I modify my old programs that were written over 20 years ago–yes, there is some dead code in my current programs. Ensuite viendra l'Apple IIe (e pour enhanced [« amélioré »]), une version à coût réduit, qui utilisait de nouvelles puces pour diminuer le nombre total de composants. Elle supporta le IIe jusqu'en 1996. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le IIGS comportait un processeur 65C816 à 2,8 MHz avec des registres 16 bits et 24-bit d'adressage, un processeur sonore Ensoniq, plus de mémoire, de meilleures couleurs, plus de périphériques (avec un contrôleur permutable entre les modèles de cartes pour IIe et IIc) dont certains compatibles avec ceux du Macintosh (clavier, souris, adaptateur réseau LocalTalk) et GS/OS, un système d'exploitation dérivé de Mac OS. But there’s still an active collectors’ market for used machines. La carte son Mockingboard a considérablement amélioré les possibilités audio de l'Apple II. All Macintosh Models | All 1987 Models | Dynamically Compare This Mac to Others. Il y avait également des cartes processeur, telles que la carte Z80 SoftCard qui a permis aux ordinateurs Apple de basculer sur le processeur Z80 et d'exécuter une multitude de programmes développés sous le système d'exploitation CP/M tel que la base de données dBase II et le programme de traitement de texte WORDSTAR. It was apparently released on the Apple II before any other system due to Apple's rather large memory size, since the Apple II could support up to 48K of RAM. You can use these ROM files with an Apple II emulator. It’s like telling the story of Alexander Graham Bell’s later life and forgetting to mention he invented the telephone. Offline . Jobs assured Spergel that the item would sell well, maybe as many as fifty units a month. ), Ports : prise péritel, 2 ports série, port pour lecteur externe, connecteur pour souris, manette ou joystick, Processeur : MOS Technology 65C02 8 bit à 1, Affichage : 24×80 caractères. [3], The row of eight expansion slots was another feature about the Apple II that was a strong selling point. Your email address will not be published. The top shelf is row “0”, and the leftmost slot in that row is slot “0”. They also wrote a disassembler, which was one of the most important features of the Apple II from the beginning and a significant part of its open design. [2] Since 16K RAM chips cost about $500 when Wozniak designed the Apple II, not many users could afford them. You could not buy such things in South Africa. Cette popularité a permis l'émergence des marchés de jeux vidéo sur ordinateur et de logiciels éducatifs et un boom sur le marché des traitements de texte, de l'impression par ordinateur, et des applications business comme VisiCalc, premier tableur. La version européenne (fabriquée en Irlande) s'est nommée Apple II europlus et la version Japonaise Apple II J-Plus . Handle hi-res graphics from BASIC, including code to clear the hi-res screen, set colors, plot points and lines, draw shapes and load shapes from tape. Those bytes contained filler bytes that were not used as any program code.[12],[13],[14]. Steve Wozniak a été cité disant que l'Apple /// eut un taux d'échec de 100 %. Une grande quantité de produits fut ainsi élaborée, et les utilisateurs eurent liberté de créer des systèmes finalement plus puissants et plus utiles (à coût inférieur) que tout ce qu'aurait alors pu produire Apple, s'il avait préféré un système propriétaire. They added the ability to split the screen into different sized windows. VisiCalc transformed the Apple II into a serious business machine. Each card was assigned 256 bytes that were unique for the slot in which the card was plugged; that is, a card in slot 1 used $C100-$C1FF, a card in slot 2 used $C200-$C2FF, and so on, up to slot 7 using $C700-$C7FF. We just have a lot more of them. The computer keyboard sold by Datanetics had shaped key caps similar in feel to the popular IBM Selectric typewriter. A key for RESET was added, the arrow keys were added just above the right shift key, and the RETURN key was wid- ened. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Plus tard un lecteur de disquettes 5¼" (13 cm) externe, le Disk II, avec sa carte de contrôleur à brancher dans un des slots de l'ordinateur, a permis un stockage et une récupération des données beaucoup plus commode. Fortunately, I had written the BASIC myself, so I just burned some new ROMs with line drawing commands, color changing commands, and various BASIC commands that would plot in color. La livraison est rapide. souhaitée], qui grâce à leur faible coût, ont permis l'introduction d'ordinateurs dans plusieurs millions de foyers (entamant ainsi les parts de marché d'Apple)[réf. 8MB Apple II memory expansion card. With the $C030 soft-switch for the speaker, reading this address would cause a click on the speaker, but writing to the address would give a slightly different effect. I have 3 workstations, each with two Apple II computer to control