He is catching horses in calpheon (which may or may not even be a good place to catch horses), he is manually running to the horse location (wasted travel time), and he is running the tamed horse back to the stable (wasted travel time). This means that there is no Tier 3 purebred horse. If it’s a female you could even breed it again with the level 30 t5 you have. You can get it for free as a reward in special quest. Horse Skills 06. Every attempt to catch a horse will consume 1 rope (regardless of if you succeed or fail). 161% Speed will be faster than 160.9% speed. Through a series of mini games you’ll experience ups and downs, love and betrayal, and every emotion in between. Horse Breeding Using Somethinglovely Calculator. Your first mount in Black Desert is donkey. Each time the horse levels they have a chance of learning a new skill. BDO Nexus / Season Servers Guide; 03.06.2020 Season Servers Guide. Let’s talk about it. Not sure when it happened, but pairing Venia riding gear costume with the maid/butler costume’s hat will give you a set bonus for 10% extra chance for horse to get a skill when levelling. This means it will take a minimum of 4 hours to buy the required horses. It’d be a lie if I said that I know everything there is to know about this particular Life Skill. Instant Accel and S: Instant Accel required. I’m not someone to give advice that I don’t personally follow, so here’s some data from my own spreadsheet (updated automatically as I add more data). Black Desert Mobile has adventure pets and horses that are responsible for fast movement. Purchasing a mount is a pretty standard procedure in any M… Appearance coupons are unique in that even if your horse is level 30, if it was close enough to a Skill Threshold, and the coupon pushes your horse over that threshold, the horse is awarded with a skill. Ha! Allows 3rd Instant Accel. This has pros and cons. And after all that work I turned a “trash Tier” Life Skill into the best AFK money in the game for low level players. Last updated Nov 26, 2020 at 6:27PM | Published on Jul 18, 2019, BDO Horse Coats, Tiers, Skills, & Stats Tool, Prevents horse from running off a cliff (can still jump over it if timed right), Drift resets the cooldown on Instant Accel, horse can strafe right or left, T5+ Horses only, horse can jump repeatedly without stopping, allows another player to ride with you, T6-T8 and Doom Horse only, stronger Fore Chop skill (Horse does a frontal AOE attack), T8+ Horses only, stronger Hind Kick skill (Horse does a backward AOE attack), T8+ Horses only, stronger Instant Accel skill (Horse temporarily runs faster), T8+ Horses only, faster Sideways skill (horse can strafe right or left), T8+ Horses only, Charge +damage & +range, horse can use Charge twice, consecutively. In the image above, notice how every single t3 horse has at least 2 values for red/white/black. We’ll get more into that later. To awaken the horse, you will need a total of 200% training across all training areas. Well, let’s bring this knowledge back to actual horse leveling. I figured that every Life Skill should have some purpose, and that they could all be good if used correctly. (Eminent is currently taking a break from Black Desert Online.). To be safe, it’s best if your route is in a safe zone (although not totally necessary). You can also change your horses skills using an item from the Pearl Store. BDO Life Skill Ranks: All 10 Life Skills have a max of 7 ranks. The point that I want to make here is that your xp rate and your silver/h will be completely dependant on your method, but also on a bit of rng. The Discord image below is tinfoil, although it does seem like some skills are easier to obtain than others. While the no-sugar method definitely works, not everyone feels like running a stopwatch for every catch. (RNG Chance to learn. If you come up with super-sick, super-secret methods that are better than things I’ve come up with (for any Life Skill) you better share it with me :^). Turn is the least important. If I’m running horses overnight (let’s say you’re getting a healthy 9 hours of sleep), that’s 5 hours of wasted time per night (since the value is coming from the seals, having horses past level 15 doesn’t increase the value much). Taming TipsWhile that is pretty much everything you need to know about catching horses, there’s a few extra tips that can make it go more smoothly for you. ... TET PEN -25-5-1. In the image above, each color represents a “tier” of breed chance. With that in mind, there will likely be points in this section that are either incomplete, or possibly just incorrect. Hello Life Exp doesn’t have a huge direct impact on horse experience as far as I know. Not available when weapon is unsheathed. 10 and No. This is applied to the 70 million for an increase of 14 million. Last updated Nov 26, 2020 at 6:27PM | Published on Jul 18, 2019 | Black Desert Online, Life Skills, Training, Travel & Movement | 1. It’s important to understand that both camps of people are tinfoil theorists. T10 Arduanatt only. I’m still getting around 1million/hour, but this goes on for more hours, which equates to more total money. For example, if a horse is worth 100 million, you get 70 million after 30% tax. By the time the horse level 28, you might have to autoloop an entire night on a high tier horse in order to hit level 30 as opposed to spending one night to get from level 1 to level 15. In reality, I haven’t yet done personal tests on a low level account to find the truth to this matter. Total silver received would be 84 million. First off, once you finish catching a horse (you’ve done the minigames