Le... Etre prevenu de la disponibilite. Interestingly, they are also found in the blue morphs as well as large varieties of white along with yellow ones. I’m an Aquarium Keeper from the past 5+ years and here to let you know about your favorite fishes I hope you will enjoy my posts and share with like-minded fish keepers. Labidochromis caeruleus est un Mbunas qui peut atteindre une longueur de 10 à 13 cm. Your email address will not be published. Eventually, this was corrected and the yellow strain got its proper name. They keep circling and the male shows his anal fin again. Males attack others in case they were attacked. Only later other variants were found among them the white and yellow strains. They were sold really expensive under the name Labidochromis tanganicae. Dans le lac Malawi, le patron de couleur dominant et le bleu, mais en aquarium le jaune est le plus présent We lost 7 of 9 large species in the first 3 months. The interested female comes near and starts moving her body. Its scientific name is Labidochromis caeruleus. Its behaviour makes it a good addition to almost every other Malawi cichlid aquarium. En 1956, il est décrit part FRYER. Here, you can find out everything you need to know about keeping fish and aquarium maintenance. In 1980 Pierre Brichard took a number of yellows to Bujumbura along Lake Tanganyika to breed them in ponds. It can easily eat all the fresh and live foods as well as flake foods. Yellow Lab Cichlids breed very easily. As they originate in different coasts of Lake Malawi, they can develop a variety of morphs respective to their area. Yellow Lab Cichlids do fine in freshwater or a bit of brackish freshwater. If no betterment is seen, move towards Copper-based medication. Accueil > Eau douce > Poissons d'eau douce > Cichlidés Africain du lac Malawi > Labidochromis Caeruleus 8-10cm lot de 2. Origine : Afrique des lacs : Endémique du lac Malawi. Dwarf Gourami – Types, Care, Feeding & Other Details. After six years he had sufficient numbers to export them. While females have their eggs in their mouths, they do not eat anything else. Ce dichromisme sexuel trouve une exception chez le Ps. Nom commun : Labido jaune. Ean13: 3760301992448. Labidochromis caeruleus is a species of cichlid endemic to the central western coastal region of Lake Malawi in East Africa. What do we do? Make sure you have full knowledge of all the early signs of different diseases so you can treat them as early as possible. Ammonia and nitrite should be zero always. It is also known as lemon yellow lab, the blue streak hap, the electric yellow or yellow prince, depending on the colour morph. Perle de Likoma, Labidochromis jaune, Labidochromis blanc ... -bleue (caeruleus veut dire bleu en latin) pour la variété la plus répandue dans le lac ... (il y aurait 1000 fois plus de labido caeruleus jaune dans les aquariums que dans la nature !). Binomial name: Labidochromis caeruleusFamily: CichlidaeHabitat: Lake Malawi, AfricaLifespan: 6 – 10 yearsSize: 3.2 – 4 inchesDiet: Omnivore but Carnivorous in the wildMinimum Tank Capacity: 30 gallonsTemperament: Semi-aggressiveCare level: EasyTemperature: 23.9 – 26.1 CelsiusReproduction: Egglayer. They are good to go with peaceful and semi-aggressive fish but largely aggressive and predatory fish can be a threat for your Yellow Lab Cichlids. Le Labidochromis caeruleus est un poisson mesurant entre 8 et 10cm adulte. Le labidochromis caeruleus appelé également labidochromis jaune ou cichlides bleu du Malawi, appartient à la famille des Cichlides. Labidochromis Caeruleus Melanochromis Interruptus Melanochromis Auratus Nimbochromis Livingstonii Nimbochromis Venustus Sciaenochromis Fryeri Iodotropheus Sprengae ... Écrevisse rouge bleu blanc Crevette en 12 variétés ( Amano, Blue Dream, crystal black, Crystal Red, Orange pumkin, Red cherry, snowball, Tiger, Tiger tangerine, Yellow Citrus. You can find Labidochromis caeruleus around the entire Lake Malawi but not many local strains have the same bright yellow coloration as we have in our aquariums. Re: Labidochromis caeruleus Ruarwe de nicopong24 » Mar 25 Oct 2011 16:46 Voici une nouvelle série de photos, le mâle (f1) est le même que les photos du début de post, mais son museau a blanchi et il a pris sur les joues plein de reflets métalliques allant du vert au bleu, et aussi quelques reflets métalliques dorés sur les flancs. Labidochromis caeruleus Yellow is one of the most popular cichlids in our aquarium hobby. Cette variété provient de Charo sur le littoral du Malawi. L’espèce. La seconde fois c'était avec des Copadichromis