experiments. The Apple IIgs can utilize up to 8 MB of fast memory, but due to limitations of the Apple IIgs hardware, not all 8 MB is considered "DMA-compatible." [7], There never was an official source code listing of Integer BASIC at Apple. Sorry; information about the actual factory manufacture of the Apple II models is something I don’t have. LApple II possède 4 Ko de RAM pouvant être étendus à 48 Ko ; il est propulsé par un processeur MOS Technology 6502 à 1 Mhz, et ses programmes sont stockés sur cassettes. A collection of historical software for Apple II computers from the 1980s and early 1990s. La carte contrôleur avait très peu de matériel, se fondant sur des boucles de synchronisation logicielle à la place d'utiliser un codage nécessaire. Tout programme en mémoire non enregistré était alors effacé. I had no assembler, that was another thing. Je ne sais pas si elle fonctionne. Find Apple Ram in Electronics | Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade almost anything! He worked to combine the terminal and memory functions of the Apple-1 by moving the display into main memory, allowing instant screen changes. Can you believe now we have GIGABYTES of storage space on our hard drives, while in the olden days they had bytes and kilobytes! 6 couleurs en 280x192, couleur 4 bit en 40×48, Affichage : 24×40 caractères. Celui-ci était destiné aux hommes d'affaires et n'a jamais percé sur le marché, essentiellement pour des raisons de fiabilité (il avait été conçu pour fonctionner sans ventilateur afin de ne pas créer de nuisances sonores, mais les bombages et débombages thermiques de cartes finissaient par nuire à la qualité des contacts). (Years later Spergel estimated that he had sold about four hundred thousand Sup’R’Mods.) Since the 6502 processor could address a total of 64K of memory, he designed the computer with the ability to use either 4K RAM chips, or the newer (and more expensive) 16K RAM chips. The memory was tested using the Apple II+ dealer diagnostics, and all tested good for both the 16k and the single 4116 memory chip that replaces the one on the motherboard. I had designed it in hardware. En 1987, soit trois ans après le lancement de la famille des Macintosh, la famille Apple II représentait encore pour Apple plus de la moitié de ses bénéfices. My programs are in Integer Basic because it runs faster–I have speedup (Zip) chips in most of my computer. Wozniak wrote SWEET 16 to simulate a 16-bit processor; it simplified some routines he wrote for the Apple II ROMs, including the Programmer’s Aid #1 renumber, append, and relocate routines. When the address $CFFF is accessed, this hardware flag is reset, making the $C800-$CFFF space available to other cards. Il y avait également une carte 6809 avec laquelle on pourrait faire tourner OS-9 Level One. July 17, 2019 - 1:17am #1. Just thought I would correct the old myth I see up there … writing to a soft-switch (e.g. Apple II's printed circuit board(PCB) underwent several revisions, as Steve Wozniak made modifications to it. Steve Jobs should be remembered first and foremost as the co-inventor of the PC, and everything that came after such as the internet, facebook, mobile computing, messaging, graphics were all natural evolutions once you put a computer in every household. The earliest version was known as Revision 0, and the first 6,000 units shipped used it. They had been in business since 1964, making keyboards for cash registers and adding machines. (These mnemonics were the three letter codes that referred to a specific type of operation; for example, “LDA #” represented the 6502 opcode $A9.) Le contrôleur a également utilisé une forme d'enregistrement de code en groupe (nibbles), qui était plus simple et plus facile à mettre en application logiciellement que le MFM, plus commun. This degree of expandability made it more expensive to build, however. Later revisions added a color killer circuit to prevent color fringing when the computer was in text mode, as well as modifications to improve the reliability of cassette I/O. This was eliminated in later board r… Wozniak added other features that he felt were important for a computer that was useful, one that he would want to own. lar in feel to the popular IBM Selectric typewriter. Some of the space below the Monitor was also used for other utilities useful to assembly language programmers. Trouvez apple iic en vente parmi une grande sélection de sur eBay. Les Apple II ont évolué au cours des années 1980, et ont été vendus jusqu'en 1993. Apple II RAM Cards Apple IIgs. I found some 1MB SIMM RAM from my old parts. If you use a read-modify-write instruction like ROR etc, or if you use an indexed addressing mode (which POKE does) then it can generate 2 or more accesses. Various third-party vendors sold ROMs for that socket (or for the $D000-$D7FF socket used by the Programmer’s Aid #1 ROM), but none made enough of an inroad to be preserved in the INTBASIC file that would later be