and hopped onto its back), you do not have to ride the horse all the way back to a Stable Keeper. The requirements to awaken a Tier 9 are also significantly harder than the requirements for any other horse in the game. My rate of finding each Tier is in the table below: All of the numbers in the table are from my own catch data. (You will know when you fail horse taming because the horse kicks you in the face and runs away). Do your own testing, think for yourself, try to make bad skills good. You can save and load navigation routes from the World Map (M). In addition, the T8E is a purebred horse that is highly prized for its beautiful, pure white coat and top ranking Tier 8 stats. Unicorn was the second Dream horse released in BDO. Horse Skill Change coupons can help you obtain the skills you desire. Next is horse gear. Now, I could try to explain how color theory works, but I don’t think I could do it better than Bouwplan in this post, so just give that a read. Early data is indicating that horses coming out of racing seal boxes may not be effected by the nerf either.). Courser/Dream Horse status – 60% of the overall price. You can immediately hop off the horse’s back, get on your own horse, and ride back much faster. bdo horse breeding discord. However, if you’re simply doing taming for xp (idk if anyone but me actually does that), then it might be a waste to sell your higher Tier horses to the market. You can only buy 1 horse per hour from the horse market. The goal is to walk all the way to it. Why are some horses smart and some horses.. not? (Also, unequipping and re-equipping the costume on the same horse may be negating the bonus. 100% Chance. Horses gain xp simply by running around. You have a chance to randomly obtain 1 horse skill each time it levels up. It’s important to realize that not every level will give you a higher chance for a higher Tier foal. The cap for brake is 150.1 and nothing after that matters. I’m not sure if it was willpower or stupidity that kept me testing horses for that long, but I did it. The max level for a horse is 30, and each level requires more xp than the last. They are. Black Desert Online horse breeding calculator. (RNG Chance to learn for T9. 100% for T10), Glide after Double Jump/Leap. Let’s say I have four T1 horses on a wagon. There are a few ways to improve skill learning. I’ve done a fair amount of research on Training, and I’ve never seen a guide telling people to breed low value horses for extra profit. The most important horse skills for speed are Sprint, Instant Acceleration, and Drift. Thanks Eminent! Swaying Wind Shard obtained by… After x amount of time (1 “tick”), your horse will gain y amount of xp. In reality, 90% of people can just ignore color theory entirely when breeding. How much money is it possible to earn by horse catching and selling? Finally, he is selling every horse to the NPC, rather than listing them to the horse market. Additionally, the Horse Market fees will decrease depending on the Training Level in a future update. This means you cannot see or feel a difference in your horse speed until you go past a certain number. Some people would take this at face value and conclude that taming horses is 1.6million/hour as a whole. The problem here is that you hit level 15 on your horses after only 4 hours (time will vary based on your wagon, xp buffs, etc). Thanks for the fantastic, insanely thorough guide! Horse Skill Change coupons can help you obtain the skills you desire. (RNG Chance to learn. I can very easily go to the horse market, find a Tier 3 horse that’s already level 10, and then level it to 15 overnight in maybe 8-9 hours. Horse Exchange Table of Contents1 01. There is a lot more data related to this section, such as ideal times to equip a costume or use a coupon, but I feel more testing is needed before publishing. In either case, costumes, branding stones, and change coupons will still have the same effect. That’s a pretty good breed if you ask me. T10 Arduanatt only. In the end, he ended up with 1,611,593 silver total from 1 hour of taming. As the Tier of your horse gets higher it will unlock some new potential skills, have higher stats, and have new coats. Horses have a variety of skills to try and learn, depending upon their coat. Two Tier 3 horses (T3C, T3F). That said, it’s not a problem with a very difficult solution. Posted on February 13, 2021 by . 400 Stamina continuously. Branding stones don’t seem to make much difference in skill gain, so the skill xp award is probably low. 4948 Views. The point here is that you shouldn’t take the advice of other players as church. These numbers refer to horse color theory. ), Jump a second time in the air, must have Steak Leap & High Jump, T9-T10 Dream Horse only. While the method itself is extremely simple and straightforward, it still took me literally months to put all of the pieces together (I had the general idea for a long time, it just took a lot of perfecting). This has crashed the market considerably. Life Skill Levels determine your Life Skill Mastery. Do Higher Tier Horses Give Better Training XP?This is one instance where I should probably come out and say “I don’t know.” From my research and inquiries, I’ve come to learn that there is a bit of a divide in understanding between horse trainers. Horse Training Gear & Training Exp . If you increase the female parent’s level by 1, the box will move down by 1. If you want to maximize your time, you should probably consider getting the minimum combination of levels required for whatever breeding Tier you want to go for.
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