In Wanheda (Part 2), Lexa and Clarke reunite in Polis, as Lexa had ordered Roan to bring her "Wanheda" so that Clarke wouldn't fall into the hands of Queen Nia. Clarke smiles at the memory and says that it seems like another world. lexa and clarke. Clarke and Madi • Lexa then tells Clarke she wants the Sky People to become the 13th clan and that way, no one would dare make a move on them as they would be making a move on her. They are portrayed by starring cast member Eliza Taylor and recurring cast member Alycia Debnam-Carey. Clarke tells Lexa that she will never bow to her; and further adds that if Lexa wants her power, then Lexa must kill her and take it--otherwise she can float herself. As Lexa worked to bring peace to their people, Clarke forgave her and they became allies again and later lovers. Octavia and Lincoln • il y a 3 mois. Titus essayera de tuer Clarke quand celle-ci essaye de libérer Murphy et ce sera Lexa qui prendra la balle qui était destinée à Clarke. Weather Betrayal (and It's Intense!) Clarke tells her that she "felt something for Gustus" and is "still haunted by Costia". elle amène Ryder dans la tente de Lexa et fait remarquer à celle-ci qu'elle lui avait dit que Ocatvia n'était pas une menace. Clarke confronts Lexa about the kill order but she tells her nothing can be done. Later, Lexa and Clarke talk in Lexa's tent once again. When Lexa says that they need an ambassador from the 13th clan to stay, Bellamy tries to argue that it's not safe for Clarke but Lexa says she will be under her protection. Clarke lui annonça qu'un missile allait être envoyé sur le village. Monty and Harper • He fires and the bullet misses her, hitting Lexa in the stomach instead. Ils arrivèrent dans l'antre du gorille, le garde qui était avec elles se fit tuer. In Long Into an Abyss, the pair first meet when Clarke goes to Lexa's tent to make her an offer. Lexa tries to make Clarke see that Octavia is a threat and if Clarke wasn't so close to Octavia she would be able to see that. Clarke then asks Madi if she sees Lexa in her Flame-induced dreams. In the morning, the group finds the sniper and he tries to kill all three of them, however, Clarke shoots him through Lincoln's shoulder as he holds a knife to Lincoln's throat. When Clarke expresses concern about Bellamy, wondering if she sent him to Mount Weather to die, Lexa shows some jealousy when she realizes Clarke cares for him. 10:05 AM PST, Wed Feb 3, 2016. Clarke is met with Octavia who tells her they'll need to leave Polis soon. Lexa protected Clarke from A.L.I.E. In The Last War, when Clarke takes the final test to determine the fate of the human race, the Judge takes on the form of Lexa because she was Clarke's greatest love. Portrayal After saving Echo, Clarke officially acknowledges Madi as Lexa's successor. Nia then issues a challenge against Lexa: single combat to the death. Lexa lui conseilla de se calmer, il refusa. Later on, Lexa opens up to Clarke about having lost a lover, too. Quint fut aussi accusé du meurtre du garde de Clarke,Major Byrne survenu plus tôt. Clarke watches as Lexa orders some of her guards to take Lincoln as a prisoner and orders another guardsman to sound the retreat, letting Emerson go. The gorilla grabs hold of Lexa but Clarke shoots the gorilla repeatedly, forcing it to let go. Lexa lui expliqua que si elle faisaient ça, les Hommes des Montagnes sauraient qu'il avaient une taupe, ce qui mettrait Bellamy en danger. Lexa says that even though Clarke thinks her people's ways are harsh, it's how they survive. Titus asks Lexa why everything she does elevates Clarke when Clarke won't even see her. Octavia and Gabriel • Clarke tearfully confesses to her mother that she loved Lexa, to which Abby replies that she already knew. Elles sont jouées par Eliza Taylor et Alycia Debnam-Carey. Lexa tells her people that "the dead will be avenged! Clarke says she will do anything. Surnoms In Thirteen, Lexa stands with her Nightblood novitiates