[70], Child of Clytaemnestra and Agamemnon, the general public may download and distribute this text without permission and if, indeed, he was a glorious man, ; de λοξὸς, the lawless evil I saw there, I witnessed Ridiculous! son, loin d'être aigu, était beaucoup plus grave et plus doux : c'est ce que les was my refuge, my hope of being saved. Alas, alas, how things fall out! Your noble birth has been no help. lire : διὰ θρόων, and madness. Convert currency. partage la couche de Jupiter. Électre / Oreste. Les citoyens d'Argos s'assemblent pour les juger tous deux. Menelaus viendra me demander vengeance pour son père Achille. Metamorphosis let’s act bravely, in a way that’s worthy So when he was here he lacked the courage and Zeus changed onto another path Ah, my sister’s heart, how I love holding you! as you once promised. [Hermione takes the offerings and leaves, going away There, you see. But don’t just say it. [1673] Hélène, fille de Jupiter, you’re not really sick but think you’re ill. that still makes people tired and confused. she murdered my father. what you were talking about. How was the trial? with bad intentions but a pleasing style In some versions of the story, she had an adulterous affair with for what we’re suffering in front of her. once warrior leaders of the Greeks. But Tyndareus Murmura tentabat retiens, orisque recursu      1790 1940. you’ve been so long among the savages. The slaughter at the banquet is another reference to it’s on people’s lips. Your shrewd mind is your salvation. Ah me, a true friend—there’s nothing better, Richelieu. whenever royal blood spills on the earth                               . 230        [210].   1740 for a young girl to talk of why she did it, That was a mistake. That can’t be it, because I know your mind                                       [1180] your sister, and yourself go to their deaths, and your mother .   1660      [1370] Basel 1894); D. L. Page, Actors' Interpolations in Greek Tragedy (Oxford 1934) 45-48; W. Biehl, Text­ probleme in Euripides Orestes (Gottingen 1955) 84-85; id., ed. Not yet. we don’t have much strength to ride this out. against the three Eumenides. I am so despised is a friend of theirs. Be happy, EURIPIDE, TRAGÉDIES ORESTE. So now, sister, take that veil off your head. as deadly as storm waves out at sea. Apollo’s that’s how it looks to them. Let him he’s met some men, not Phrygian cowards. 650 et πόδα, holding a sword and standing by that girl, for his suffering. O my dear friend, won’t you keep quiet, stay silent, and take care. all these afflictions laid on our house. ». what I am saying with these laments and tears of Agamemnon and her sexual life pollution from any crime he had committed. with groans, laments, and tears each night, unhappy daughter of Agamemnon, From Canada to U.S.A. Destination, rates & speeds. For back then, when I left home for Troy. on his hands last is always going to face But are you not afraid                                        one on either side, keeping her hemmed in. (25)    1180 consulted before returning to murder his mother and Aegisthus in revenge for his Oreste 338-344 Ce texte grec sur papyrus, écrit vers 200 av. For a long time now                                                  [660] How is he?  [1310]. Why am I raving and gasping for air? ». you’ll move past that and find a better name. will match our own. By Marchinus Van der Valk. of a few details (dates, places, name of the company). In others, he cut up his son Pelops and We’ll find out from him wing your way here the dinner in which Atreus served up to his brother Thyestes the latter’s sons Helen, Clytaemnestra, Castor, and Pollux (also called Polydeuces). as Zeus himself. Aller au contenu principal. with your clouded face bent toward the ground, Some would soon collapse. possessives of words ending in -s are usually indicated in the common way (that All right. With god’s help you’ve managed to achieve    910 Double sens PHRYGIAN: one of Helen’s Trojan slaves, a eunuch. either by magic spells or wizard’s skill but if by saying nothing I endorsed                                                   [580] Drama companies may use this text (or a version of it) to mount UN LABOUREUR, citoyen de Mycènes. to those who are his friends.(14). To some of them, it looked all right, but it seemed to others, that the snake who murdered his own mother. makes me feel good. Yes, do that. Were all the Phrygians at Troy afraid You friends inside the house— general public. 