Ticket Module Ability to archive tickets. Easy For Staff, 1- Doctor Removal Ticket Module Up to three custom questions to be asked when users create a ticket. 12- Sign Out. We hope we can get your opinion Just to improve the quality of your server. We due custom Area of Patrols with a custom made CAD/MDT. We are one of the biggest role play communities out there for xbox we role play every single day with close to full or even 2 lobbies love more people to join and lets have fun. Your email address will not be published. Greet Module Option to use fancy embeds on leave and welcome messages. Sunset Role-play has FivePD and much more! And it's just to improve the quality of the servers. Limit bot activity to periods with less than 10k registered users online. Auto Role Module Assign a group of roles to users when they join. 9- Baggage Inventory Process. Language Module Ability to whitelist roles to bypass the filtered words and terms. Exclusive features from mTxServ, our bot allows you to display the realtime status of the server (players, ram, CPU, ..). Dann Joine jetzt auf den Discord und siehe dir leaks/teaser an und guck, ob der Server was für dich ist ;). We are looking for staff, police, fire/ems, civs, gang members etc. You can get maps, vehicles, scripts, eup, tools, etc... on our website! 11- Login. Sticky Messages – The sticky message extensions gives server moderators the ability to have a pinned message at the bottom of the chat until turned off. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Nearly all channel outputs from the bot can be configured to multiple channels instead of just one. total mutes, kicks, joins, bans, messages sent, messages deleted. 6- Police Seizure. Le classement français des meilleurs serveurs de jeux gratuit. You can add, remove and toggle roles. Admin Management Tracing of user actions. 7- Motel Inventory Process. J’ai une petite question à te poser : as-tu envie de t’amuser et de rejoindre la communauté de la TKG ? Auto Reply Messages Ability to reply to a users message automatically. Arma 3 RP Mods like Altis life is a Life Sim where you RP different Roles Police, Rebel, Civilian, EMS and many others. There are currently 31/80 players on the server, and with over 3100 discord members, we're proud to represent a vibrant, diverse and exciting community. Discord Status Bot(+Source): "PURE-FivePD is a FivePD server hosting UK Police vehicles and officer peds along with UK support vehicles like NHS Ambulance, AA Mechanic, Air Ambulance." Lock down your Discord server by automatically kicking anyone that joins while it’s active (toggled via command). Level Module Gain extra Experience from attachments and longer messages. 4- Billing. Install and create a Magma server in a few clicks with our administration panel. Role Reactions – Role reaction allows guild owners to award roles to users when they react to a message. FFMPEG, Full Logs On your discord  5- Death. We have over 80 members and the Max of 20 people in a rp lobby. Doors System V3 [Custom][Create][Delete][Lockpick][Fully], Custom Street Races System [Creation Tool]. We work on the server every day adding things to the community to make it the best RP experience, constantly improving the way we do things. Franchement réfléchis-y bien ça vaut le coup !! Ticket Module Tickets get sorted in a category. 3- Deleting an Item Required fields are marked *. 15- Twitter. !EU Tier 5 Gaming Livonia Discord.gg/NXSM2YDkJr DayZ (PS4) - v1.10.153598 - dayzOffline.enoch 3/50 Ticket Module Ticket system with no restriction on the amount of support roles. Join my Discord! Full Logs On your discord Easy For Staff 1- Doctor Removal 2- Item Transfer 3- Deleting an Item 4- Billing. SOVAROS Bienvenue sur Sovaros ! Admin Management Option to restrict commands with custom permissions. Server features include custom cars, eups / clothing, buildings and interiors, housing and much more.We Also offer: Hi im the owner and founder of Legend gamer Roleplay we are A GTA 5 RolePlay Community we are here to all have fun come check use out and get interviewed as soon as possible! Trouvez facilement un serveur Minecraft, serveur