The most famous aquarium fish, the guppy, has a lesser-known "younger brother" - the dwarf guppy, or Endler's guppy. Endler’s livebearers can survive in a wide range of PH and temperature conditions. Our goal is to produce the best quality Endlers, Endler hybrids, and guppies … Causes. Despite the fact that this species became available to amateurs only recently, the miniature size, bright color, and unpretentiousness made the fish popular among aquarists. Interestingly enough, Endler’s livebearers are part of the Poecilia genus, which is the same genus as mollies and guppies. Endlers Livebearer. Le mâle est plus petit et plus coloré que la femelle. This makes sense given the fish’s limited distribution. But, it was given its own scientific name for conservation purposes. For PH, any value between 5.5 to 8.0 will work for endlers, but higher PHs are generally better. Parasitic infection or other infection may intensify the problem. La température de l’eau sera maintenue entre 20 à 28°C. Les mâles cohabitent très bien ensemble mais il leur faut un nombre cohérent de femelles. Petit poisson d'eau douce de 2 à 4cm adulte. The Endler's Livebearer is thought to be just a color variant of the common guppy (Poecilia reticulate), but it is under debate whether that is true or not. Once a guppy is crossed with an Endler the offspring can never be pure Endlers and are known as K Class Endlers. Endlers or Endler’s Livebearer is a colorful species of the Poecilia genus sold by the name of Endler’s Guppy in pet shops. They are prolific breeders and often hybridize with guppies.These very colorful hybrids are the easiest to find being offered in pet-shops, typically under the name Endler's guppy Always test before adding fish. The Endlers Livebearer is a really nice looking livebearer that the true wild strain is almost extinct, if not already is. Guppy swims upside down or keeps tail high while swimming. Temperature: 66-84 °F (18-29 °C) Maximum Size: 1.8 inches (4.5 cm) Endler’s livebearers (Poecilia wingei) are a colourful and relatively rare species of guppies. It may be best, however, to keep them around 72F. For temperature, endlers can live in most temperature ranges where you can keep fish. These hybrids can produce beautiful results and may have traits that are associated with both Endlers and guppies. Poecilia wingei, known to aquarists as Endlers or Endler's livebearer, in the genus Poecilia, is a small fish native to the Paria Peninsula in Venezuela. They are found only in Laguna de Patos in Venezuela, which is a large freshwater lake. Endler’s livebearer fish are also known as the Black-bar Endler or Endler’s guppy. Le guppy Endler’s apprécie une eau relativement dure (TH supérieur à 15°f) et de pH supérieur à 7. From a genetic standpoint, the fish is the same as the common guppy. On le voit donc le guppy Endler’s n’est vraiment pas exigeant quand à la qualité de l’eau. Treatments of 19, 21 and 22.5°C low and 29, 32 and 35°C high water temperature were used on fry and gravid females for 11 days after parturitions and several days starting from the 16th day after first parturition until second parturition respectively. The scientific name is Poecilia wingei. Le Guppy Endler vit en harem, comptez 3 femelles pour un mâle. A curved structure of the spine, as well. In this study, the effect of temperature on survival and sex ratios of guppy Poecilia reticulata (Peters 1860) was investigated. Treatment. It can take a while to get the ph level and temperature in your tank is correct so set it up well advance of adding your fish. Franklin F. Bond collected the species from Venezuela’s Laguna de Patos in 1937, while Dr. John Endler rediscovered it in 1975. Low water temperature and over-eating is the main cause of swim bladder disorder in Guppies.
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