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Lebenswoche: Alle 3 Jahre, Parain­flu­en­za und Lep­to­s­pi­ro­se jährlich: You are therefore advised to be selective about which sections or pages you wish to print. 2. Tweede dosering: Versican Plus DHPPi vermengd met Vanguard R 3-4 weken later, maar niet voor een leeftijd van 12 weken. Composition Lyophilisat et solvant pour suspension injectable. Consulta sobre el producto. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R is available as a lyophilisate (freeze-dried pellet) with solvent for injection. Überdosierung Es liegen keine Informationen zur Verträglichkeit einer Überdosis vor. Két adag Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R, 3- 4 hetes időközzel. Dodaj do koszyka. Two doses of Versican Plus Pi/L4R 3-4 weeks apart from 8-9 weeks of age. Az első adagot már 8-9 hetes korban be lehet adni. The second dose should . This will help protect them against distemper, adenovirus, parvovirosis, kennel cough, leptospirosis and rabies. Firme/MAH: Zoetis. VERSICAN PLUS DHPPi / L4R. Nobivac DHPPi + L4R: Versican DHPPi + LR: OČKOVÁNÍ PSŮ V DOSPĚLOSTI. Datasheet & Company Info. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R is available as a lyophilisate (freeze-dried pellet) with solvent for injection. De inhoud van een enkele flacon Versican Plus DHPPi dient vermengd te worden met de inhoud van een enkele flacon Vanguard R (in plaats van het oplosmiddel). The measure of effectiveness was levels of antibodies before and after vaccination. VACCINS VERSICAN DHPPI + VERSICAN L4 Et depuis Dimanche 20 Décembre 2020 rien ne va plus pour Elle et Moi…!!! 6S�&�~3�d�~6�;���d)7X=� �30-x` �� Vätska: Klar, färglös vätska.) %%EOF The laboratory studies showed the period of protection to be three years for canine distemper, canine adenovirus and canine parvovirus. This medicine is authorised for use in the European Union. 794-801 Versican Plus DHPPi/L4, Packung 25 x 1 Impfdosis ART.-Nr. Warum bringt ein Hersteller im Jahr 2014 eine Kombi mit einem Einjahres-Tollwutimpfstoff auf den Markt? Although effective vaccines have been developed against the common Leptospira serovars, they are still reported in clinical cases, while others are increasingly prevalent.. Vaccin contre la maladie de Carré, les adénoviroses, les affections à Parainfluenza, les parvoviroses, leptospiroses et la rage chez les chiens. Dos dosis de Versican Plus Pi/L4R con un intervalo de 3 a 4 semanas a partir de las 8 a 9 semanas de edad. Responses in puppies were lower than adult dogs in some cases, because of antibodies inherited from their mothers. Versican Plus L4 suspension for injection for dogs. }"�j`4��c�dQWY��斓�6 [�k>c�yх�Ö� m���/pl$�*]6à���R���c��ʋ�qy��!����W6�w�֤�d�6dOwmw���`N�X���I3>��_�d1���`�چ`��7�g���A�����}d��Տ�ޘlG�ɂb4^L I��HZ���3���}��;½'9MW�����S����S�͊=�|�k�;�̐c}����,?�>�� �H*|d\_�s~�}Z5����9N출8�oĉ��k�����rb��pNlF��|%'6�7���{�������pb��'�m��8.�&�J� �8q�AƔ�O5���lz5*���䟚�ޭ��jO+��)�7����bSqL�E2SY�o$yrEH�/s�����>���~+�?R3����bnE�< |CB�" ��,i���������o�AP}q3�@��Q��6c�p�:�mz?Zo�H. Orion Pharma Animal Health. It is typically transmitted through bites of infected animals. Annex IIA - Manufacturing-authorisation holder responsible for batch release. ... Versican Plus DHPPi-L4R. Rabies: The efficacy of the rabies fraction is proven after a single dose from 12 weeks of age in laboratory . Vaccin contre la maladie de Carré, les adénoviroses, les affections à Parainfluenza, les parvoviroses, leptospiroses et la rage chez les chiens. h�b```������ ��ea���4՘�(��"�"2�]Kʅ 9�0�vtt00A �B `c`�[�%�X,����J1F���ӆS�2=d�cN��`���Ԙ�x���P[���{��ٙ7@���XpH3200���``,�᳖�����8yD��@� `(� H�\��j�0F�~ h�bbd```b``� �S@$�)ɹ���,W�lF����y0������`v7X���DrE�H�9 R�D�� ��0 �&^7h}-ĉ�N��F��!2���ApA% Its purpose is to explain how the assessment done by the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) on the basis of the documentation provided, led to the recommendations on the conditions of use. Die zweite Impfung mit Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R sollte dann im Alter von 12 Wochen erfolgen. not be given before 12 weeks of age. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R is a veterinary vaccine that contains live attenuated (weakened) canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus type 2, canine parvovirus type 2b and canine parainfluenza virus type 2 as well as inactivated (killed) strains of Leptospira bacteria and rabies virus. 8436025836836. Vzteklina. Potrzebujesz pomocy? Frystorkat pulver och vätska till injektionsvätska, suspension (Frystorkat pulver: Vitt, poröst pulver. Substance active: adénovirus - hépatite infectieuse (Ca), parvovirus (Ca) CPV, virus de la maladie de Carré du chien, virus parainfluenza (Ca) CPIV, Leptospira spp. %PDF-1.5 %���� Dwie dawki Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R w odstępie 3-4 tygodni od 8-9 tygodnia życia. @g�#mjU��:h��0��43"�\��W&�\�'�L� �+�ݰ�&"�u�5��FY�0�����"1P��+�a Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R wurde im Jahr 2014 zugelassen. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4 est un vaccin vétérinaire qui conti ent le virus de la maladie de carré, l'adénovirus canin type 2, le parvovirus canin type 2b et le virus parainfluenza canin type 2 vivants atténués (affaiblis) ainsi que des souches de bactéries . 180 0 obj <>stream VERSICAN PLUS 10 DHPPI/L4R 1 D. VERSICAN PLUS 10 DHPPI/L4R 1 D. Producent. By Company. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R is a vaccine. Elle a passé sa journée en totale léthargie, refus alimentation, puis le soir la fièvre a commencé… Le Lundi 21, elle ne tenait plus sur ses pattes, et a chuté 3 fois… boosterovou vakcínou – Versican DHPPi-L nebo Nobivac DHPPi – L4. Administrar una dosis única de Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R cada 3 años. Information on the prescription status of this product may be found on the label/outer package. Cependant, dans les études terrain, 10 % des chiens séronégatifs n'ont pas montré Versican Plus Pi/L4R ist ein Veterinärimpfstoff, der lebende, attenuierte (abgeschwächte) canine Parainfluenzaviren Typ 2, inaktivierte (abgetötete) Stämme des Bakteriums Leptospira (Icterohaemorrhagiae, Canicola, Bratislava und Grippotyphosa) sowie des Tollwutvirus enthält. Temperatura przechowywania. Source : RCP du 16/05/2019. Please note that the size of the above document can exceed 50 pages. This is a summary of the European Public Assessment Report. Po 12 měsících od ukončení štěněčí vakcinace by měl být pes naočkován tzv. Daher kann die erste Impfung mit dem Impfstoff Versican Plus DHPPi/L4 erfolgen. studies. Annual revaccination is required for protection against parainfluenza virus, leptospirosis and rabies. ���*,$�`��0$�Қ�)Pn�b��G� '�X+��h�k��p per ml: lyofilisaat: geatt hondenziektevirus (CDV Bio 11/A): min 10exp 3,1 en max 10exp 5,1 TCID50 geatt hondenadenovirus type 2 (CAV-2-Bio 13): min 10exp 3,6 en max 10exp 5,3 TCID50 The benefit-risk balance may be found in the scientific discussion module of this EPAR. 050158. Première dose : VERSICAN PLUS P à partir de 8-9 semaines d'âge. Rabia: La eficacia de la fracción del virus de la rabia está probada, en estudios de laboratorio, después de una única dosis a partir de las 12 semanas de edad. 2. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R lyophilisat et solvant pour suspension pour injection pour chiens 3. In the future, if the animals are exposed to these infections the immune system will be able to respond more quickly. Die Wirksamkeit von Versican Plus DHPPi/L4 wurde zunächst in einer Feldstudie unter Beteiligung von 129 Hunden untersucht. Leptospira. Wścieklizna: Skuteczność przeciw wściekliźnie została udowodniona w badaniach laboratoryjnych po pierwszej dawce szczepionki podawanej od 12 tygodnia życia. The measures of effectiveness were clinical signs, body temperature and level of antibodies. Eerste dosering: Versican Plus DHPPi vanaf een leeftijd van 8-9 weken. VERSICAN PLUS DHPPi / L4R. {�A��Ƣy .��������R��%cx� �D=�S6�ջ.�7>������z�֢�� d8�q1��/d�z�:}�f�v�\���D���J���͎d|����!#�����q����%�Y�������_�KU=�� Z~�Fɘ�W7�e7��=>�C� ��n endstream endobj startxref VERSICAN® PLUS DHPPi/L4R. sprawdź jak rezerwować leki. Dvě dávky vakcíny Versican Plus DHPPi/L4 v odstupu 3-4 týdnů od 6 týdnů věku. (Ca), virus de la rage. to prevent mortality and clinical signs caused by canine adenovirus type 1. to prevent clinical signs and reduce viral excretion caused by canine adenovirus type 2. to prevent clinical signs, leucopoenia and viral excretion caused by canine parvovirus. -�E�%]I��i ��a�y��V:��cw��Y�t`m8����j��aw�I�?