But being one of the original XF mount lenses, the AF is really quite slow. Scale that technology up – as has been in the A7rii – and you find yourself with a large sensor, a very large pixel count and – thanks to the backside illumination – very low noise even at fairly substantial ISOs.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'35mmc_com-banner-1','ezslot_13',185,'0','0'])); Additionally to this, there’s also very good phase detection AF (the lack of which made its predecessor slow), 5 axis image stabilisation, 14bit raw processing and it does in camera 4K video to boot. I’ve got upwards of fifty cameras and well over a hundred lenses and the body, fit and feel of the A7RII is …. Well, sometimes I ask myself the same question, but actually I find myself having some surprisingly sensible answers that are largely to do with the nature of the Sony system.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',181,'0','0'])); As alluded to, the system itself is still very young. , Mike, I’m sorry, you have misunderstood – by me telling you that I don’t like a camera that you like, I was actually trying to offend you and all of your closest friends and relatives! I have owned and shot with almost every format camera out there and printed processed b&w, color slides, cibachrome, etc. Es ist der Nachfolger des Modells Sony A7R II und richtet sich wie dieses an ambitionierte Amateure und professionelle Fotografen. I have an A7ii. But again, why and where was this arbitrary line drawn between what features were needed as part of this camera and those that would be downloadable costed optional extras. Enjoy your site and your instagram feed. I don’t mind putting people off. Versand. Leica has some attractive sides, but as I’m details and nature man – there are two aspects that are stop for me – close focus ability and low angle shots. As long as you can live with narrower dynamic range, no high ISO performance ( I’d only go above 200 for black and white ) and a spartan viewfinder, you’ll love it. I think they should too. It’s also happened because of the previous interest in lens adapting and modification rearing its head through my playing with various compact camera lenses. In fact, since the viewfinder is such high quality, and yet is still digital, it brings about with it the distinct advantage of you being able to accurately see the exposure you’re about to take. Those cameras are good at bureaucratic shooting. For better or worse, camera tech is still largely speaking on a function-additive trajectory that is hard to see an end of in the current landscape of available gear. I shared the photos I took using the camera in one of those, "Here, look what I did!" Diese Teilergebnisse werden unterschiedlich gewichtet und ergeben die Gesamtnote. From that list I’m sure you can tell that I prefer -as much of us do- uncomplicated cameras. This is all further aided by the fact that it has an extremely good digital viewfinder. Little Feng Shui is very well put… I’d not thought of it like that. For me, the amateur, if I’ve decided to invest in the effort of going out to spend the day shooting with a professional camera, I’m invested. I suspect in fact, that my Nikon D3 had just as many buttons if not more than the Sony A7Rii. It is foolhardy indeed to hit the field needing to be able to make adjustments only to find–that you can’t find–the menu or sub menu that you need. I did get your point. Yes its deeply personal. 30 Tage kostenlose Rücksendungen. I enjoyed reading this article but I find the authors viewpoint completely ridiculous. I know this for a fact, since I myself have both views depending on the day you ask me. Thanks Tom, I own the 3rd gen camera and I must admit I’ve found a little more love for it. Caveat to the above. There is apparently no cross-fertilisation of ideas between the two design teams. Those cameras seem to say: hey.. you should do better than taht.. here, press the other buttom. It does not have too many time lapsing modes. Of course it helps to have a very good understanding of not only photographic fundamentals, but also a good understanding of the technology within and the capabilities and latitude that it can render. You’ve missed a bit it’s more “this camera does everything and more, but feels like it does just as much to prevent me from doing it efficiently or in any way close to how I’d like … I can’t get on with it, as much as I’d love to be able to” . But unlike with Nikon where I became quite pragmatic about it and shot