He must be separated to the extent that any agreement or intercourse between him and jahiliyyah is absolutely impossible unless and until the people of jahiliyyah embrace Islam completely: no intermingling, no half measures or conciliation is permissible, however clever jahiliyyah may be in usurping or reflecting the role of Islam. Quran Sourate 107 "alma aoun" C’était à l’époque où malgré une tempête d’oppositions, à La Mecque, soulevée dans la société païenne des Quraysh à l’encontre du message de l’islam prêché par le Saint Prophète , les chefs Qurayshites n’avaient pas encore perdu l’espoir d’atteindre une sorte de compromis avec lui. (Mousnad Ahmad, At-Tabarânî), Interprétation de la sourate - Tafsir Smaïl abn Kathir. j'étais entrain de lire quelques sourates et versets du Coran, et puis je suis tombé sur sourate al Kafiroun ( les mecreants ) et je n'ai pas compris quelque chose : Dis : << Mecreants, je n'adore pas ce que vous adorez, et vous n'adorez pas ce ( le Seigneur ) que j'adore. 109) au quart du Coran ». APPRENDRE A LIRE LE CORAN FACILEMMENT sourate 106. [Transmitted by Tirmidhi and Abu Dad]. In this Surah, the first ma is a relative pronoun in the sense of al-ladhi, and the second ma is an infinitival particle. Réfères toi aux Tafsir des savants tu verras! 1 - Qul ya ayyuha alkafiroona. The proposals of compromise that were offered by the pagans at the time of the revelation of the present Surah are still prohibited, and the peace treaties allowed by 8:61 or entered into by the Holy Prophet ﷺ are still permissible. (verse 41). Such temptation is, however, dangerously misleading. dit qu’elle est médinoise. Apprendre les versets de la sourate 109 - الكافرون / Al-kafirune en phonétique AL-KAFIRUNE récités en arabe. Finally, the whole argument is summed up in the last verse: “You have your own religion, and I have mine,” meaning that you, unbelievers, and I, Muhammad, are very far apart, without any bridge to connect us. tawhid, from polytheism, i.e. Période de Révélation. Sourate 109 - Al Kafiroune (Les Infidèles) Sourate Mecquoise, 6 Versets Þõáú íóÇ ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáúßóÇÝöÑõæäó 1. Audios,Cours,News,Qour-ân,Tafsir Explication approximative de la sourate Al-Kafiroun / Khalîl du Yémen. Wa laaa antum ‘aabidoona maaa a’budAyat 5. Surah Al-Kafirun denounces such treaties, and declares dissociation from paganism. Surah Hadid 58. A Hadith with almost the same content has been related by Tirmidhi from Jabir, by Ibn Hibban from Abdullah bin Umar, and by Bazzar from Abu Hurairah. Suivez-moi. Not every repetition is unpleasant or meaningless, even though the same idea may be reiterated by the same wording, as for instance in [94: 56] فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا (Undoubtedly, along with hardship there is ease. and He is Allah Alone, Who has no partner. Surah Ibrahim 15. He is Wise, All-Knowing. Le sujet que la sourate aborde, est les compromis que les chefs de Quraysh avaient sans cesse proposé au Prophète (paix et bénédiction de Dieu soient sur lui) pour mettre fin à leurs différents. When it is asked, who is he, the object is to know something about his person. This Surah is the Surah of disavowal from the deeds of the idolators. 3 - Sourate Al-Ma'oun [Tafsir] – Quiz n°3. Surah Al Waqi'ah 57. It starts with the word, ‘Say,’ which denotes a clear divine order stressing the fact that the whole affair of religion belongs exclusively to God. Surah At Tin 96. That is, ‘I believe in Oneness of Allah and worship Him only, whereas you believe in multiple gods and goddesses and worship them’. In one of his Traditions, the Holy Prophet ﷺ laid down the general principle of peace treaty with the infidels and pagans, thus: اَلاِصلحاً احَلّ حراماً او حرّم حلالاً (Every compromise is permitted except the one which turns prohibited things into lawful and lawful things into forbidden.) Je n'adore pas ce que vous adorez. Surah Al Maun 108. Le verset 1. Surah Ankabut 30. [Ibn Kathir, Ibn Jarir ]. In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Sourate Al Kafirun - Les Infidأ¨les Nom Arabe: ﺱﻭﺭﺓ الكافرون Nombre de versets: 6 Ordre de révélation: 18 Lieu de révélation: La Mecque Format: Lire La sourate Al Kafirun - Les Infidأ¨les en format PDF Surah Ar Rahman 56. Sourate Al Kafiroun a été révélée pendant la première partie de l’histoire du Prophète (paix et bénédiction de Dieu soient sur lui) avant que ce dernier ne quitte La Mecque. denounces such treaties, and declares dissociation from paganism. Nos maîtres `Abd Allâh Ibn Mas`ûd, Al-Hasan Al-Basrî et `Ikrimah, affirment que cette sourate est mecquoise, alors que notre maître `Abd Allâh Ibn Az-Zubayr dit qu’elle est médinoise. Accueil; L’Atelier; Galerie; Cours & Stages; Actualités; Non classé Dis: "Ô vous les infidèles! Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir RaheemIn The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful. The first step that should be taken in this respect by the person calling on people to embrace Islam is to segregate himself from jāhiliyyah. Surah Al Kahf 19. (AlMabsut vol. Surah Adh Dhariyat 52. 2012. Here you can gain a deeper understand and appreciation of this chapter of the Qur’an from four different scholarly texts. Wahb Ibn Mounabbi narre que les Qurayshites avaient dit au Messager d’Allah : " Si tu le veux, nous embrasserons ta croyance pendant une année et tu embrasseras notre croyance pendant une année . Wa laaa antum ‘aabidoona maaa a’budAyat 3. The God of some has wife and children, but begets only daughters. Ibn Kathir prefers this interpretation, and says that this is the exact meaning that emanates from the credo of Islam: لا إلہ إلا اللہ محمد الرسول اللہ “There is no object worthy of worship except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah”. Its object is to disappoint them absolutely and finally that in the matter of religion the party of Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) and his followers would ever come to terms with them. Recommandations pour sa lecture. En rapport avec ces événements, de nombreuses traditions ont été mentionnées dans les hadiths. C’est alors que la révélation descendit : "Qul yâ-ayyuha-l-Kâfirûn…" ("Dis, ô vous les mécréants") et : " Qoul afa-ghair Allahi… " (Sourate Az-Zoumar : 64) : "Dis leur : peuple ignorant ! The mode of worship was revealed to the Prophet by Allah and passed on to the Muslims through him. Bukhari explains it thus: When two identical, or near identical, expressions occur side by side, many commentators interpret one of them as happening in the present time and the other as going to happen in the future time. Jahiliyyah and Islam are two totally different entities, separated by a wide gulf. Surah Muhammad 48. Ayat 2. Médite ton Coran : 4min pour comprendre la Sourate 109 (Tafsir sourate Al Kafiroun) Résumé du tafsir de la sourate 109 : Al-Kafiroun. One of the goals of the My Islam site is to make it easy to read the Qur’an so below every ayat you will find the transliteration and translation to help read and understand the Arabic text. The question arises why has ma abudu been used here instead of man abudu? The repetition has been explained in different ways by different authorities. Publications liées. M’ordonnez-vous d’adorer d’autres divinités qu’Allah ? " For example, in Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 194, it has been said: Therefore, if anyone transgresses a prohibition by attacking you, you may do likewise. This confusion in their concepts, vividly illustrated by their worship of various deities while acknowledging God, was perhaps what led them to believe that the gulf between them and Muhammad was not unbridgeable. Surah As Saff 62. 1 - Dis: «O vous les infidèles! From this verse lmam Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafei have deduced that kufr (unbelief), as a whole, is one community, however discordant and different from each other be the religions of the unbelievers; therefore, a Jew can inherit a Christian, and a Christian a Jew, and likewise the unbeliever of one religion can inherit the unbeliever of another religion, if there exists between them a relationship by descent or marriage, or some other connection, which necessitates the passage of inheritance of one to another. Notre maître Jabalah Ibn Hârithah, le frère de Sa`îd Ibn Hârithah avait fait une requête similaire au Saint Prophète et il lui donna la même réponse. But when he started acting upon this teaching of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ ، he became more prosperous than others. Ibn Kathir cites several traditions in which a large number of Companions report that they heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ often recite Surah Al-Kafirun and Al-Ikhlas in the sunnah prayer of fajr and maghrib. It will help understand the background, reason for revelation, history, and significance of Surah Kafirun. Surah Al Anam 7. La sourate Al Kahf est une sourate Mecquoise car révélée à la Mecque. For the Prophet (peace be upon him) has explained the word millatain (two communities) by his saying: La yarithul Muslim al-kafir wa lal-kafir al-Muslim: The Muslim cannot inherit the disbeliever, nor the disbeliever can inherit the Muslim. Islam is the religion that stands for tolerance, kindness, politeness and peace more than any other religion. (verses 39- 40). (And if they belie you, say: “For me are my deeds and for you are your deeds! Archives. Surah Al Inshiqaq 85. This can be explained in English by the questions: who is he, and what is he, about a person. However, all these ethical principles can be applied in the matters of human rights. In short, even the unbelievers who acknowledge God do not, in fact, acknowledge the God, Who is the Creator, Master, Disposer, Administrator and Ruler of the entire universe, Who has not only set the system of the universe but is running and controlling it by Himself every moment, Who is above every defect, fault, weakness and error, Who is free from every similitude, every physical limitation, every likeness, Who is Self- Sufficient of every companion and associate, Who has no partner in His Being, attributes, powers and entitlement to worship, Who is far too Holy that He should have children, or should take some one for a son, or should have an exclusive relationship with a community or race, Who is directly related to each individual creature of His as its Providence, Sustainer and Guardian, Who hears the prayers and answers them, Who alone possesses all the powers to give life and death, to cause profit and loss, and to make and mar destinies, Who not only sustains His creatures but also guides each according to its nature and need, Who is not only our God Whom we worship but also enjoins commands and prohibitions through His Prophets and His Books, which we have to obey, before Whom we are accountable for our deeds, Who will resurrect us after death, call us to account and reward and punish us accordingly. Surah Al Ahqaf 47. The pagan manner of worship is self-fabricated. Surah Al Alaq 97. Dis : «Ô négateurs ! The Qur’ān also states: “If you ask them who it is that has created the heavens and the earth, and subjected the sun and the moon (to fixed laws) they will say: God.” (29: 61) And again: “If you ask them who it is that sends down water from the sky, and thereby revives the earth after it has died, they will say: God.” (29: 63) Moreover, God superseded their deities in their oaths and supplications. On the contrary, they ascribed to Him, as partners, idols that were supposed to represent their great and pious ancestors or, in some cases, the angels whom they claimed to be God’s daughters. But when it is asked, what is he, the object is to know whether, for example, he belongs to the army, and if so, what is his rank, or whether he belongs to some teaching organization, and if so, whether he is a lecturer in it, or a reader, or a professor, what science or art subject he teaches, what are his qualifications, etc. They say that a new theme has been expressed in these which is different from the theme of the first two sentences. It has been confirmed in Sahih Muslim from Jabir that the Messenger of Allah recited this Surah (Al-Kafirun) and. Sa`îd Ibn Minâ (l’esclave affranchi d’Abou Bakhtari) a raconté qu’Al-Walîd Ibn Al-Mughîra, Al-`Âs Ibn Wâ’il, Al-Aswad Ibn Al-Mouttalib et Oumayya Ibn Khalaf rencontrèrent le Saint Prophète et lui dirent : " Ô Mohammed , convenons que nous adorerons ton Dieu et que tu adoreras nos dieux, et nous ferons de toi un associé dans toutes nos affaires. All these incidents might have taken place at different times and different places. (Musnad Ahmad, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah, Daraqutni). ce qui signifie : Surah Saba 35. This same declaration of immunity and expression of disgust has been made in the Makki Surahs revealed after this Surah successively. Surah Al A'raf 8. Then the same lesson was taught in Al-Madinah to all the Muslims: There is indeed an excellent example for you in Abraham