included on the DOS 3.3 System Master disk. Apple II (1977), Apple II+ (1979), Apple IIe (1983), Apple IIc (1984), Apple IIe Enhanced (1984), Apple IIgs (1986) et Apple IIc (1988). Description. L'Apple II (parfois orthographié Apple ][ ou Apple //) est l'un des premiers ordinateurs personnels au monde fabriqué à grande échelle[1]. (The RF modulator allowed a user to attach the Apple to a standard television receiver, instead of requiring the purchase of an expensive computer monitor.) Il sacrifiait ainsi la rapidité d'exécution des calculs sur les nombres entiers, mais en contrepartie, permettait aux utilisateurs de basculer rapidement entre les langages BASIC entier et virgule flottante. L'Apple II, en version II+ principalement, donnera naissance à une ligne impressionnante de clones, ordinateurs d'autres marques permettant de faire tourner les programmes Apple. Etant bricoleur dans lâme, il ne peut concevo… I may be miss-remembering, but to toggle a soft-switch all you had to do was access the location, not necessarily write to it. Last post. This project was created on 09/11/2017 and last updated 3 years ago. Production date stamp looks like 4082 and board Revision is 820-0044-C. Apple II ROM Images This is a collection of ROM files for various models of the Apple II, including the original Apple II, Apple II Plus, the Apple IIe, the enhanced Apple IIe, and the Apple IIc. Run a CPU test, a rom checksum test, ram test, speaker tone ramp, full screen color and pattern check, game port a/d check. All of the Teletype remnant control code names were removed, with the exception of BELL on the G key. The $F689-$F7FC space contained Woz’s SWEET 16 interpreter. An unmarked special character was the right square bracket, “]”, accessed by pressing SHIFT-M. Everyone seems to forget that the PC was developed by IBM in a rush program in response to the success of the Apple II. (A soft-switch is simply a memory location that, when a number is stored there, changes something in the computer–such as switching on graphics mode.) The Internet Archive Software Library is a large collection of viewable and executable software titles, ranging from commercially released products to public domain and hobbyist programs. couleur 4 bit en 40×48, couleur 3 bit en 280×192, couleur 1 bit en 560×192, Slots d'extension : Pas de slot d'extension mais plusieurs ports propriétaires (série, disque, souris, etc. Il utilisait le processeur 65C02 (mise à jour du 6502) et comportait des contrôleurs intégrés pour des périphériques communs tels que les unités de disques, les modems, etc., qui précédemment exigeaient des cartes additionnelles. Unique features are: 1024K Static RAM; Lowest power consumption (<0.20W max when active) . Al the books end the chapter with the famous Wst Computer Faire 16 april 1977 and the problems with the plastic case, but nobody tells anything about how they began making the first 1.000 units, 10.000 units, etc. Cette machine n'a jamais été produite en quantité, mais fraya le chemin de plusieurs des caractéristiques faisant des Apple II un succès. {\displaystyle x} Par la suite, Apple ne dota pas ses premiers modèles de Macintosh d'une telle architecture ouverte. I spent the weekend going through the manual and trying out every function possible. Naturellement, l'économiseur d'écran fait un peu plus que montrer un écran déformé d'une manière intéressante. Although the Teletype standard allowed entry of the left square bracket character, the backslash, and the underscore character (“[“, “\”, and “_”) from the keyboard, the Apple II did not offer a way to directly type those three characters. As for keyboard layout, it was modeled after the keyboard on the classic Teletype model ASR-33. Le IIe était probablement l'Apple le plus populaire de la série II et a été largement considéré comme le cheval de bataille de la série. If, for example, you only had two other 4K RAM chips to install and you wanted to display hi-res graphics, you could strap one chip to the lower half of hi-res memory from $2000-$2FFF, and the other to the upper half of hi-res memory from $3000-$3FFF. It did absolutley nothing, so I opened the manual and wrote a basic program that looped “Hello, world.” endlessly on the screen. He wanted to make it display in color. L'économiseur d'écran bsod reproduit l'aspect des écrans d'ordinateur de différents systèmes d'exploitation lors d'un plantage (y compris l'écran bleu de la mort de Windows, d'après lequel il est nommé). According to the 1981 edition of the Apple II Reference Manual, the Apple could have memory in the following sizes: 4K, 8K, 12K,16K, 20K, 24K, 32K, 36K, or a full 48K. couleur 2 bit en 640×200, couleur 8 bit en 320×200, palette de 4 096 couleurs, Lecteur disquette : 5 ¼" 143 Ko ou 3 ½" 800, Slots d'extension : 7 ports propriétaires, Ports : prise péritel, 2 ports série, port pour lecteur externe, 1 port, Processeur : MOS Technology 65C02 8 bit à 4, Affichage : 24×80 caractères. This