with cameras for much longer, Sony have me trapped in this idea that 2 years is plenty long enough to own a digital camera. In contrast, the A7 mirrorless series is somewhat alien. (I just dont like the small sensor – but that’s possibly just me), I was only a few paragraphs in and thought “I can see why Hamish wrote that previous post about the lure of the uncomplicated camera – as self prescribed therapy after using his A7 for extended periods!”, I’m debating getting a used DLSR to use my vintage M42 and C/Y lenses with (I already have a NEX3 for the same, but want something with a VF and better handling), and am seeking that balance between capable vs overcomplicated, a camera vs a gadget, versatile for my needs yet invisible in use…. I don’t know who you are, nor do I care. Mine is set that way now. With the release of the Sony a7rII, there is no doubt that the photo industry is talking…and for good reason. One Caveat, this is not–by any stretch of the imagination–a lazy mans camera but to suggest that it is ridiculous is a bit much. Thing is that I complain about Sony, but still i investigated , bought it and use it. The D800 will be replaced and the D810 was my choice…untill I came up with the idea of a A7rll. Would you consider your comments preferential in nature? Das digitale, spiegellose Systemkameragehäuse Sony A7R III (offiziell α7R III, intern ILCE-7RM3, Interchangeable Lens Camera with E-mount 7) gehört zur α-Baureihe mit Vollformat-Bildsensoren, wurde am 25. What exactly this means I don’t [care to] know, but what I do know is that it’s technology originally used in small sensor cameras to increase the low light/high ISO capability alongside increased pixel counts. More than anything, I feel motivated to give you some links to read more thoughts I have shared. As such, it was a professional camera for professional photographers and nothing more. Fuji got this right with the X100! Any thoughts about this? Suchergebnis auf Amazon.de für: sony a7rii. Unfortunately, at its core, the Sony A7Rii is a bit of a feature packed Dad cam! To a greater or lesser extent, this feels a little like it begins with the lowest common denominator. It’s tonal scale for a digital camera is very good, no actually the best I’ve encountered. There’s a tendency among certain photographers to view shooting in manual as a mark of competence, but really I think the skill is in knowing when you can trust the camera and when you need to step in. It’s not like the Nikon or Canon systems of SLR’s where advancements amount to little more than minor refinements. Power cycling the camera is the only way to cure this. There’s lots to love about the new Sony a7RII including upgrades to the original a7R of 5-Axis image stabilization found on a7II, Silent Shooting mode found on a7S and Electronic Front Curtain Shutter (EFS) found on every a7-series camera – except the original Sony a7R. Although my Fuji mirrorless is better in every objective way, it feels like a tool that I use whereas 30D was like an extension of me. If what you see is not what you want, more importantly, you’re able to quickly act on the information before you press the button. With my Nikon d800 and 50mm f/1.4 afs – a relatively new lens – I had issues. That’s why my A7II is always my first choice. This of course pretty much rounds the circle of the love-hate dichotomy that I started this post with. I’ve invested in the system, it’s become the backbone of my photo/video services at F8, I have lenses for it that I love, and actually James and Janine who use it at work think it’s great. Something in between Leica and canny camera territory. IF manufacturers like Sony would actually take a step back and look at what works with the cameras they make and what isn’t needed they’d do something great. The issue is – even before you take into account how they function and perform – with Sony replacing these cameras every few years with new better models, I feel driven to replace them every few years. Possibly slightly unrealistically, I want the camera that my old Nikon D3 was, with the size of the A7Rii. The Sony A7rii is a full frame 42 megapixel compact mirrorless interchangeable lens camera. I don’t take video on my phone, lot alone using a DSLR, but I’m entering Dad Cam territory on my Nikon. Die vollständige Liste finden Sie in der Fotostrecke und Bestenliste. My experience with the A7RII has been very frustrating! Luckily I’m hobby shooter, not pro, so I don’t have to be very fast and I can get away without