le monde des tete à claque
171. La chasse [Hunting] Le golf [Golf] 56. La médium [The Medium] La bataille [The Fight] La cabane à sucre [The Sugar Bush] 180. IV. Les ti-papoutes [The Little ‘Papoutes’] Le VJ Part 2 [The VJ Part2] This differs greatly from pronunciations used in France, and thus provides its own humour, in addition to the frequent anglicisms (English words or expressions inserted into speech). [3] A series of figurines, sweaters, and accessories with Têtes à claques images went on sale on Beaudet's official site. Le boxeur Part 2 [The Boxer Part 2] B07. Le mécanicien [The Mechanic] 144. Beat Master Turbo Remix [Beat Master Turbo Remix] Sèchement battu par Bourgoin à la maison (15-33), le Stade dijonnais a déçu. 50. Le docteur [The Doctor] 153. 02. Le gars de Boston Part 2 [The Guy From Boston Part 2] (Created in support of the HABS at the 2008 NHL Playoffs) 170. 123. 168. C19. C10. 120. Le secret d'Édouard [Edward's Secret] (Created as a commercial for Microsoft SQL Server-France) C14. L’attaquant belge a inscrit le dernier but des siens dans les arrêts de jeu en partant en contre alors que le gardien Cragno était monté pour tenter d’égaliser. Le Likud est crédité de 37 des 120 sièges de la Knesset, soit quatre ou cinq de plus que le parti centriste Bleu et Blanc de Benny Gantz, suivant les projections des chaînes de télévision. The popularity of the show surged to the point that Beaudet employed two other people, video editor Simon Parizeau and artistic director Hugo Caron, to help with the production at his home in Boucherville. Halloween Part 1 [Halloween Part 1] La parade de Noël [The Christmas Parade] Venez rigoler sur www.tetesaclaques.tv! La grotte [The Cave] Top Gun [Top Gun] 03. Nascar [Nascar] 19. tete a claques... selon moi c'est rendu out pas mal, ils ont fait le tour ... quand ont a commencer a écouter ca l'été dernier cher !! Le 15 août 2007, lopérateur mobile français SFR lance, à la manière de Bell Canada Entreprises, une campagne publicitaire appelée « Ca va ouatcher » pour promouvoir son nouveau forfait dédié aux moins de 25 ans. 91. Stay Calm, in which they parody educational videos instructing people on how to act in life-threatening situations. La natation [Swimming] (Clip created in honor of the 2008 Olympic Summer Games) La claque s'efforça en vain de soutenir la nouvelle pièce. Le soutien technique [The Technical Support] 155. 178. Le terrain privé [The Private Land] So Sexy [So Sexy] (Withdrawn due to violations of copyright for use of the song ‘I'm Too Sexy’ by Right Said Fred) Tarzan [Tarzan] La drague [Drag] (Created with TAC's friends The Raving Rabbids) C01. Beaudet has recently admitted that making English versions of the comedy shorts is in his "game plan".[6]. Beaudet maintains that his team has refined their animation methods compared to Têtes à claques by using software from Toon Boom Animation. Le fleuriste [The Florist] 83. C08. III. 172. [1] As of December 2017, 290 videos had been created. In addition, Beaudet has a set of fake, grotesque teeth, which he puts in while his face is being filmed. 42. The second English version, entitled Knuckleheads, feature remastered versions of full 22-minute Têtes à claques episodes (most of them now animated with CG and After Effects). LECTURE Prénom . 129. G05. In 2010, Mondo Media picked up the English version of Têtes à claques and began broadcasting it under the name TAC. Galaxy One Part 4 [Galaxy One Part 4] Le vol [The Robbery] Le pet shop [The Pet Shop] 77. 70. 102. Le Shih Tzu [The Shih Tzu] La St-Valentin Part 1 [Valentine’s Day Part 1] Le pilote Part 3 [The Pilot Part 3] La machine à boule [Pinball Machine] Les joies de l'été [The Joys Of Summer] Ça va ouatcher Part 3 [It Will Be Watched Part 3] (Created as a commercial for SFR-France) Jusqu'ici, le Congrès n'avait jamais réussi à atteindre la majorité des deux tiers nécessaire pour l'outrepasser. 