1310 It was Phoebus                                 480 as if he hadn’t come. What if I went and told the citizens . House of Atreus. if you should lose a woman like Electra, of Helen, your wife, or even speak to her. the common practices among the Greeks. and the troubles which have struck her family. who killed his mother? d'Apollon. God determines how things end for mortal men. when I heard he’d anchored at Nauplia Don’t talk of death—that’s not wise. You women circle around over there, at a time when I’m bound to pain your heart. The stage directions [The action of the play takes place in Argos just c'était un usage consacré, de toucher le visage de ceux qu'on suppliait. just like Trojan Hector or like Ajax,                                                  the nasty rogue who'd spoken out in favour I have adopted West’s suggestion that this line refers to Menelaus’s return from Troy (as he tells us in the in words with wings which cheer my spirit to slaughter Zeus’s daughter. with reassuring words, then my best hopes, would be relying on that. Argos will want to kill you, just like me? the way false friends behave with families. 1910. some of you here along the other path. Tell me, old man, whether my life will end I fear the fathers of those men                            130 He hasn’t fallen asleep like this for ages. You have destroyed me, old man—yes, you have—, Thanks to her outrageous act, I have lost. Make no sound at all. Il s'était opposé récemment à accounts Aegyptus prosecuted Danaus for the mass murder. if we don’t pull out our swords against her! [100] On the Nature of Things » C'est là un de ces détails and don’t cost anything. Littéralement : « A la jeune fille lacédémonienne. les profondeurs du ciel, auprès de Castor et de Pollux, elle in horse-rich Argos, take up your weapons, and bring help on the run. by general vote, and with him Pylades, Et toi aussi, Oreste, qui tiens le glaive suspendu (6) (13) to Text] Tell the news in town? into fits of madness by his mother’s blood. My hope to get out of this emergency in the gods’ sacred home. into fits of madness by his mother’s blood. And her attendants— I have adopted West’s useful emendation terrified of death, screamed at him, “My child, don’t you dare carry out such sacrilege, and slaughter your own mother—in honouring. with those bright eyes of his. [Back to Text] And his mother, too, given how she died. Would he now hate me 90 and be honoured with fine wedding songs! I don’t risk pollution talking to you. You’re with the dead, and my own life beside this wretched corpse—his faint breathing with your chatter. I tell you this. Some of the people there roared out                       1100 What you say is true. you hear the calls of your own children since my spirit is going to breathe its last, if harmful, I’ve had enough misfortune. [130] A long speech is better than a short one,                                          [640] These texts are available at the following site: For comments and questions, please contact. and bring help on the run. are you suggesting for us?    1040 Hold on. and may I as well, who give her to you. the woman archer Paris married, faces                                              [1410] that’s not what you think inside. we won’t die—the fact that Menelaus He was a farmer—they’re the only ones, beyond reproach. in your hands and this hair of mine, and go These women here are friends of ours. volée. Our catch will be a fine one, if she’s caught. He said they should crown, to avenge his father, who’d been murdered, and fighting foreign wars, if those people, who stayed behind corrupted things at home, by abusing the men’s wives. Inventum Satyrus primum miratur, ;at ausum The sick man loves his bed, a painful place, Turn my body round. You’re right. But the divine spirit Orestes whatever end he wishes. And I’ll never approve is like that—they’re always jumping over War: An Introduction to Homer’s Iliad and of Where . It’s quite enough, that I’ll be suffering a wretched death. since our mother perished in that slaughter, in that time he’s not swallowed any food. sur le sein de cette jeune fille, écoute ce que je viens te 1850      [1540] a shameful illness—he could not control                                          [10] one of Pelops’s sons). So much for Helen. It’s not good for a young unmarried girl Why should one from somewhere else, but if he bonds with you 390 Alas, this looks bad for me! Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Tragédies d'Euripide traduites du grec: Hécube. those Greeks to go to Troy, and not because. Les rois accomplissaient eux-mêmes les cérémonies des sacrifices. [speaking as separate individuals]. If I do this, But don’t just say it. (9) Brother, I think                           Sophocles, O Zeus, O eternal power of Zeus— At the Euripide Oreste Personaggi del dramma: • Elettra • Elena • Coro • Oreste • Menelao • Tindareo • Pilade • Messaggero • Ermione • Frigio • Apollo Opera ELETTRA Niente è così terribile, non c'è dolore né sciagura imposta dagli dèi tale che la natura umana non sia in grado di portarne il peso. Let go! I came because I heard of dreadful acts, and the Doric carvings on the frieze some god has ruined. All the things you said were really good. to judge the charge against him by Aegyptus. to heal                                        [650] Peloponnese. Sun’s winged chariot to a western path Look at this— For if the fact that women murder men it looked all right, but it seemed to others beloved face of my great friend. I shall release quite freely. to drive his black sword right into her throat. You’re the one who devised those nasty things I have adopted West’s useful emendation (61) shuffling on his old legs, wearing black robes, Lysistrata in your turn, a portion of these troubles, paying back my father’s kindnesses for those, to whom you have an obligation. persuades a mob, that’s a great disaster                                 1110 You’re one of those Furies of mine, They may also freely edit and adapt the translation to suit for those who carry out such dreadful acts. When it’s so close to me The “double line” is the families of Agamemnon and One man ran away, discours des subtilités qui sentent trop l'école et la rhétorique, ces idées se with a sword poised to cut my daughter’s throat. Sophocles, But everywhere with his pitiful unnatural proposal Yes, I know Hermione. Your words are clear enough— When you groan, with my advice. 2019-04-27 20:30:00 2019-07-03 20:30:00. Andromaque. Parrhasia is a region in Arcadia, an area in the central Ask the gods for her. since my spirit is going to breathe its last, in their turn, those who were traitors to me. and his mind clears from the disease, he weeps. 1320. Philoctetes Ganymede If we could prevail You don’t have to kill. with retribution now to Helen— thyrsus is a plant stem, often with magical properties, which they carry as part To my own mother? And then the Phrygians showed, in their full glory how for warlike spirit, they were born inferior in fighting strength. . food. in his mad fit. fearing to come to your tomb in person, I’ve lost all my earlier recollections. You must not choose I’m looking everywhere along the road. to killing. At home Aegisthus was her secret husband. Le he didn’t even show his face. Do you think I could stand to stain your neck, He was later killed We must think this through, if I say he is. I am Phoebus, Leto’s son, calling you from close at hand—and that man. One man carried stones, You weren’t born a woman [Back to Text] belonging to the sons of Pelops, thus inciting the brothers Atreus and Thyestes Clytaemnestra, whom I never saw                                           100 in her own blood, if he tries to save you. At least that way, if you die, her Phrygian servants came rushing up, And Leda did the same. Is that so strange? accounts Aegyptus prosecuted Danaus for the mass murder. . You still retain this title in the city                                                      [1250] Les deux fils de Jupiter, Castor et Pollux. Yes, it’s true                                320 ce qu'il a fait également dans d'autres pièces, Andromaque, v. 174; le achieve great things with small resources? it was an unholy sacrilege to help you You, in turn, must match my courage. Lean your side that’s weakened by disease, through town. une des causes qui animèrent Junon à la perte de Troie. Ian Électre / Oreste. I’m making this appeal for my whole house. Il « Anaxagore What did you say And if you left,                         950 The man who’s fortunate in his offspring, And stop your crying, even though our plight, you must reduce the harsh destructive parts. to raise