was because when a memory write happens, it first reads the address, and then writes to it. Il possédait 48 ko de mémoire, extensible à 64 ko via une carte langage, et ajoutait l'utilisation d'une arithmétique à virgule flottante dans la ROM (précédemment disponible comme mise à jour). The sixteenth row is row “F”, the rightmost slot in that row is slot “F”, and the address of that slot is $FF. [10], Other features that Wozniak (and Allen Baum, who helped him with the project) included in the Apple II ROMs included the terminal software to do screen text display, expanded Monitor functionality, and cassette input/output routines. The memory from $D000 to $D7FF and $D800 to $DFFF was empty on all early Apple II computers. I had never seen anything like it. Bonjour à tous, On vient de me passer de la très vielle RAM que je pense venir d'un Apple II . The reason I live in Silicon Valley today can be directly traced to the fact that in 1979 my Dad brought home for the weekend an Apple II and the Basic manual. [5] The increased functionality of the final code for the Monitor increased its size from 256 bytes (in the Apple-1) to 2,048 bytes (2K). If a line is entered that has too many parentheses, the “TOO LONG” error message is displayed instead of the “TOO MANY PARENS” message. Apple programmers refer to these cabinets as “pages” of memory. Between $F425-$F4FB and $F63D-$F65D could be found a floating-point math package that was not used by Integer BASIC, but was available for BASIC programmers who were astute enough to figure out how it worked. It looked like it would work, but I had forgotten to build the machine. Rather than have the release of the Apple II delayed for re-engineering of the RF modulator to get that FCC approval, Apple gave the specifications for the RF modulator to Marty Spergel. [9], One problem Apple had to deal with was getting FCC approval for the computer. This listing is for a tested working Apple II+ motherboard with 48K of memory. There was one handwritten copy, all handwritten, all hand-assembled. Un hommage peu commun à l'Apple II est un « hack » de XScreenSaver nommé « BSoD ». Their agreement allowed M&R to make and sell the RF modulators, while Apple could concentrate on making and selling the Apple II. On the motherboard were two empty sockets that were available for the user to plug in their own ROM chips. Within this space, Woz designated pages $08-$0A as a secondary text and lo-res graphics page (although it was not easy to directly use, as the firmware did not support it), pages $20-$3F for hi-res “page” one, and pages $40-$5F for hi-res “page” two. Parmi ces clones, deux ont été produits par Apple ou sous licence Apple : il s'agit de "l'apple Dark Vador" de chez Bell & Howell et de l'ITT 2020 de chez ITT. And in a rare case where the reality lived up to the legendary show-man’s hype, it truly was “Revolutionary”. Ceci a également aidé les concepteurs de logiciels propriétaires de manière que les médias sur lesquels les applications sont enregistrées soient difficilement copiables en utilisant des tours tels que changer le formatage de bas niveau des secteurs ou même faire un saut à la tête de lecture entre les pistes. To understand the memory layout of the Apple II, consider this analogy: Imagine a cabinet with sixteen shelves, and sixteen separate slots or pigeonholes on each shelf (similar to those found in old roll-top desks). Il interprète également le langage Integer BASIC quil partage avec lApple I original, mais en lintégrant en ROM pour éviter de devoir le charger depuis une cassette. Steve Jobs didn’t believe that anyone would ever need more than two slots, one for a printer and one possibly for a modem. Le IIe pouvait également afficher du texte de plus haute résolution (80 colonnes) avec une carte additionnelle 80 colonnes. The version used on the Apple-1 and Apple II were very similar, with the exception of the common Teletype Control-key names stamped on the keys; the only named key that made it onto the Apple II version was the “BELL” printed on the G key.). The last part of the Apple II memory, from $F800-$FFFF, contained Wozniak’s Monitor program which has already been discussed above. Applications, utilities and general purpose software for the Apple II. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 5 février 2021 à 18:37. couleur 4 bit en 40×48, couleur 3 bit en 280×192, couleur 2 bits en 560×192, Non commercialisé en France (du moins par les circuits officiels). Livraison gratuite. 6 couleurs en 280×192, couleur 4 bit en 40×48, Slots d'extension : 8 ports propriétaires, Affichage : 24×40 caractères. The RF (radio frequency) modulator that had been designed gave off too much interference, and it was probable that the FCC would not approve it. No hacker is completely satisfied with a project he is working on as long as it is possible to make improvements that make it better in some way.
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