127. The site has also become very popular in France, not only because of the intentional humour and wit, but also because of a stereotypical Quebec accent. Les survivants Part 1 [The Survivors Part 1] Le sapin de Noël [The Christmas Tree] 114. 107. The shorts were reanimated and translated to English for better humour and quality for English-speaking audiences; for example, the Super Bol has been reanimated and renamed to Beat the Buzzer. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 7 novembre 2020 à 21:30. 152. 108. In June 2007, the animators listed a Body Toner Platinum Edition, a Willi Waller 2006, and an LCD shovel 2007 on eBay. G01. 156. These items, popularized by some of the best-known clips on the site, were intended to raise funds for the Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine, a prominent pediatric centre in Quebec. [4] 89. Hello tout le monde, aujourd’hui je me suis réveillé avec une idée à l’esprit: têtes à claques. Also, Le Willi Waller sketches have the products renamed because the episodes were produced later than when the product was made (for example, Willi Waller 2006 becomes the Willi Waller Gold Edition and the LCD Shovel 2007 becomes the LCD Shovel Full HD because it was produced in 2008, later than 2006). 177. Le LCD shovel 2007 [The LCD Shovel 2007] Claque : la définition simple du mot Claque - La réponse à votre question c'est quoi Claque ? 20. B06. Le site web de Daniel à claque est disponible. 116. Miss Québec Super Body [Miss Super Body Québec] After he showed the results to his friends and relatives, they were more amused by the farting frogs than by the original idea. La pénalité [The Penalty] Bonne année 2010 [Happy New Year 2010] Volume 3 was released on December 1, 2009 with the next 45 clips, and Volume 4 came out on 1 March 2011. 112. Découvrir le monde Horreur Policier L’école Le pirate tête à claques Benoit Broyat Le pirate tête à claques Laurent Richard Milan Poche . 87. 124. 53. La présentation [The Presentation] 142. 143. 181. 95. Beaudet still performs the voices of some of the characters (Captain Cooper, Raoul, and a fast food drive-through worker). La lutte [Wrestling] Têtes à claques is a French-language humour website created on 16 August 2006. Alligator (Created as a commercial for Vertigo Candy-USA) Têtes à claques vous présente ses clips d'animations humoristiques et des jeux en ligne. L'embuscade [The Ambush] Le rigodon du gros dindon [The Big Turkey Hoedown] (Created as a commercial for SFR-France) B04. The same year, a set of older Têtes à claques videos dubbed in Spanish appeared on the site under the name Los Caraculo (The buttfaces). 14. Le monde du français. Les douanes [Customs] 64. Le père Noël Part 1 [Santa Claus Part 1] La quarantaine [The Quarantine] Article de AngryMum. Paris [Paris] Il est trop loin - Topic Kalash Crimi:" Chez nous pas de tete à claque, encore moins des a crete on prefere les tete a tete " du 19-05-2017 11:11:28 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com Le politicien Part 2 [The Politician Part 2] Les scouts [The Scouts] 138. G08. The skits feature characters sculpted from modelling clay that are fairly simplistic. 164. 154. Bonne année 2009 [Happy New Year 2009] In January 2016, the second version of the English series, now titled Knuckleheads, got its premiere on Adult Swim. 132. 140. C20. Cinéma du Québec à Paris [Quebec Cinema In Paris] 147. 