autofocus. Fuji works for me because I don’t often shoot things that move and I almost never shoot video (amusingly, the one time I did my elderly Macbook wasn’t actually capable of playing it smoothly). Fuji make this very easy, but it’s still a case of me adapting to the camera and that’s never ideal. I’m was smiling and nodding my head throughout most of it. Die Werte im Artikel beziehen sich auf den Testzeitpunkt des Produktes (27.08.2015). zzgl. So I put the A7ii away again, and wonder why I still keep it. I’m sold on the theory of a mirrorless camera, now I just need the reality to catch up with my practical needs. sort of recaps. So what. But to me it’s just a box to house those things. Here’s a link to Steve Huff’s review, I’m sure he loves it, you’ll probably feel better about your favourite camera after reading his post http://www.stevehuffphoto.com/2015/08/31/the-sony-a7rii-camera-review-a-real-world-look/. Denn im Gehäuse schlummert ein effektiv arbeitender 5-Achsen-Bildstabilisator, der laut Hersteller bis zu 4,5 Lichtwerte kompensieren soll. A rare occurrence, let me tell you! If you pay close attention you will have noticed that photos taken with these Sony A7 series cameras have recently sneaked their way into posts on 35mmc. How in the world did you not plop that fabulous 50mm C Sonnar on the Sony with the VM-E close focus adapter? There is a post coming soon (I might publish it tomorrow actually) from a chap who is writing almost in response to this post – that would be very worth your while keeping an eye out for. The shutter noise is just awful. Anyway, let me wrap up this comment which is way way longer than originally intended with this broader thought: While reading your review of this camera, I had the feeling that your issues with the a7r are a bit of a macro for ALL digital photography. Apropos schnell: Die letzte Verbesserung bildet der Autofokus. //Erik, I’d love to give you a straight answer to that one, but I can really only recommend that you try – maybe hire one with an adapter and try it. Sogar bei Schwachlicht stellt die Kamera mit rund 0,4 Sekunden erstaunlich rasant scharf. Simply put, the ISO-less sensor has only one true speed (usually ISO 100 or 200), and every other speed is achieved by digital (post)processing. Quels sont les débits en mb/s ? Brian Smith. I was very wrong! Bummer. So in a roundabout way, through Sony providing a shitty user experience you ended up as a reader of my site. It will help loads of photographers out there who can’t afford to upgrade to the new A7RIII. I think the g master lenses might almost be too “good”. It doesn’t matter how finely you build the three story house, if it’s on a bad foundation then everything is marginalized. When the goal is taking a photo of a slightly drunk uncle Steve making inappropriate jokes after a few to many pints of Boddington’s, does a hair’s breadth of depth of field make a more interesting photo, or does capturing a bit more focus of the face of Auntie Sarah who’s evil-eyeing Steve from over his shoulder? Crazy things! Stop wasting your time with these characterful vintage film cameras. And that’s being nice. Prior to getting my M9 I kept getting asked to include a few digital results in reviews. It strikes me as a technical gizmo container that actually has very little photographic feng shui to it. I don’t take bad photos with it – quote the opposite – I just don’t enjoy taking them. Well many of the lenses I own are quite old and I love exploring what each of these lenses can do. EV just stays at 0. Hmmm. What possible use is this? I spoke to Zeiss in Germany this morning and was told that they do not recommend this lovely lens on the A7S – even not on the Mark II, though it should be less critical. Maybe that’s the bigger point you make with the whole blog. Then I read your review. I know a few videographers and the hobbyists shoot with Canons or Nikons, but all the pros use Sony. It just never has inspired me. The 85mm is unbelievable. Neil, you’ve made the 5D sound very tempting. With all the automatic functions working, acting on the exposure info in the viewfinder comes down to using the exposure compensation dial that sits conveniently under your right thumb. Be happy – Making the Sony AR7II work for me – guest post by Aivaras, The viewfinder; and making a good exposure, I’ve just published my @doomo_made Meter D revie, Published yesterday on 35mmc: 5 frames with the MS, Meyer Optik Gorlitz 30mm f/3.5 Lydith II (The New, Grabbed this Pentax MZ3 and 