borleyi Kadango, Copadichromis azureus, Placidochromis sp. The dorsal and anal fin of the males are pointier, where these fins are more rounded in females. Required fields are marked *, Ectodus, Cichlids, Lake Tanganyika, Tanganyika Cichlids, Cichlids, Greenwoodochromis, Lake Tanganyika, Tanganyika Cichlids, Cichlids, Lake Tanganyika, Lobochilotes, Tanganyika Cichlids, Cichlids, Lake Tanganyika, Lestradea, Tanganyika Cichlids, Looking for: Experienced aquarist who want to share knowledge, Be the first to review “Labidochromis caeruleus – Yellow Lab”. As for the temperature of the water, it should be maintained between 22 and 28 Celsius. For the fishes in Lake Malawi, Malawi Bloat is a common disease that happens due to deficiency of vegetable matter. Most of our Labidochromis caeruleus originate from just a few specimens. Le Labidochromis Caeruleus est un poisson moins agressif que les autres Bunas, mais qui peut l’être envers les autres mâles de son espèce, en particulier en période de reproduction si des femelles gravides sont présentes dans le bac. In a group of Cichlids, they can live solely as well as in pairs. Just that you have to be a little careful in choosing the tank mates for Yellow Lab Cichlids so that they do not get harmed or harm any other fish in the tank. You can combine them with most other Mbuna and even with Utaka or Aulonocara. This is followed by the male flaring its anal fin showing out his egg spot patterns. They can handle more aggressive or larger species just fine. Associez un groupe de Labidochromis caeruleus, le bouton d’or du Malawi, avec Sciaenochromis fryeri dont le mâle, bleu … Historique de taxonomie et synonymes: Labidochromis sp. Anonymous à Un profil du Trichogaster trichopterus (Le Gourami bleu) le 2010-03-06 04:31:21; Labido jaune - Labidochromis caeruleus. The nitrate levels should be kept as low as possible. Konings le considère comme une variété de L. caeruleus, il semble pourtant différent tant par la … They are found in the central-western coastal region of Lake Malawi in East Africa therefore, they are also known as the African Cichlids or Malawi Cichlids. Synodontis Catfish – Care, Types, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! ... Celles-ci varient du blanc au bleu, il y en a des rayé, il y a même une variante à Lundu qui a un spot jaune sur le front. As the fish mature, inbred species can show black spots on the head and body of the fish. An aquarium of around 120 centimetres should do to hold 1 male with several females. Even though they are peaceful, they are more adaptable to fellow Cichlids. Nourriture : Dans la nature, les labidochromis se nourrissent dans la couverture d'algues. As mentioned, it is not very difficult to take care of them and they are easiest to breed. Moreover, the lighting should be appropriate according to the sun rays reaching the bottom of waters in Lake Malawi, which is moderate and not too bright. Males are a little longer than females and can develop blue color during the breeding period. Il peut etre mainetnu sans difficulté avec d'autres Mbunas du Malawi. Référence CICHA39. Hello I started with some beautiful cichlids suggested by my Wet Pets store guide. As soon as a male notices a female that is willing to spawn he will try to lure her to a random spot between the rocks. Home » Freshwater » Fish » Scientific » Cichlidae » Labidochromis » Labidochromis caeruleus – Yellow Lab. Labidochromis caeruleus : Le labidochromis caeruleus appelé également labidochromis jaune ou cichlides bleu du Malawi, appartient à la famille des Cichlides. Males have no territory. This aquariums have a bare bottom but provide some shelter creating a cave with some rocks. The eggs will hatch in a couple of days but the fry will remain in her mouth for 21 to 28 days after spawning. We can still keep the bright yellow colour by selective breeding and only breed with the best specimens. Labido jaune (Labidochromis caeruleus) 1 Commentaire(s) ... Ces dernières ont les écailles brunes alors que chez les mâles elles sont d'un très beau bleu nuit. They are relatively peaceful Malawi cichlids. The water level and density should be according to the natural habitat of yellow lab cichlids. It is recommended to feed them small portions of food several times a day than one large feeding. The best companions can be other Mbuna fish and Malawi cichlid species such as Yellow Tail Acei Cichlid, Blue Dolphin Cichlids, Rusty Cichlid, Perlmutt, Zebroids, etc. Both male and female can have the black colouration in their fins, however the black is often