141. Unbelievable Success Part 2 [Unbelievable Success Part 2] Le Ping-Pong [The Ping Pong] Halloween Part 2 [Halloween Part 2] Le laboratoire [The Laboratory] (Created with TAC's friends The Raving Rabbids) L’ambulance [The Ambulance] Le Toaster [The Toaster] Spread the Joy [Spread the Joy] Aux glissades d'eau [At The Water Slide] Michel Beaudet creates the figures himself, by superimposing his own moving eyes, mouth, and sometimes nose on their faces with a computer. Les diapositives [The Picture Slides] 58. :) Bonne vidéo et n'oubliez pas de vous abonnez ! Les retrouvailles [The Reunited] 04. SuperBol Part 1 [Super Bowl Part 1] L'étoile filante A [The Shooting Star A] (Created as a commercial for Loterie Romande-Suisse) On 12 November 2006, Beaudet appeared on the Quebec television show Tout le monde en parle (Everyone's Talking About It) hosted by Guy A. Lepage. Le cabanon Part 2 [The Shed Part 2] C12. Donner une claque sur les fesses à un enfant. Le poisson d'Avril [April Fool's Day] La répétition [The Repetition] Le vendeur de char [The Car Salesman] B10. TAC DVDs Le Body Toner [The Body Toner] Sandy And Jessica (Created as a commercial for Vertigo Candy-USA) Troupe de claqueurs dans un théâtre. Over one million short videos are watched per day, making it one of the most popular francophone websites in Quebec (and eventually Canada as a whole). 72. Le pilote Part 1 [The Pilot Part 1] Les Pichenottes [The Pichenotte] 45. 111. 55. 161. 100. Ça va ouatcher Part 1 [It Will Be Watched Part 1] (Created as a commercial for SFR-France) G10. Les autruches [The Ostriches] Gala les Olivier 2007 [The 2007 Olivier Gala] 26. 126. Le lifting [The Lifting] Ça va ouatcher Part 2 [It Will Be Watched Part 2] (Created as a commercial for SFR-France) 66. La cabane [The Hut] He noted many employers have blocked access to the site because it has become so popular that workers were watching it during the day. The most popular of these include Le pilote, Le Willi Waller, and Halloween. La résolution [The Resolution] - page 2 - Topic omg cette tête à claque ! B02. 79. Venez rigoler sur www.tetesaclaques.tv! 94. 46. Le politicien Part 1 [The Politician Part 1] Au cas où l’on ne se serait pas fait comprendre, on peut même préciser qu’il a “une tête à foutre des claques”! 52. Le Programme des nations unies pour l’environnement, détaille, dans un rapport du 9 décembre, qui sont les principaux contributeurs aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre. 179. À la 57e minute, sur un coup franc venu de la gauche, Sadio Kanouté s’élève plus haut que tout le monde mais ne cadre pas son coup de tête. On sort Part 3 [We’re Goin' Out Part 3] 69. On déménage [We’re Moving] C13. La base secrète [The Secret base] Le mariage [The Wedding] 134. 13. L’oeuf [The Egg] 99. 47. Caveman (Created as a commercial for Vertigo Candy-USA) 63. 67. 166. Dans le sud [Down South] Incidentally, the first offer was from a French, not Canadian company. La fraude [The Fraud] 33. Le Taliban [The Taliban] C16. 167. Terreur Internationale [Terror International] Le quiz TAC [The TAC Quiz] Mondo Media picked up the show under the name TAC.TV. 76. 104. Les ti-papoutes au zoo [The Little ‘Papoutes’ at the Zoo] xx. Volume 1 includes the first 45 clips, the history of Têtes à claques, character bios, and English, Quebec French, and international French subtitles. Le bobsleigh [The Bobsleigh] La police [The Police] The clip could still be viewed elsewhere on the internet. moi mon part favoris c qnd la madame dise regarde il a encore dire oui c un donneur ... y a t-il unpatient par hazard qui a besoin d'un rein c super cool tu as sauver notre poisson rouge ON S'EN BAS LES COUILLES, moi mon part favoris c qnd la madame dise regarde il a encore dire oui c un donneur ... Beaudet has said that "Têtes à claques was an accident". 37. 62. 88. Le air hockey [Air Hockey] Certains des clips animés sont diffusés à la télévision, à la chaîne canadienne Radio-Canada depuis le 17 décembre 20071 et par la chaîne française Canal+ depuis janvier 20082. Les tete a claque. 