and his companions when they said to their people plainly: We have nothing to do with you and your gods, whom you worship beside God; we have renounced you and there has arisen between us and you enmity and hatred for ever, until you believe in Allah, the One. They badly need to realize that they are calling for Islam today in entirely neo-jahiliyyah surroundings, amongst ex-Muslim people whose hearts have grown harder and whose beliefs have deteriorated considerably. Surah Taghabun 65. This is the end of the Tafsir of Surat Qul ya Ayyuhal-Kafirun. Now, it is a well known fact that the gods of the polytheists and disbelievers have always been changing and their number increasing and decreasing. This Surah is the Surah of disavowal from the actions of the pagans, and enjoins the Muslims to worship Allah alone to the exclusion of all forms of pagan worship. Even then it may be difficult to understand the significance of the Surah without having background knowledge of the history of Islamic events so we provided accompanying tafsir of this surah to help with the interpretation. At-Tirmidhi said, “Hasan.” It has already been mentioned previously in a Hadith that it (Surat Al-Kafirun) is equivalent to a fourth of the Qur’an and Az-Zalzalah is equivalent to a fourth of the Qur’an. Ayat 4. Si ce que tu as apporté est meilleur que ce que nous possédions, nous nous y associerons avec toi et nous aurons notre part ; et si ce que nous possédons est meilleur que ce tu as apporté, tu seras un de nos associés et tu auras également ta part. " Sourate 109- Al-Kafirune (Les infidèles) ☾Coran récitation français-arabe☽ Around The World. Losers indeed are those who, in their ignorance, foolishly kill their children and declare as forbidden what God has provided for them as sustenance, falsely attributing such prohibitions to God. How ill they judge! Surah Ad Dukhan 45. Surah Fatiha 2. 2 - La a’budu ma ta’budoona. Surah Al Fath 49. Surah Baqarah 3. “Say: ‘Unbelievers! “I do not worship what you worship,” is a statement affirmed by “I shall never worship what you worship.” Similarly, “nor do you worship what I worship,” is repeated for added emphasis and in order to eliminate all doubt or misinterpretation. Surah Luqman 32. It has been said that in their ignorance they invited the Messenger of Allah to worship their idols for a year and they would (in turn) worship his God for a year. 5 - Sourate Al-Kafiroun [Tafsir] – Quiz n°5. The chief characteristic of a person who calls on others to adopt Islam is the clarity of this fact within himself and his solemn conviction of being radically different from those who do not share his outlook. Nothing of it belongs to Muhammad himself. Surah Al Adiyat 101. This includes all those deities whom the disbelievers and the polytheists have been, and are still, worshipping everywhere in the world, whether they are the angels, the jinn, prophets, saints, spirits of the living or dead men, or the sun, the moon, stars, animals, trees, rivers, idols and imaginary gods and goddesses. He applied the water on the spot where the scorpion bit him, and he recited Surah Al-Kafirun, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas. Quant à celui qui veut expliquer le Coran suivant sa propre opinion, cela lui est illicite, en Surah Al Jathiyah 46. Surah Al Kafirun 110. According to them, the particle is retained in both places as a relative pronoun, and in both the sentence is taken as representing present tense. And the only command they were given, was to worship Allah, making their religion sincerely His, turning all their attention towards Him. "(`Abd Ibn Houmayd, Ibn Abî Hâtim). Say, our Lord will gather us together, then He will judge between us rightly. These continuous explanations of the Quran do not leave any room whatever for the doubt that the verse Lakum dinu kum wa liya din does not mean: You may go on following your religion and allow me to follow mine, but it is the kind of declaration made in Surah Az-Zumar, Ayat 14: O Prophet, say to them: I shall serve Allah alone, making my religion sincerely His. But in spite of their belief in God, the polytheism they entertained fouled their concepts, traditions and rites to the extent that they assigned to their alleged deities a portion of their earnings and possessions, and even their offspring. Surah Al Bayyina 99. Révélée