deeper black than the black in the females. It was an expensive failure. Make sure that your aquarium has plenty of hiding spots so the fry can survive easily without any potential threat of being eaten by other fish in the tank. However, if you are taking good care of the food and water, there is no chance of these diseases in the first place. After the discovery of the yellow strain, they were not exported right away. These fishes are good with prepared and frozen foods such as high-quality flake food, pellets, and dried foods; live natural protein such as shrimps, mysids, and blood worms should also be a part of their diet. A naturally occurring yellow-coloured variant from Lion's Cove is one of the most popular cichlids amongst aquarium hobbyists. lombardoï où le mâle est jaune et sa femelle bleue. They live amongst the rocks, in comparison to non-mbunas, like the utaka, who live in op… They make circles around each other until the female is ready to spawn. The first specimens caught where light blue Labidochromis caeruleus with 6 dark blue vertical stripes. As these fishes are semi-aggressive, they are suitable to be kept by beginners. Au moment de la constitution de l’aquarium, disposez les pierres avant d’ajouter le sable, ainsi elles seront enterrées et ne bougeront pas. The name caeruleus refers to its light blue colour. Mbunas is a word in the dialect of the Tonga people of Malawi, who live on the northern part of the country, along the shores of Lake Malawi, near Nkhata bay. This can be cured by increasing the temperature of the tank to 30 Celsius up to 3 days. They just stay out of their way if they can. Apistogramma Agassizii – Care, Size, Tank Mates & Details! The dorsal, pelvic- and caudal fins can be deep black where the edge of the dorsal fin has a yellow band. Fry can eat dried food and brine shrimps. Il doit donc etre maintenu dans des aquariums d'au moins 240 litres; They themselves are a threat for shrimps, crabs, snails, and other smaller fishes. The circling slows down and the male drags his anal fin over the bottom. Il n'y a pas beaucoup de plantes dans leur milieu naturel. Labidochromis caeruleus – Cichlidé Vedette. As the water in Lake Malawi is rich in minerals, the water is alkaline. Yellow Lab Cichlid (labidochromis caeruleus) is also known as Electric Yellow Cichlid, Lemon drop Cichlid, Yellow Labido, Blue Streak Hap as well as Yellow Prince. Required fields are marked *. Due to this, their species have different names as well such as Labidochromis Yellow, Labidochromis White, Pearl Labidochromis, and Blue-White Labido. During the 3 to 4 weeks of breeding, the females won’t eat at all. Binomial name: Labidochromis caeruleus Family: Cichlidae Habitat: Lake Malawi, Africa Lifespan: 6 – 10 years Size: 3.2 – 4 inches Diet: Omnivore but Carnivorous in the wild Minimum Tank Capacity: 30 gallons Temperament: Semi-aggressive Care level: Easy Temperature: 23.9 – 26.1 Celsius Reproduction: Egglayer If not, your fish will start refusing the food and will more likely just flick it to the substrate. Poisson : Labidochromis caeruleus Nom scientifique Labidochromis caeruleus Descripteur Fryer, 1956 Famille Cichlidés Synonyme(s) ou Nom(s) commun(s) Labidochromis caeruleum (Sci) labidochromis caeruleus (Sci) Caeruleus (Fra) labido jaune (Fra) labidochromis (Fra) Blue streak hap (Ang) Taille Mâle : 15.0 cm, Femelle : 15.0 cm Origine Vit dans les habitats rocheux à des … Labidochromis caeruleus white lion's cove, la vraie couleur du caeruleus ayant servie à sa description, un blanc nacré avec des reflets bleus et le lisere noir en bordure de la dorsale.. Blue streak hap (Ang) 5. Yellows are very peaceful. We did not intend to breed. Siamese Algae Eater – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details You Need! Supplements such as Carotene food and vitamins should also be a frequent part of their food. Comme pour l'immense majorité des Cichlidés du lac Malawi, le Labidochromis caeruleus pratique l'incubation buccale de type maternel. Most breeders put the holding females in a separate aquarium after two weeks of breeding. Six months later we have a 50 gallon tank with almost 30 Beautiful labs. Welcome to CichlidTips. Its different names are due to its variety of color morphs. The fishes can get affected by poor quality water, deficiency, or excess of several minerals such as copper, phosphates and nitrates, and lesser supply of oxygenation and thus,may develop different diseases. The information, content and material contained on the site is intended to be of a general nature only