145. 08. Capitaine Kung Fu Part 2 [Captain Kung Fu Part 2] 85. Le lion [The Lion] (Created as a commercial for Loterie Romande-Suisse) 25. 119. 44. Halloween Part 3 [Halloween Part 3] Depuis leur première apparition sur Internet en août 2006, les Têtes à claques ont connu un succès populaire phénoménal sans précédent. 2016 - Les têtes à claques, une série quebecoise, avec plein d'humour et de delire ! La Saint-Jean [St. Jean-Baptiste Day] La bibliothèque [The Library] 48. 51. Capitaine Kung Fu Part 1 [Captain Kung Fu Part 1] 115. Bonne année 2007 [Happy New Year 2007] 175. Un amerloque chez les gendarmes [A Yank At The Gendarmes] (Created for Quebec’s cousins in France, based on French cinema's "Gendarmes de St-Tropez" series) 121. In 2017, new videos were released on the site titled Ne Paniquez Pas, Restez Calme, and later in English as Don't Panic. À l'école [At School] 97. Le VJ Part 1 [The VJ Part 1] Galaxy One Part 2 [Galaxy One Part 2] 131. In 2006, the clip So sexy was banned from the site due to copyright infringement for using the song "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred. 158. B11. On sort Part 5 [We’re Goin' Out Part 5] 07. Têtes à claques vous présente ses clips d'animations humoristiques et des jeux en ligne. G07. 75. 57. 182. Les survivants Part 3 [The Survivors Part 3] Le chip au ketchup [The Ketchup Chips] Le 100 mètres [The 100 Meter Run] (Clip created in honor of the 2008 Olympic Summer Games) C09. 28. L'homme-canon [The Cannon Man] Ils semblent souffrir face au Mali, malgré une plus grande fraîcheur. Les nids de poule [The Potholes] c super cool tu as sauver notre poisson rouge, (5 courriels max. [7] Monique, a character from the clip, nicknames one of the cannibals Kunta Kinte, an ironic nod to the African slave whose life was the subject of the Alex Haley book and TV miniseries Roots. It was partly remastered to make jokes understandable for an English-speaking audience (for example, the Prime Minister was made similar to Stephen Harper). Mime en folie [Let's Mimic] 19 juil. The phrase tête à claques translates loosely as "a face so ugly, you want to slap it". KARV l'anti-gala 2007 [The 2007 KARV Anti-Gala] C04. Différentes vidéos publicitaires, où ap… 110. 38. Non restez, je ne vous insulte pas, c’est juste que ce matin je me suis levé en pensant à la célèbre émission des têtes à claques.Pourquoi j’en ai aucune idée, mais du coup le thème de l’article était trouvé. On accouche [We’re Giving Birth] ! Très vite popularisé grâce à Internet, le site connaît aujourd'hui un très grand succès. This English version was developed by Toronto-based playwright Bobby Theodore. 54. 128. 150. On sort Part 7 [We're Goin' Out Part 7] La réception [The Reception] Le football [Football] La pièce d'identité [The Piece Of Identification] C15. [5], On 14 August 2008, the beta version of the new bilingual "Têtes à claques" website was launched. 12. Le génie Part 2 [The Genie Part 2] La Neufbox [The Neufbox] (Created as a commercial for SFR-France) La femme pigeon [The Pigeon Woman] (Created for Quebec’s cousins in France, in honor of French cinema) Le western [The Western] C03. 165. Le boxeur Part 1 [The Boxer Part 1] Le Dippidy Babble [The Dippidy Babble] Le répondeur [The Answering Machine] La prise d'otage Part 2 [The Hostage Taking Part 2] la grippe BBQ frappe le Québec. 31. C07. 