au Prophète (paix et bénédiction de Dieu soient sur lui) quand il était à la Mecque, sourate Al Ma’un décrit le comportement cruel de l’Homme qui dément l’existence d’au-delà, aveuglé par son ignorance. Surah Sad 39. The Quran has clearly stated that Allah’s worship is only that which does not have any tinge of the worship of another and in which man makes his worship exclusively Allah’s. The commentators generally give four answers to it: (1) That ma here is in the meaning of mun. Surah Al Muzzammil 74. Surah Ya Sin 37. As for the followers of the earlier scriptures, they also acknowledge Allah alone as the real deity. Tafsir _ Sourate Al-Kâfiroûn (Les mécréants) (2_2)_ Sens général & Enseignements - Chaykh Raslan.mp4 download 33.7M Tafsir _ Sourate Al-Massad (Les fibres) (1_2) _ Explication des versets - Chaykh Raslan.mp4 download (verse 14). Therefore, the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) saying, by Allah’s command, O disbelievers… in fact, means: O you, who have refused to believe in my apostleship and in the teachings brought by me. RSS; Newsletter. áóÇ ÃóÚúÈõÏõ ãóÇ ÊóÚúÈõÏõæäó 2. Surah Al Humazah 105. None may eat of them save those whom we permit’ — so they falsely claim. Nor will you worship whom I worship.) In the first sentence, it has been said: “Nor am I a worshipper of those whom you have worshipped.” Its theme is absolutely different from the theme of verse 2, in which it was said: “I do not worship those whom you warship,” These two things widely differ in two aspects. There is no reason why this address be restricted to the pagans of Quraish or of Arabia only. Par conséquent, de temps en temps, ils lui rendaient visite avec différentes propositions de compromis afin qu’il en accepte une et que le différend entre eux se termine enfin. The Hadith, La yata-warith ahl millatain, points to the same thing as explained above. Surah Rum 31. which or who). Without this basic separation confusion, double-dealing, doubt and distortion will certainly persist. Certains ont été dire que les versets 28, 83 et 101 furent révélés à Médine. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.”. La a'boudou ma ta'boudoun(a) 2. Although the Prophet (peace be upon him) has been commanded to tell this to the disbelievers plainly, the theme that follows makes it explicit that every believer should tell the disbelievers plainly what has been said in the following verses; so much so that the person who has just believed and repented of kufr is also bound to express similarly his disgust with and disapproval of the creed and rites of worship and gods of kufr. (Nor will you worship whom I worship.) Sourat Al-Kafiroun. Although the Arabs before Islam did not deny God altogether, they did not know Him by His true identity as the One and the Eternal. (verse 104). Surah Al-Jinn 73. This address would be perpetual for him who continues to be a kafir till death, but the one who believes will no longer be its addressee. Assabile vous propose aussi Tafsir Sourate et sa traduction en plusieurs langues Had God willed otherwise, they would not have done so. This is why the Messenger said to them. Surah Mutaffifin 84. Surah At Tur 53. Surah Al Hajj 23. That is, one group comprises all the disbelievers collectively and they are opposed to the believers. (To us our deeds, and to you your deeds.) No one in the world except for Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers are worshipping the God with these attributes. They have their own religion, and he has his. They also say: ‘That which is in the wombs of these cattle is reserved to our males and forbidden to our women.’ But if it be stillborn, they all partake of it. Some of the Companions requested the Messenger of Allah ﷺ to teach them some supplications to recite at the time of sleeping. There is no occasion here to take up and discuss each of the meanings given by the commentators. But after negating the repetition the meanings that this section of the commentators has given of these two sentences are very different from each other. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. Surah Al Fil 106. Thus have the partners they associate [with God] made the killing of their own children seem goodly to many idolaters, seeking to bring them to ruin and to confuse them in their faith. Nonetheless, all were forms of idolatry. In verse 3, it follows this sentence: “I do not worship those whom you worship.” Therefore, it means: “Nor are you worshippers of the God having the attributes of the One God Whom I worship.” And in verse 5, it follows this sentence: “Nor am I a worshipper of those whom you have worshipped.” Therefore, it means: “Nor does it seem you would become worshippers of the One God Whom I worship.” Or, in other words, “It is not possible that 1 should become a worshipper of each of those gods whom you and your forefathers have worshipped, and on account of your aversion to adopting worship of One God, instead of many gods, it cannot be expected that you would desist from this wrong worship and will become worshipper of Him Whom I worship. Programme apprentissage Sourate Al Kafiroun – Baladislam. Surah Al Hijr 16. Ayat 5. Que la paix et la bénédiction d'Allah soient sur Ton serviteur et Messager, notre Prophète Mohammed , qu’Allah azawajalb soit satisfait de ses successeurs (califes) bien dirigés, les imams bien guidés : Abou Bakr, 'Omar, 'Outhman et Ali et tous les autres compagnons et ceux qui les ont succédés et ceux qui ont succédé à ceux-là sur le même chemin jusqu’au jour de la résurrection. I shall never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. Le Saint Prophète répondit : " Récite "Qul yâ ayyuha-l-Kafiroun" jusqu’à la fin et puis dors, car c’est une immunité contre le polythéisme." Maulana Ashraf Thanawi (رح) has preferred this interpretation in Bayan ul-Qur’an, (and the translation given above is based on it.) He taught them to recite Surah Al-Kafirun and said that this will give them immunity from idolatry. Then further on in the same Surah it was said: O Prophet, say: O mankind, if you are still in doubt concerning my faith, know that I do not worship those whom you worship beside Allah, but I worship that Allah alone, Who has the power to cause your death. 1. (3) That in both the sentences ma is in the meaning of a noun of action (masdar) and it means: I do not perform the kind of worship that you perform, i.e. Tafsîr - Exégèse - Sourate 109- Al Kafirûn. Apprenez à lire en arabe les versets de la sourate Al-Humazah (LES CALOMNIATEURS) et profitez de ses nombreux bienfaits. This is similar to Allah’s statement. 2 - Sourate Qouraych [Tafsir] – Quiz n°2. Sourate Al Kafiroon en Français et Phonétique. And He has classified the people also into two groups, one group will go to Paradise and this consists of the believers, and the second group will go to Hell and this consists of the disbelievers collectively. He expounds that the particle ma is used in two ways: [1] as mawsulah or relative pronoun in the sense of al-ladhi [that which]; and [2] as masdariyah transforming into infinitive the verb it governs. Surah Al Qasas 29. But many commentators do not regard it as a repetition. But when it was said: La antum abiduna ma abud, it meant: You are not worshippers of the deity who has the attributes of the deity whom I worship. Virtues and Characteristics of Surah Al Kafirun, Sayyidah A’shah ؓ reports that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ has said that it is better to recite two surahs in the sunnah prayer of fajr, namely, the Surah Al-Kafirun and Surah Al-Ikhlas. Analyzing the peace pact with the Jews, on the other hand, it is seen clearly that it did not in any way require Muslims to denounce or renounce Islam, nor did it require them to mix elements of un-Islamic beliefs with the true faith. Alors Allâh fit descendre : " Qul yâ ayyuha-l-kâfirûn… " (Ibn Jarîr, Ibn Abî Hâtim, Ibn Hishâm a également rapporté cet incident dans la Sîrah). Allah s’adresse à tous les croyants pour mettr… Ils doivent déclarer sans aucune réserve qu’ils ne peuvent faire aucun compromis avec les mécréants en matière de foi. Ces traditions montrent que les Quraysh ne s’étaient pas contentés de faire ces propositions au Saint Prophète une seule fois lors d’une assemblée en particulier, mais à différents moments et en différentes occasions. Ce terme existe bien dans l’Islam. Surah As Sajdah 33. Ayat 3. Moreover, when the Holy Prophet ﷺ migrated to Madinah, he entered into peace treaty with the Jews. Their reasoning is that this statement does not apply to the people who at the revelation of this Surah were disbelievers but later believed.
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