and is not intended to constitute professional/medical advice. As for the tank mates, you have to be quite cautious. The rest of the body is yellow with variant shades as discussed above. However, if you keep them with fellow Yellow Lab Cichlids, it has to be in a ratio of 1 male to at least 2 females. Males can be aggressive to other males so it is advised to just hold 1 male with several females. Our aim is to help educate anyone who wants to keep fish. Probably there are more Yellow’s being held in captivity then there are in the wild. Use sand as a substrate and use lots of rock creating crevices, holes etc. However, it is important to have a proper tank setup and take proper measures to care for and make sure your Ccichlids are happy and healthy. Taille habituelle dans les aquariums de poisson : 8 - 10 cm (3.15 - 3.94 pouce) 0 14. Il est originaire de la côte Nord-Ouest (entre Charo et lion's Cove) endémique du Lac Malawi, on le trouve plus précisément à Nkhata Bay (jaune et très rare), à Ruarwe (orange) et à Mbowe (jaune) d'où sont issue la plus part des espèces que l'on trouve dans le commerce. Labidochromis Caeruleus Yellow is one of the most popular cichlids in our aquarium hobby and is always in demand. Therefore, the pH of the water must range between 7.2 and 8.8. Blue color variations are the most common ones and so appear with various varieties in different areas such as: The average size of the Yellow Lab Cichlid is 3.2 inches. The best show a bright yellow colour on the body and pectoral fins. Labidochromis caeruleus ou Labido jaune (parfois cichlidés jaune ou cichlid jaune) est une espèce de poissons d'eau douce de la famille des Cichlidae, endémique du lac Malawi en Afrique. Because of its omnivorous diet, it is a very good addition to almost any Malawi aquarium. Yellow Lab Cichlids like to have themselves surrounded with lots of rocks and caves so they can hide and swim in and out of them. jeune mâle Ps. This also helps in keeping the water in quality good. This will continue until all eggs are safely hidden in her mouth. The numbers you can find in the wild are also very low. To conclude, they are great fishes to be kept in the aquarium due to their vibrant colors. He releases his sperm that will fertilise the eggs in her mouth. On trouve généralement la forme "Electric Yellow" du Labidochromis caeruleus bien qu'il existe également d'autres teintes, dans les tons argentés. The female won’t eat the young for the first couple of hours after she spits them out but others will! The dorsal, pelvic- and caudal fins can be deep black where the edge of the dorsal fin has a yellow band. The water is supposed to be a bit hardy so the hardness must be maintained between 10 and 20 dGH. In an aquarium without other fish the female will take care of the fry for another week, the fry will seek refuge in her mouth from time to time. This also happens due to the deteriorating water and diet conditions. Haplochromis bleu électrique, bleu, 6-7cm Le Sciaenochromis fryeri est un poisson mesurant entre 10 et 13cm adulte. It’s hard to find educated people for this subject,however, you seem like you know what you’re talking about! The aquarium for a Labidochromis caeruleus can be set up like you do for any other Mbuna. Through the eye, you can see a black diagonal stripe. However, we were left with the 2 large ones and two small yellow lab cichlids. The female can breed and take care of the young without being disturbed. Yellow Lab Cichlid (Electric Yellow Cichlid) – Care, Tank Mates, Size & Details! Nom Scientifique : Labidochromis caeruleus. Le Labido jaune est d'un jaune "bouton d'or" brillant avec une bande noire au niveau des nageoires dorsales, pelviennes et dorsales. The anal fin shows some egg spots, the female thinks they are eggs and tries to grab them. Famille : Cichlidae. However, Yellow Lab Cichlids are not very prone to this disease as they are more of omnivores. Le... Ajouter au panier. "blue white" : nom provisoire A. spreinat 1995 Le nom se réfère a la coloration des deux sexes(mâle bleu, femelle blanche). They come at moderate prices. Carefully selected species from different bloodlines keep their bright yellow colouration. However, in the aquarium, it can grow up to 4 inches. The Labidochromis caeruleus strain we see most in our aquaria is sold under the name of Labidochromis caeruleus Yellow or Yellow Lab. - Labidochromis caeruleus et Sciaenochromis fryeri. The word Labidochromis consists of two parts: Labis comes from the Greek and means tweezers and refers to the small beak, chromis is also