68. y a t-il unpatient par hazard qui a besoin d'un rein Le Willi Waller 2006 [The Willi Waller 2006] 169. On sort Part 4 [We’re Goin' Out Part 4] Le barbecue [The Barbecue] 40. In September 2019, Beaudet released a teaser trailer for a new series he had created, titled Les histoires bizarres du professeur Zarbi (The strange stories of Professor Zarbi), featuring the eponymous Professor Zarbi, specialist in occult and paranormal phenomena, who together with his young neighbour and assistant Benjamin takes part in incredible adventures. The series finally premiered on Adult Swim Canada in January 2016, making it the first time Têtes à claques aired on English-speaking television. FICHE Date Nom : Le loup qui s'aimait beaucoup trop Les références de l'ouvrage ... (Microsoft Word - Le pirate t\352te \340 claque fiche bib) 148. C05. Le cabanon [The Shed] On sort Part 2 [We’re Goin' Out Part 2] Les canards [The Ducks] Doc nature Part 2 [Doc Nature Part 2] 36. Unbelievalbe Success [Unbelievable Success] 146. ! 139. 109. 18. 16 likes. According to Beaudet, "This allows us to create much more spectacular and fluid animations". ainsi que des exemples d'expressions ou phrases employant le mot Le dictionnaire des citations. 73. La commotion [The Concussion] Les orignaux [The Moose] 16. 84. TAC BONUS SHORTS (available as Extras at the TAC website) 101. B12. [2] The same year, they also signed a deal with the American company Topps and produced several clips for their candy brand Vertigo. La rentrée [Back to School] Napoléon le magnifique [Napoleon The Magnificent] (Created for Quebec’s cousins in France, in honor of French cinema) Le stand de limonade [The Lemonade Stand] Le gars de Boston Part 1 [The Guy From Boston Part 1] 137. 1. L'anniversaire [The Birthday] C’est tout vous dire ! Le juge [The Judge] 25 mars 2014 - Notre récréation est de retour avec les têtes à claques, plus délirants que jamais. L'hypnotiseur [The Hypnotist] La prise d'otage Part 1 [The Hostage Taking Part 1] As of December 2017, 290 videos had been created. Aidez les Bégin [Help The Bégins] (Created as a commercial for Hitachi) Lors des précédentes élections d’avril et de septembre, le parti avait échoué à sortir majoritaire. Elections] Les Vikings [The Vikings] 61. Coup donné du plat de la main. Volume 2 - Includes Shorts 46-90, B04-B08, C10 and documentaries (released 21 October 2008), V. TAC GAMES (available at the TAC website) Le chien [The Dog] Le retour des têtes à claques. C06. G03. CLAQUE (s. f.) [kla-k']. 39. The clips are produced by Salambo Productions, a company Beaudet formed in order to capitalize on the success of Têtes à claques. Le ski [Skiing] 105. Volume 2 was released on October 21, 2008. Notre page facebook est basée sur l'humour Canadien de Tête à Claque 29. Le speed dating [Speed Dating] 90. Each episode runs for 30 minutes. Claque-le, claque-le, claque claque claque claque Paroles2Chansons dispose d’un accord de licence de paroles de chansons avec la Société des Editeurs et Auteurs de Musique (SEAM) Paroles de chansons de Bagarre Numerous schools across Canada have blocked it as well, mostly for its use of mature language and profanity. Le cannibale [The Cannibal] La palpitante époque Joystick et Console+. Astronaut (Created as a commercial for Vertigo Candy-USA) From late 2007 to 2010, Beaudet received offers from telephone companies and television stations. Dinsmore was chosen by Beaudet because he was similar to him in many ways, from his looks to his eyes, so the main difference between the versions would be language. La première fois que j’ai tenté d’expliquer cette expression à un groupe d’élèves espagnols, ils ont d’abord eu du mal à … Le prix du gaz [The Price Of Gas] La 34ème Session ordinaire de l’Assemblée des Chefs d’État et de Gouvernements de l’Union Africaine (UA) s’est ouverte à Addis-Abeba, en Éthiopie, le 06 février 2021 et a vu le Président de la République Démocratique du Congo, Monsieur Félix Tshisekedi,en prendre la Présidence annuelle tournante. 265 likes. Le vestiaire [The Locker Room] 32. 