GTA RP, serveur ARK, serveur ARMA 3 et pleins d'autres sur nos classements ! Greet Module Option to use welcome/leave image instead of embed or text. What Department do we have open? Discord Bot Invite our Discord bot on your server and give your community information about your Minecraft server! You can add many factions with different functions to make RP process better. Fast Systems Our high-performance server hostings, CAD system, discord bots, and high attention to … Direct Message User Module Receive bot messages and replies. Last available version Magma 1.12.2_37439831_vb2a81d7. Arma 3 RP Mods. NodeJS 2- Item Transfer 14- Vehicle Transfer Process. Level Module Send an image with a users rank and Experience. For a guide on reporting an issue please visit our help section. American County RP is a sandbox based public GTA 5 RP FiveM server, Est. Wir sind ein GTA RP Server auf der Plattform RageMP. (Discord Trust and Safety Team) Issues related to our site (Discord Me) should be reported here or in our Discord Support Server. See images below. Economy driven RP server with many career paths to choose from. Magma is a minecraft plugin & mod version. Address Everyone who attends the server release day will receive an exclusive discord role and free Tier 1 VIP Subscription for a day. Giveaway System – A super cool giveaway system that does many things to enhance your giveaways. Server Lock – Got spam accounts joining? ACRP is officially releasing on Friday, February 19th, 8PM EST. 911 Communication San Andreas Fire and Rescue San Andreas Fish and Wildlife San Andreas Highway Patrol Language Module Filter words and terms and restrict them. Drag and drop! Monopoly Rp is built around the love of role-playing and the need to have a place to role play with an unbiased staff team who are fair. Zapraszamy Was na serwer, który został stworzony dla osób szukających ekipy do wspólnej rozgrywki. : https://discord.gg/wTuE3p3 Submitted by bevarnow in Fire / EMS 4 48 17 hours ago Address: 2153 Augusta Dr, Henderson, KY, 42420, Copyright | FiveM Store | Developed by -MeTi-#1111. Your email address will not be published. Level Module Display rank names for people with certain levels. You can make an unlimited amount of these with your own configuration. a Network for FiveM Scripts | FiveM Store | FiveM Mods | FiveM Scripts | FiveM EUP | FiveM Cheats | FiveM AntiCheats | FiveM Vehicles | FiveM Cars | FiveM Maps | FiveM Discord | FiveM Clothes | FiveM Launcher | FiveM Servers | FiveM.NeT | FiveM | FiveM RP | FiveM RolePlay | FiveM USA | FiveM Europe | FiveM EU | gta5 store | GTA Role Play | GTA RP | GTA RP | FiveM Asia | FiveM World | FiveM GTA | fivem-store.com | FiveM Tools | FiveM DDoser | FiveM Attack | FiveM Layer 4 | FiveM Hosting | FiveM Shop, FiveM Store A global network that aims to strengthen fivem.net servers. 8- Full Chat. in 2020. FiveM Store has been in the business for 2+ years. Ici le dev est constant, à votre écoute, comme tout le staff ! Over 120 configuration options in a config file. Interesse? Join our official Discord server ... kayıt-odası kayıt-log kayıt-rehber 🔴 Kayıt Bekleme Odası 🔵 Teyit Odası 🔵 Kayıt Odası 🔵 Kayıt Odası 🚔 Police Deparment lspd-sohbet lspd-kurallar karaliste silah-ruhsat ... ⚙️ Music Bot's ⚙️ Administration Bot Please Get Registered Role Training ️ Role Training Hey salut Toi !! Server Time: Feb 12, 2021 02:28 PM This website uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience. Requirement: Admin Management Have three configuration staff ranks with permission use. Application System – Configure questions to be completed in a application and have it out put to a HTML file. Level Module Options to remove levels on leave and/or removal. 13- Police Vault Operation. (Discord … https://discord.gg/A2Frx2G SARP is a Xbox One group we use Xbox parties & other apps. Easy to install Addon commands and extensions. Wir haben gute Scripts und einen guten Server. It's a pure creativity of the server and developers how everything works. Los Santos International Roleplay Playstation. 10- Community Service Process.
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