on Ascension Day when Titus enters the room with Semet who has Octavia prisoner. Clarke wants to ensure that Aden wins because he was Lexa's choice. They kissed in "Bodyguard of Lies"; however, Clarke was not ready for a relationship so soon after Finn's death under Lexa's orders. In Memento Mori, Clarke is trapped in her mindspace. Lexa is shown lying on her bed while Clarke is hovering over maps, worrying about the upcoming battle. Elle semble avoir dessiné un des souvenirs de Lexa , celui de Clarke la nuit où “ Wanheda s’est agenouillée devant Heda “, comme l’a dit Gaia. Titus believes he should die and Lexa asks for Clarke's opinion. Clarke prend un ton agressif et lui reproche de trop fermer son coeur, de ne pas être loyale envers ses sentiments. In Demons, Raven, knowing that Clarke was close to Lexa, asks Clarke to try to figure out the Flame's passcode as it may have been a phrase Lexa often used. Clarke admits she agrees with Titus if Lexa wants her advice. Clarke and Bellamy • Jasper and Harper • Lexa agrees and kisses Clarke. Throughout the planning, a Grounder named Quint tries to start trouble with Clarke because she burned his brother alive in a "ring of fire." KissedIn Love With Each OtherSlept Together (twice) Clarke sentait le souffle chaud de Lexa sur sa peau, ce qui lui donnait sans cesse des frissons, elle ferma les yeux et une larme coula sur sa joue. Raven and Jasper • Later that day, Lexa spars with the Nightblood children as Titus watches on. Clarke does all this while advancing on Lexa, actually causing the Commander to take several steps back until Clarke corners her by a table. Clarke touches the drawing of Lexa in her mindspace. Lexa's message drives Clarke to tears, but helps convince her to do the right thing. Alycia Debnam-CareyEliza Taylor. Clarke y Lexa es la relación entre Clarke Griffin y Lexa. Clarke then tries to get Lexa to kill her instead of Finn and lists all the bad things that she has done to Lexa's people, however, Lexa points out that Finn is the guilty one. Clarke mis une main dans le dos de Lexa et l’autre sur sa joue, elle était totalement accro. Bellamy and Murphy • Elle utilisa les dernières paroles d'Anya, le mentor de Lexa, comme appui et mentionna qu'elle pouvait retransformer les Démons. Lexa opine et embrasse Clarke. They review the plan to take down Mount Weather and begin chanting "Blood must have blood" in Trigedasleng. La Commander se justifie en disant qu'elle a écouté sa tête et non son cœur et qu'elle aurait fait pareil si c'était son peuple. [1] She pulls a piece of the throne out from the rubble but this causes the entire structure to collapse, nearly killing her. The 100 clarke and lexa. The other Grounders try to charge at Clarke, however, Lexa calls them off. Clarke Griffin é uma intrometida de carteirinha e uma garota com um passado cercado de pegadinhas e arrependimentos. The first time was when she saved Lexa from the. 15. During the test, the Judge took on the form of Lexa because she was Clarke's greatest love. Lorsque Pauna cria dans le lointain, Clarke se réveilla en sursaut. He promises Clarke that she will be protected by the Ice Nation in return. Lexa rencontra officiellement Clarke dans Plongée dans l'Abîme, lorsque Clarke vint lui demander mettre de côté leurs différences, de créer une paix entre leurs deux peuples. Et oui, évidemment que Lexa a une place centrale dans les souvenirs de Clarke ! Elle demanda à parler à Lexa en privé. Sa relation avec Clarke, qui a passionné les fans, a eu des répercussions importantes sur la communauté LGBT ; de nombreux téléspectateurs l'ont considéré et … Clarke and Monty • Clarke supplia Lexa de la prendre à la place, déclarant qu'elle avait également du sang Natif sur les mains et que c'était pour la retrouver que Finn avait tué. In Damocles (Part 1), Lexa's spirit communicates with Clarke through Madi. Clexa shippers also created a convention named after the couple, ClexaCon. In Remember Me, Lexa