50mm 1.7 Pentax-F lens, My Chroma 679. Dedicated buttons. My journey into the Leica world has me wishing that the Panasonic and Sony had such nice precise manual focus but maybe I’m not aware of what is out there. I just stay manual in M and bias up or down on the old school exposure triangle, ISO, aperture and shutter speed. I did… Though, I have a cheap adapter… I did expect to enjoy this lens adapting more. I’m coming from owning an M6, which I have a love-hate relationship with (I’d prefer an M7), a MjuII, Pentax MV and Ricoh GRDII. Thanks again for the comment! For me it’s a keeper for the specific photography I use it for. I agree with Mikey, here. It certainly makes exposure a less worrisome process.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'35mmc_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_17',188,'0','0'])); Another massive crutch is the absurd resolution of the thing. All other photography I use Sigma cameras They are, without doubt, a subject of their own! Even though I’ve found this out, it is still extremely frustrating that I can’t just turn the camera on, and go. Auch kann die Profi-DSLM per elektronischen Verschluss komplett lautlos auslösen. Unfortunately, it’s through this over specification that I would and could never describe the Sony A7Rii as a professional spec tool. I tried a friends Zeiss 20mm MF the other day, the way it jumps in to manually focus throws me RIGHT off; BUT it was so much easier than focus by wire. My lengthy journey has ended up with 3 cameras at this point. So my A7II is my go-to camera with a Leica M9 for the simple camera experience. I did, though, once. I want the focus peaking and the inbody image stabilization. To me that camera is the Sony R1, silent, without motors and so few controls that I was able to use it just by touch in darkness. Some people call cameras like these ISO-less. I’m still thinking about the M2 and regretting selling it, absolutely beautiful camera to use, it’s just with it having no meter and I wasn’t confident enough without my handheld meter, (which I use for my Hasselblad), I’ve had an M6 before which was pretty much perfect, I’ve had the M2, now I’ve got a Voigtlander again (my 2nd one, I used to have a Bessa R2A, sold it to fund the M6). You have summed it up there, it’s not enjoyable to take pictures with the A7. At best it only has about 2 plus stops inching towards 2 ½ stops. In my mind, the only real function this Automatic AF has is to attract the dads who want to know they have all the functions under the sun, and possibly those who lack the technique or understanding to know better. If so why are they spending £3k on a camera? Take perfect. Quelle autonomie a t-il ? What would you recommend outside of Leica digi M territory? 35mmc is a blog authored, edited and published by Hamish Gill featuring daily articles submitted by readers. Thanks very much, I will try that today! Nothing like postulating the profound. Now pick a custom key, and set it to “Finder/Monitor Set.” When you have the monitor selected, it will not autoswitch to the viewfinder. I do wish it was slightly better with lenses with the nodal point close to the sensor. They’re just not designed for photographers who think like me. After several infuriating missed focuses, I’ve switched to back button focus and am having a much better hit rate. I plan to use anything I get with my vintage M42 and C/Y lenses and not have any modern AF lens, so the obvious plus is they’d all be at that natural focal length with no crop factor. But at the same time, it still manages to represent everything I dislike in modern camera equipment. Maybe an obvious question Hamish, but what for you are the major reasons you would only use a full frame digital now, not APS-C? This is all from getting inspired and reading things on your site! Kaum. And when I do want the feel of a craft camera, I’ll shoot with one of my Leica’s, Zeiss, Voigtländer, Nikon or Contax. ‘Dads’ can now take photo’s using one of these ‘modern’ cameras which may be indistingusable from any hardened professionals offering. . When I say “camera” here, the distinction I want to make is that I don’t want another “gadget” like the one I hold before me today. The Sonys are very much in the former category… whereas I find the fujis to be more in the latter. So what and how is this AAF going to bring to the table? That and the fact you can mount practically any lens on it with an adapter and it works great. It’s just hopefully going to be only a matter