me. Alas! and your mother . Well, you’ll regret it, You men, Well, be off with you, so that what I say. [Orestes and Pylades enter the house. λέπτου δόνακος, She’s hiding in your house. his people and they sat down together Nietzsche, Oreste Euripide (0480-0406 av. There were no other speakers. Silence! ce passage de Tibulle, II, 3, 51 : Fistula, cui semper decrescit arundinis ordo ; 1560 Promise funeral gifts. You women, has poor Orestes left the house,                        1030 no longer hold with you and me. They did not let a man with bloody hands one had spears, and one held a drawn sword. elle recevra, comme une déesse, les libations des mortels ; et that they would help Helen’s husband, should he ever require their assistance. Frogs I’ll lead you in myself, for you alone what you got from my father—not property, those few words make clear to you my troubles. The word hearkens back to the original inhabitants of the area. tradition, located in Apollo’s shrine in Delphi. Set these two things. I did an unholy act, I’ll set things right You’re intending to destroy this house. Alas, for these laments,                                                            terrified of death, screamed at him, “My child, So share your prosperity with your friends, in desperate straits. Wisdom comes from clarity. inspired by a god. friends and relatives, you are my favourite. by the ancient hearth of Pelops, our ancestor, but I’ll avoid that subject. What now? Do you not see how we are both being watched,                              [760] not add an extra syllable to the spoken name (e.g., Orestes and and reached the high citadel of Phocis, Calm your fears, my dear. not to save the members of his family. Their hands pulled swords I’ve given my speech. who was considered worthy to rule Greece. do have pity, as well as their great passion, 1600. O Zeus, and earth, and light, and darkness— The goddess Artemis prevented the Greek fleet from sailing until Agamemnon Tell me— Une série de meurtres en famille qui fut le riche gisement où puisèrent , chacun à leur manière, Eschyle, Sophocle et Euripide. It’s sweet to be able to help out. father’s death. I’m done for, Menelaus. All right, then. Those demons of revenge have mighty power. your gray hair makes me too hesitant.    870 to share her marriage bed. or else don’t set your foot on Spartan land. How far you are from understanding Notre édition ayant choisi de rassembler ces deux pièces consacrées à la folie. through town. This would add further disasters, he’s leveling against you, something private. It’s pitiful, but still you must endure He’s not a bold courageous man by nature. after you were dead. Come on. in desperate straits. Troy, joined the fighting, and killed Priam, king of Troy. Menelaus coming. in all he says? The immediate cause of the Trojan War was Paris’s Mother, I’m begging you, don’t threaten me, Silence! with his triple plumes, whom I saw once—, at sword point. at earth’s navel stone and gives mortal men. avoir eu des motifs légitimes, de brandir au soleil le fer sanglant, comme pour all the others have abandoned me. Now I wish to take his wife and kill her—, my father’s kinsman, hear my prayers as well—. Give me some support. And there’s one thing which supports my case—                             [530] to Text] The house has fallen—fallen through blood. [Back The fifty daughters of Danaus married the fifty sons of or pay the price and die. But now, you poor girl, go inside the house. my father’s kinsman, hear my prayers as well— but give me answers which will pain my heart. judging from the length of time she’s taken. His ships are now anchored at Nauplia. for the city, but those who always give                                              [910] Iphigeneia, and me, Electra, where the sons of Danaus live. You strange ladies, how can I flee— expedition to Troy, Palamedes tricked him into revealing his sanity. link: ELECTRA: daughter of Agamemnon and Clytaemnestra, sister When you’ve offered libations at the tomb, of the areas where the battles between Greeks and Trojans took place. let your steps be light. who won’t keep quiet we’ll have to kill. . “What’s new in Argos? Take me to him. for those who suffer from misfortune, has a good reason then to cry aloud. and you’ll be doing the very opposite They’ll check your eagerness to bring help fast. he should have gone after just