�ks��:w};���cl�z��]_h�ڮ�ʿ��i(�t��~���П��j�ʟix�ƻzش׷�X���6�]��~��GU?��O��~R�Z�U��A_O÷�%�2��thӼ��O�W�އ�LfM�����pj�x��c���g�V��Y�o���嶷s��4��m���L�N�+7���g���M��/̶̞�Zf{�Τ5�h�n+H �� -��13��,��JZ[vHu3y�֖֖֚��ڒ�I�L���h�t!ݐ��4�� 6^]�.�.B��6�d�]�)��v��ׂk�k�k�O�O�F��,;8Z:� z:��9ϸ��. The canine distemper virus, canine adenovirus, canine parvovirus and canine parainfluenza virus in Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R are alive but they have been attenuated (weakened) so that they do not cause disease; they are combined with killed (inactivated) strains of Leptospira bacteria and rabies virus. Als Einjahresprodukt. Tel: 0845 300 8034. Le lyophilisat de VERSICAN PLUS P peut être reconstitué avec une dose de VERSIGUARD RABIES (en remplacement du solvant). More detail is available in the summary of product characteristics, 17/04/2019 Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R - EMEA/V/C/002759 - WS/1337. canine distemper, an infectious disease which is sometimes called hard pad since dogs can develop thickening of the skin on the foot pads, as well as runny nose, cough, fever, vomiting and diarrhoea, excessive salivation and in some cases fits; canine adenovirus, which causes an acute liver infection that may produce signs of jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes); canine parvovirus disease, an infection that may severely affect puppies, resulting in lethargy, fever, vomiting and bloody diarrhoea; canine parainfluenza virus, the cause of kennel cough; leptospirosis, a bacterial disease that may be transmitted via infected urine and result in bleeding, hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) and jaundice or nephritis (kidney inflammation); rabies, a viral zoonotic (communicable to man) disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), leading to death. Druhá dávka: Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R v odstupu 3-4 týdnů, ale ne před 12 týdny věku. 794-866 Versican Plus DHPPi, Packung 25 x 1 Impfdosis ART.-Nr. Versican Plus DHPPi/L4, liofilizat i rozpuszczalnik do sporządzania zawiesiny do wstrzykiwań dla psów. VERSICAN PLUS DHPPi/L4R. Context Menu. 794-798 Weitere Produktvarianten Versican Plus DHP, Packung 25 x 1 Impfdosis ART.-Nr. Posologie : Bien agiter et administrer immédiatement tout le contenu (1 ml) du produit. Zoetis UK Limited. Nie należy podawać drugiej dawki zwierzętom młodszym niż 12 tygodni. When Versican Plus DHPPi/L4R is given to dogs the animals’ immune system recognises the viruses and bacteria as ‘foreign’ and makes antibodies against them. VERSICAN PLUS DHPPi/L4R. Laboratory studies were conducted subsequently to determine the period of protection against distemper, canine adenovirus (type 1 and 2) and parvovirus. If you need more information about your animal’s medical condition or treatment, contact your veterinarian. This summary cannot replace a face-to-face discussion with your veterinarian. Zur Impfung wird der Inhalt einer Durchstechflasche von Versican Plus DHPPi mit dem Inhalt einer Durchstechflasche von Versiguard … The percentage of dogs with protective levels of antibodies for parvovirus ranged from 73 to 100%, for parainfluenza virus 73 to 97%, for leptospira 59 to 96% and for rabies virus 86 to 100%. Composition Lyophilisat et solvant pour suspension injectable. Wie wurde Versican Plus DHPPi/L4 untersucht? Versican Plus L4 suspension for injection for dogs. Dans ce cas, la deuxième vaccination avec VERSICAN ® Plus DHPPi/L4R ne doit pas être administrée avant 12 semaines. *��9Q�ؓT� �@b��S���WMuvz�b��.�����t�;]X��_v�ك�BBF>��?T'g���j�U/^W�,��ӫ��D����ͯ�ț__+SMN�z���&���c꼫�oo�����&�麫.�b��)v����fy�-g���.��z��}^��>�V���������y5�tss�]cXi�9Y]���`��������ǵJ6U/�2t䴫^]M?���^-��/������O$�}+���׳��g�u���|���ͮ:���IH�/����H�d����ca׻�׺:[O�f'�W���d�]��j[΄S�rv�^,��[>�yG��Y�����vg���� endstream endobj 128 0 obj <>stream A második adagot 12 hetes kor előtt nem szabad beadni. Jedoch zeigten 10% der seronegativen Hunde in Feldstudien 3 - 4 Wochen nach einer einmaligen Impfung gegen Tollwut keine Serokonversion (> 0,1 IE/ml). Pour chaque dose de 1 ml : • Lyophilisat (vivant atténué) :
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