Greek and means fish. On retrouve cette espèce dans les fonds rocheux ainsi que dans les endroits herbeux. Only a few wild-caught species where exported, inbreeding can cause the bright yellow colour to fade. This takes up to 25 to 40 days. Electric Blue Hap – Care, Feeding, Tank Mates & Details! The word can be translated in English as “rock fish”. Breeding Labidochromis caeruleus is relatively easy just like many other Malawi cichlids. Yellow Lab Cichlids are stocky with an elongated body. You can also provide plants and driftwood in there as they do not harm them. This species was first described in 1956 by G. Fryer, although the description handles not the famous yellow strain but the blue Labidochromis caeruleus. Labidochromis caeruleus est une des premières espèces de cichlides africains qui a été importée pour l'aquariophilie. The Labidochromis caeruleus strain we see most in our aquaria is sold under the name of Labidochromis caeruleus Yellow or Yellow Lab. The tank needs to have a proper density of water, a maintained pH and water temperature, a specific hardness of water, and regular water change. A subdominant male can look like a female if you only look at the colour. De même, chez les Melanochromis, alors que les mâles sont généralement bleus et les femelles jaunes ou marron, le Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos est bleu dans les deux sexes, seuls l'existence d'ocelles pouvant faire la différence. Sa taille adulte est d'environ 12 cm. phenochilus et Labidochromis caeruleus, vous allez me dire que c'est n'importe quoi et vous avez raison. Flame Tetra (Von Rio Tetra) – Care, Tank Mates, Feeding & Details! Caeruleus (Fra) 3. labido jaune (Fra) 4. All information, content, materials on this site, or obtained from a website to which the site is linked are provided to you “as is” without warranty of any kind either express or implied. We’re happy to have you as part of our community. Midas Cichlid – Care, Breeding, Diseases and Things You Should Know, Damselfish – Care, Habitat, Tank Mates and Details You Need To Know. In Lake Malawi pH ranges from pH 7.5 to 8.5. Labidochromis caeruleus : Le labidochromis caeruleus appelé également labidochromis jaune ou cichlides bleu du Malawi, appartient à la famille des Cichlides. Son habitat est en moyenne à une profondeur de 25 mètres. Mbuna is a term used to group species of Lake Malawi cichlids according to their DNA and certain physical properties such as their dentition . The best show a bright yellow colour on the body and pectoral fins. Cette variété jaune du Labidochromis caeruleus se rencontre dans la majorité des bacs dédiés aux Cichlidés du lac Malawi, et ceci pour plusieurs raisons : * … Gourami Fish – Care, Tank Mates, Types, Habitat & Details! They should be fed with spirulina to make sure they get enough vegetables, flakes, frozen foods like artemia, Mysis, krill, black and white mosquito. A male starts digging a pit in the sand or claims a flat surface followed by some dance moves (seductively moving his fin) to attract females towards him. Your email address will not be published. Hola! Spécimen bleu de Labidochromis caeruleus "Nkhata bay" mâle: Le labido L. caeruleus fait état de la couleur bleu en provenance de Nkhata Bay, se distinguant nettement de la variante jaune. The strain that gave this species its name is light blue in colour. Depuis nous avons pu voir plusieurs appellations commerciales : - Labidochromis Nom Scientifique : Labidochromis caeruleus Electric Yellow (Ang) 6. The female breeds on the eggs in her mouth. 16,40 € Détails. The female tries to pick up the egg spots on his fin. Sexing the fish based on colour is very hard. The anal fin also develops a black stripe as the fish matures. The average lifespan of these fishes range from 6 to 10 years depending upon the level and quality of care. Au moment de la ponte, la femelle émet des phéromones qui rend le mâle très actif. You can also remove the female, the fry can take care of themselves as soon as the female has spit them out for the first time. As they become acquainted with each other, the female fish lays a batch of 10-30 eggs and takes them in her mouth immediately. Mais le Labidochromis caeruleuspeut-être également bleu, blanc ou uniforme (sans la bande noire au niveau de la nageoire dorsale) Labidochromis caeruleus From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Labidochromis caeruleus is a species of cichlid endemic to the central western coastal region of Lake Malawi in East Africa.
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