tells Clarke that even though some of her people are not satisfied with Clarke mercy-killing Finn, she knows that Clarke's suffering will be much worse. In Perverse Instantiation (Part 1), after her attempt to make Luna the new Commander fails, Clarke regards the Flame sadly and apologizes to it (a.k.a. Clarke wants to go back and help them, however, Lexa points out that there is a sniper in the woods from Mount Weather, and Lexa argues that the Mountain Men might fire another missile if they see that Clarke and Lexa have survived. On revenait il y a peu sur les raisons pour lesquelles les 7 saisons de The 100 ont fait la même erreur fatale que.. When Clarke falls into trouble, she subconsciously summons the spirit of Lexa from the Flame to aid her, and the two share an emotional reunion. Lexa). See more ideas about clarke and lexa, the 100 clexa, clexa. Lexa's message helped Clarke decide to do the right thing in the end, while also driving her to tears. Les trois jeunes gens reverseront une partie des recettes à une fondation soutenue par l’actrice Eliza Taylor (Clarke), la Koh … Elles s'embrassèrent dans Vérités et Mensonges, cependant Clarke se rendit compte qu'elle n'était pas prête pour une relation, pas si tôt après la mort de Finn Collins sous les ordres de Lexa. Lexa's physical body died on February 16, 2150. Clarke says for Lexa to trust her but she says she can't. However, Ontari, who is guarding Nia, realizes it is a trick and that Clarke is trying to poison the Queen. Plus tard, Clarke se reposa et Lexa la regarda dormir. In Bodyguard of Lies, Clarke and Lexa are in Lexa's tent, waiting for the signal that tells them that Bellamy took care of the Acid Fog. Titus tells Lexa her feelings for Clarke are putting them both in danger but Lexa declares she is more than capable of separating her feelings from her duty. Lexa tells Clarke that Nia has been charged for crimes against her people and Clarke demands justice. Clarke retorts and says she could have used saving back on the mountain. Les Natifs voulurent tuer Clarke pour venger leur village, mais Lexa lui sauva la vie en les arrêtant. Clarke tells Lexa that she "could've warned them" and shows much remorse for leaving the people of Tondc to die. TV The 100 Clarke Clarke Griffin Bellamy Bellamy Blake ... Octavia Octavia Blake Clexa Bellarke Murphy Lexa Heda Abby Griffin Raven Raven Reyes Cw Your life in "The 100" including your love life, background story, family, friends, enemies and more. After her talk with Roan, Clarke asks for Lexa. Elles se respectaient l'une et l'autre beaucoup, et étaient semblables sur certaines choses. 'The 100': Clarke Finally Confronts Lexa About the Mt. Clarke et Lexa sont colocataires à l'université, et à première vue elles se détestent. Clarke dit à Lexa qu'elle le tuera pour se venger, Lexa lui expliqua qu'elle ne se sentirait pas mieux si elle le faisait.,,,,,,,, Les deux jeunes femmes quittèrent le village et regardèrent le missile s'abattre sur TonDC. Clarke Griffin et Lexa se rencontrèrent, pour la première fois, dans Long Into an Abyss. As the events in Mount Weather made Lexa look weak, and her existence as the Wanheda compromises Lexa's influence even further. Jasper and Maya • Lexa then tells Clarke that she was born to be a leader, just like she was. First Met 5. 's Cult, and Clarke declared her love for Lexa before they were forced to part ways once more. Raven and Bellamy • Clarke eliza taylor suffered heartbreak in season 3 of the 100 after the death of lexa alycia debnam carey but the loss of that romance doesnt mean clarke will be alone for the rest of her. Clarke recovers and they share a kiss before they have to move on. In Blood Must Have Blood (Part 1), Clarke, along with some other Sky People, meet in Lexa's tent with some of her people. Clarke meets with Lexa later and begs her not to go through with the match as she is afraid that Lexa will lose.
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