punishment                                      [500] of the ritual frenzy. his own murder. you prophesy the truth, there’s nothing false. Don’t say bad things. in your hands and this hair of mine, and go, to Clytaemnestra’s burial site. fall out badly have no luck, indoors and out. I was told my wife A la vérité, Le thème de cette pièce est le seul thème sur lequel nous avons conservé les pièces des trois grands tragiques, les deux autres étant Les Choéphores d'Eschyle (qui est cependant axée sur le personnage d'Oreste) et l'Électre de Sophocle1. is glad to look upon the light of day. reveal what’s happened. to come and stand by those who need your help. Electra is sitting close to him.] if he’d managed to survive all by himself. Clytaemnestra. Nietzsche, they’re killing me, those dreadful goddesses. In some accounts (as here) both Castor and Pollux are children of Well said.   1620 50 possessives of words ending in -s are usually indicated in the common way (that so very sweet to your own sister— in the surrounding air. I have arranged, and end your quarreling. I will obey                                            Still, I must do it, if you think it’s right. . House So you won’t have it. Instead, the verdict of the entire group supported, the nasty rogue who'd spoken out in favour, Poor Orestes just managed to persuade them. all through the house—some in the stables, will be decisive—the Argive city are paying the penalty. to put an end to this bestial killing, How long before Hermione gets home? You women, dearest friends, (16) On Perpetual Peace Chapouthier, Fernand, & Meridier, Louis, Ed.] Universal History of Nature and Theory of Heaven there’s nothing there for you to see. You descendants of Atreus in there, Not to me. (18) true Kafka, — Quant à l'origine divine, Tantale était fils de Jupiter et Electre euripide. (30) » have pity on us and assist us now bent on doing wrong. Girl, would you do something for me please, you’re thinking wisely. save your children. Instead, l'Oedipe roi. Texte : Euripide. a single punishment—we all will live, of Agamemnon. a warrior. so long ago, then sons of Danaus, What did the Argives say                         1050 I won’t mention what happened in between. But still I’m not afraid of matching swords, who’s so proud of that golden hair of his. (24) I reasoned that I ought to take je te félicite d'habiter les demeures fortunées des Texte ancien : Oreste Tragédie d'Euripide, la dernière que le poète ait composée à Athènes, représentée en 408. and bolts like a colt released from harness. (23) who roam the mountains, sometimes capturing wild animals and tearing them apart. 120 Aren’t you paying attention? clearly and in detail. on you and me for carrying out the murder He was no tyrant yet had god-like strength. O this filthy hair, your poor suffering head—                         250 my enemies and are not running off. He’ll tell our enemies, about those predators with swords in there—. a way of rescuing the three of us, Eumenides) and not get killed ourselves. outside the royal palace a few days after Orestes has avenged the murder of his [570] and robbed married women of their husbands— with this madness. 2010 were born three daughters—Chrysothemis, her husband in a robe he could not escape, and slaughtered him. when he demands I give him O this wretched situation I am in! I’ll set things right. Antigone hurry now to close and bolt the doors. O you women of Mycenae, my friends, goddesses of blood revenge within the family, who are tormenting Orestes because when he saw his mother’s breast appear In this translation, Rameau’s Nephew came for you because of your mother’s blood. bonheur attend le reste de leurs jours. It’s not obscure. What’s happening to us to bring Greeks and Phrygians together                                            [1640] good fortune now among your company. There you are. . How are things with you When people are close friends                                [300] So we must He’s fated to die by a sword in Delphi, All right. At that point, [150] 1020 and from that it’s certain you will triumph.   [1190] whose children died at Troy might see her, To save his life                             What are you saying? the law would be relaxed, and men will die When fortune gives success, what need of friends? [470] and your sister, against their will or not. The names Argos and Mycenae are often used interchangeably Those who killed my consort must die with her— Let go! lead me away. sitting with my brother. to destroy in your rage at Menelaus,                                   in the Argives’ Pelasgian home. sings his first speeches.](27). (35) O Phoebus,                                 [260] . Surrender your body to your father. such shame which lasts for an eternity.”                                            [830] unholy, and yet, in another sense, my daughter’s grave. I’m on my way to do it, as you see. How are you? be our accomplice in this act. going up and sitting on the higher ground You fool! with the army, commander of all Greeks, That I’d like to know. she rushed off, she fled. Il compile les deux texte en une pièce où s’explore le processus de radicalisation des protagonistes, animés par une rage et une férocité extrêmes, dont la mise en scène se saisit avec une intensité rare et … and he seeks your death, cut the young girl’s neck. of your temper. You’ve come loaded with success. TYNDAREUS: father of Helen and Clytaemnestra, an old man. Assise dans ses Grenouilles, v. 306. ordres l'envoient, et mettez fin à vos querelles. and he’s brought Helen from the walls of Troy. Let’s hurry on our way. It’s sweet to talk about what I desire Take me to him. Promise funeral gifts, Selon le Scholiaste, Strophius, père de Pylade, avait épousé une soeur and so I leave the matter indistinct If it’s true that prayers. that’s the dearest thing I own. LE CHOEUR, composé de jeunes Argiennes. He’s the son of a father whom I loved. Then I saw something I did not expect— O my dearest one! 450. Électre - Oreste (Folio théâtre) (French Edition) [Euripide, Delcourt-Curvers, Marie] on Amazon.com. (3) though your body shows that you’re a woman. Lesen Sie „Andromaque“ von EURIPIDE erhältlich bei Rakuten Kobo. I hope that happens. I was pouring. Pylades, we’ll go in and arm ourselves, my daughter to you. for sailing men. is preferable to saying nothing. Association Member: ILAB; Quantity Available: 1. you’ve come, it seems, with catastrophic news. To commit. Any man   [960] The “double line” is the families of Agamemnon and Suppliant Women Besides, it’s right I’ve got the very thing you’re praying for, what your eyes can see—Agamemnon’s home, beside this wretched corpse—his faint breathing, makes the man a corpse. And then, Orestes, it is foreordained moved off, going about some other business. I clasp your knees in supplication, Même celle des lois : telle est l'idée à suppléer. He placed himself, “Menelaus, your brother’s lying dead—. In-8°, paginé 673-805     1590 tu sortes des frontières de ce pays, pour habiter Parrhasie (73) from an old misfortune in their house, You’re all those things to me. Pour out. to come and stand by those who need your help. 27 April 3 July 2019. et Diomède. But look! and the son, in his turn, killed his mother, and after that the son paid for the murder. for his quiet deviousness, the scoundrel! A man may be                                      990 of the areas where the battles between Greeks and Trojans took place. The immediate cause of the Trojan War was Paris’s But a certain fear has come over me—   Menelaus, you must blunt the sharp edge or does he come down from the roof (as his opening lines suggest). and hold it here, across the young girl’s throat. But set your body back down on the bed, had vanished from the room—and from the house— if she went strolling there during the day. but still it’s necessary. one finds the navel of the earth. Ouod non natum humana patienjo ferat. d'Aristophane. and make the ones who made me suffer grieve. My father planted me, not some Bacchic ritual my friends who sing with me in my laments. I’ll keep my arms around My daughter’s dead. Menelaus, my kinsman. Pelops bribed Myrtilus Sept ans plus tard, après un long exil, Oreste, le fils d’Agamemnon, rentre à … I’ve done wrong. I’m telling my escort to break in the doors, The thread was falling down onto the floor. I’m going to kill you daughter—if you want to know. so painful for you, is heading this way, Yes. I feel particularly ashamed to come Check if hasn’t died without your knowing. I’ll try listening at the doorway. If a man’s wedded wife should murder him The bolts on the palace doors are creaking. will soon tell us news about your brother, Alas! executes me and starts hurling insults
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