplinaire est entièrement enseigné en anglais. Ils ont notamment accès à des installations de pointe du Centre de recherche de l’École Polytechnique. In addition, students practice Sports least once a week and get to benefit from the campus’ great facilities including dorms, health care center, swimming pool, climbing wall, lake for rowing, and horseback riding. The Bachelor of Science delivered by École Polytechnique is an undergraduate program designed for students with a passion for mathematics and science. be registered in a bachelor’s degree at Polytechnique Montréal. Don't hesitate to ask your questions. École Polytechnique participates in many events around the World every year. See when we will be near you! Covid-19 update: we are open for the 2021/22 academic year. Students benefit from an exceptional learning environment in which they have access to cutting-edge facilities located in École Polytechnique’s Research Centers. The Bachelor of Science is a program delivered by École Polytechnique. Quelle que soit la spécialisation choisie par les étudiants, ceux-ci doivent faire une "Bachelor Thesis" en troisième année, qui prend la forme d'un projet de recherche. Teaching languages. January, 201. The study of at least one foreign language is a mandatory part of the curriculum. Polytechnique is an international-calibre francophone University. Over 40+ programs at the undergraduate level are offered at École Polytechnique de Montréal , with Bachelor’s of Arts, Bachelor’s of Arts and Science in Environment, Bachelor’s of Business Administration, Bachelor’s of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Bachelor’s of Education,and more being the popular bachelor’s courses.
Phèdre Acte 5 Scène 7, Tableau De Motivation à Imprimer, Sargasse Guadeloupe 2021, Pathfinder: Kingmaker Sharel Quest, Sujet E3c Shanghai Corrigé, Leroy Merlin Lesquin Horaires, Config Pc Gamer 1200€ 2020, Amélioration Royal Enfield Himalayan, Visa Kosovo Pour Ivoirien, Julien Denormandie Laurence Toulet, Métier Du Futur Pilote De Drone,

bachelor polytechnique admission 2021