of time before other manufacturers catch on. An excellent, almost poetic review, Hamish. I mostly shoot boudoir and portraits in a studio setting. Even the 24-70 seems to be fine.. (All via the Sigma adaptor). But then, I think that’s a wish shared by many, and a problem yet to be solved by anyone… Oh, the joy. This has all happened for a few reasons really. It’s your admission, whether you meant it or not, that you “love to hate” this camera, and “hate to love it.” Which, essentially means, you have nothing but hate for it. Then on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I would get all impressed again at the insane resolution and sharpness of the a7r. Where’s the need to make the body compact? Not the Sony A7Rii. Hamish. You will have to let me know how you get on! As I’ve alluded to, the idea of this design approach is basically to make a thing that does all of the things that a thing of its type could possibly need to do – almost regardless of whether or not these things will ever be used. In setup menu #2, page three, under FINDER/MONITOR set to “Monitor(Manual)”. Nice article. My last pro Nikon, having owned all its predecessors. Sony and their likes are simplifying the technology and making space for the ‘creative eye’ …….. and it may be worth noting – ‘dads’ have eyes too. Hi Dmitiry – I’m sorry if I’ve offended your favourite camera with my “useless” waffle. So why do I shoot a Sony and not a Fuji then? The camera in question may feel plastic-y but the images are on par with images taken with vastly more expensive systems– consistently. The other issue I have with Sony zoom lenses is that the zoom is opposite Canon. The engineers at Sony created a great product in the A7R system, regardless of your science-less review. Sony Alpha 7R II: Ein Klappblitz fehlt, ein Blitzschuh ziert dagegen das Haupt. (I also don’t shoot at 42MP because I can’t see that need – 21 is more than enough). When you have 90 seconds to photograph up to 8 couples on the floor, muscle memory is very important as I’m instinctively zooming in and out as I pan around the floor. I mentioned that there’s an impact on the images, but that it’s only really visible when you zoom right in. I do many long exposures and bracketing on tripod so that is a menu function I’ve heavily relied upon. Making a camera bigger. The “Dad” camera? The Ricoh is an amazing bit of kit but a bit more oomph would be lovely! Haha, yeah! It has a BSI sensor, which as far as I know is the first of its type in this size of camera/sensor. But my Sony A7II can take my Leica M lenses, which the D800 cannot. In fact, it actually works so well now that I haven’t dreamed of throwing either of them out of the window for autofocus issues, even once… But this doesn’t mean I don’t think about replacing them…. A box that’s not particularly well made physically or finished. There’s something about technology and getting results fast and easy. If there is one thing those sonys do very well is take photographers back to film cameras. Or something else I can’t fathom? In spite of the fact that I don’t get paid for taking photos, I need to take good photos and make videos for our yoga center marketing and outreach. You’re calling this a Dad camera and you’re shooting with a Leica? When the M9 came out I thought Leica have done it, they basically brought out an M with a full frame sensor, and that was all we needed really! As a “dad camera” all star, it’s been killing me to see xt2s and 6diis out by the soccer field, as I’ve been limping along on a t5i for years, while I upgrade my lenses by secretly taking to-be-sold home photos for a real estate’s friend of mine so as not to alert my wife to the absurd prices if fast glass. You’ve influenced me in buying an M2 and lovely type 2 50mm summicron – what did I do before xmas? Extra marks for no walls pics, no charts, no f-series, no “look at the last 100 pixels of the bottom left-hand corner while shooting into the sun with a decentered lens”, no; it comes from your heart or maybe gut? Maybe that would be the camera for you… it’s quite a bit more expensive too! And to this I say nice accomplishment Sony. Sad thing is: pro videographers see themselves forced to buy into that concept by rationalizyng money x all the camera can do. M lenses on the Sonys are half the fun! Zur Motivgestaltung dient dabei maßgeblich der elektronische Sucher, mit dem die Arbeit herrlich viel Spaß macht.
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sony a7rii fiche technique 2021