35. Cécile et Johnny Boy [Cécile and Johnny Boy] (Originally available as an exclusive Extra on the TAC Volume 1 DVD) Le parachute [The Parachute] (Created as a commercial for Loterie Romande-Suisse) Le Rhume [The Cold] Câest le chaos à lâhôpital. Brandon Spy Part 1 [Brandon Spy Part 1] Les mouffettes [The skunks], II. Le GPS [The GPS] Bonne fête Val-d'Or [Happy Birthday Val-d'Or]. La rue bloquée [The Roadblock] 118. Avec son collègue Christopher Johannsson, il a levé le voile sur un mécanisme identifié en 1973 par un collègue danois, le "clap", la claque que font les ailes du papillon en se refermant. Le party de bureau [The Office Party] 2. 81. I. TAC SHORTS 60. 01. 96. Following this, Michel Beaudet stated that he had no racist intentions and justified the choice of name as purely humorous. 113. B01. 11. La poursuite [The Pursuit] Bonne année 2008 [Happy New Year 2008] Beaudet says he quickly discovered that "90% of the time it takes to animate is spent moving the eyes and mouth." 49. Others have appreciated the humour in the translated jokes. G06. 117. Les urgences sont débordées quand un violent virus épidémique baptisé B08. Over one million short videos are watched per day, making it one of the most popular francophone websites in Quebec (and eventually Canada as a whole). pav !! The creator, Michel Beaudet, has expressed surprise at the popularity of his site, saying it has reached an audience he never anticipated. C11. 65. Le Gros Prix [The Grand Prix] 78. They also made numerous name changes, such as the famous character Uncle Tom, whose name was changed to Uncle Ted (possibly to avoid any racial issues). 06. 103. Les pandas [The Pandas] On sort Part 6 [We’re Goin' Out Part 6] Les joies de l'hiver Part 2 [The Joys Of Winter Part 2] C02. The first English version of most dialogues is interpreted by Canadian voiceover actor Bruce Dinsmore, best known for the classic PBS series "Arthur". 122. 157. Canadian actor Joe Cobden interpreted all of the dialogue and has played nearly all of the characters in each cartoon. In October 2007, Têtes à claques started pre-sales of its Region 1 DVDs. Mariachi (Created as a commercial for Vertigo Candy-USA) Les martiens [The Martians] 30. Bus Stop (Created as a commercial for Vertigo Candy-USA) La visite [The Visitors] La crèche [The Nativity] 130. Présent sur le plateau de "Touche pas à mon poste" ce jeudi soir, Matthieu est loin d’avoir fait l’unanimité auprès des téléspectateurs… Volume 1 - Includes Shorts 01-45, B01-B03, C01-C09 and documentaries (released 23 October 2007) Deviens le Gourou [Become The Guru] (Created as a commercial for Doritos-Canada) Les grenouilles [The Frogs] Just like TAC.tv, Knuckleheads made several edits and changes in order to make jokes understandable for English-speaking audiences. L'exterminateur [The Exterminator] L'étoile filante B [The Shooting Star B] (Created as a commercial for Loterie Romande-Suisse) On sort Part 1 [We’re Goin' Out Part 1] He began by making frogs and had fun making them fart in water. AHL ce dieu vivant. 133. 23. B09. 21. 86. La secrétaire [The Secretary] Le plombier [The Plumber] La cafétéria [The Cafeteria] Recordman [Record Man] Move your body [Move Your Body] 173. 41. Le lapin [The Rabbit] Désactivez cet "adblock" pour voir la video sans problème. du 24-01-2015 03:53:25 sur les forums de jeuxvideo.com 98. La St-Valentin Part 2 [Valentine’s Day Part 2] 168 000 citations célèbres proverbes et dictons. 34. Powerman [Powerman] Galaxy One Part 3 [Galaxy One Part 3] 159. Le pilote Part 2 [The Pilot Part 2] 80. Faites la paire [Make a Pair] 59. 27. Les joies de l’hiver Part 1 [The Joys Of Winter Part 1] Le club vidéo [The Video Rental Store] 15.
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le monde des tete à claque 2021