D.. Dieser Pinnwand folgen 103 Nutzer auf Pinterest. There is also a non-silver variant of the British tipped cat. The tip of the tail should have the same colour as the cat’s markings. The coat colour should be a deep rich red, with a few tabby stripes or markings anywhere as possible. British shorthair bleu-golden ticked. Cats with this colouration are a warm reddish-brown, exactly like the spice their colour is named for. Nose leather should be brick red, with some black outlining allowable. Réservé : Le contrat de réservation est signé et l'acompte est versé. This heavier ticking may extend along the full length of the ticked tabby’s tail. Colourpointed and white cats are also permissible under the breed standard. The oldest of these patterns is the handsome tri-coloured tortie and white; the original variant has a black, red and white coat but any two colours (as listed in the self-colour section) plus white are now accepted. From a kitten to a fully grown cat, what to do and what to avoid to keep your cat happy and healthy. In kittens, colouration on the head may be accepted but not in the adult. Le chaton peut redevenir disponible après la date limite de réflexion que j'aurai défini. The ring-shaped stripes surrounding the tail may be complete or broken. L’arrivée du chaton British dans votre foyer. There should be no white anywhere; lips and chin can be lighter than the rest of the cat but mustn’t be white. This combination of shades creates the cat’s overall lilac colouration. The cat’s face should have a white marking in the shape of an upside-down V. The apex of the V should start on the forehead and extend all the way down the cat’s face to cover the nose and the whisker pads. Paw pads should be in keeping with the overall colour of the cat. The markings and the patches should both be nice and distinct, with light red and/or dark red over the non- dilute colours (stripes or spots) or pale cream in the dilute (ground) colours. To be a real British Blue the cat’s colour must be completely solid and very pure: a dense, crisp coat of light to medium blue-grey, without any spots or even a hint of tabby striping. 29.07.2013 - Entdecke die Pinnwand „British Shorthair Blue“ von B. Female British Shorthair : Lilac. The tortie tabby colouration is a combination of both tortoiseshell and tabby patterns, with the tabby spots or stripes being overlaid with patches in shades of cream or red. Ce chat de taille plutôt grande, possède des caractéristiques qui lui sont propres : une tête très ronde et de grands yeux ronds. All colours of the ticked tabby variant are deemed to have preliminary status and are not yet fully recognised as part of the British Shorthair breed standard. The face of a British Shorthair cat has large whisker pads and, in some males, noticeable jowls. BSH smokes are characterised by an undercoat of silver that peeks through the topcoat, especially as the cat moves, creating an eye-catching smoke effect. CAMAYLIA & QUARTERBACK. British Shorthair cats can have a number of different eye colours. With its round eyes and the suggestion of a permanent smile, the British Shorthair cat’s face has a natural friendliness that can’t help but charm anybody who meets one. Les chatons partiront vaccinés, identifiés et stérilisés avec pedigree, à partir de 13 semaines, Mère : Championne Jasmijn van het Kopstuck, Ident. The cat’s chin, chest, stomach and undertail fur should be pale — the lighter the better — but there should not be any white patches. Chaton British Shorthair et Longhair . Birth / Naissance 16/04/2013. It’s the evenness of the tipping which is of paramount interest to a show judge, rather than the degree thereof. Bon caractère. They can have pink or cinnamon noses and paw pads. The undercoat is very pale (it can be cream, silver or another light shade), appearing white with a “frosting” of colour. When many people picture a British Shorthair, the image that springs to mind is the classic British Blue: a handsome kitty with solid blue-grey fur and amber eyes. The nose Leather should be chocolate. L’article L’arrivée du chaton British dans votre foyer est apparu en premier sur Chatons British Shorthair. 03.06.2020 - Voici un magnifique chaton très mignon de race british shorthair ! Chaton abyssin x british shorthair Très affectueux, joueur Mange de la nourriture sèche et molle ... Petite femelle bleu crème exotic shorthair. To fulfil breed requirements, the British Shorthair colourpoint should have ears, mask, tail and legs in matching point colours. Vendu : le chaton est parti rejoindre sa nouvelle famille. Chatons et photos. Silver variants of all these colours are also acceptable, along with black silver ticked tabbies. The stripes and other markings for this colour should be a shade of rich chocolate brown, while the ground colour should be a pale silvery shade of chocolate. The number of combinations is staggering, with everything from the traditional light fawn and seal points to exotic variants such as lilac and blue. A little tinge of rust is okay when the cat is still a kitten; they tend to grow out of it. The coat colour for this type has markings of a dense black and ground colour of silver, producing a dramatic contrast; it’s no wonder that this particular colouration is very highly sought after among cat fanciers. Nous gardons nos chats une fois retraités. Chatons de Linda. Ils peuvent être croisés et je suis ouverte à d’autres races aussi. The classic tabby cat’s markings should include a butterfly shape across the shoulders. The tipping should be even across the whole of the cat’s body, except for the undercarriage and chin. Markings should not be brindled. Nose leather and paw pads should be pink. Rosie chaton de Osmose Omalley 2020. Le British Shorthair est une race qui vient d'Angleterre. In adult cats, the legs may be barred or they may not. Nose leather and toe pads should also be blue to match the cat’s coat. Mère : Championne Jasmijn van het Kopstuck. In actual fact, though, British Shorthairs exist in a range of amazing colours and patterns. Their nose leather and paw pads should both be pink. Even heavy shading is acceptable as long as the cat’s other features are good. Son élevage est difficile car il doit répondre à certains standards pour être considéré comme un British Shorthair à part entière. A tortie tabby’s eye colour should be copper, orange or amber with no trace of green. The nose leather and paw pads should be a light or rosy pink. Their nose leather and paw pads need to be a pinkish fawn to conform to the breed standard. Vaccinée et vermifuge carnet de santé. Watch Queue Queue The coat colour in this breed can vary somewhat, with any shade of rich chocolate being accepted within the breed standard. At one end, you have those very aloof and skittish kitties (often rescues or semi-feral cats) who reject all attempts at physical contact with a... Where To Find British Shorthair Cats For Rehoming? Are British Shorthair Cats Good With Dogs? In spotted tabbies the pattern on the legs should be spotted rather than barred; we shall go into more detail about the spotted tabby’s colouration in a later section. Nose leather should be brick-red. A réserver magnifiques chatons British shorthair Bleus et lilas issuent des plus belles lignées internationales. Cinnamon is another fairly new addition to the breed standard. Deux mâles Shorthair bleu et une femelle Shorthair bleue. All four of the cat’s feet need to be white. FANNY & QUARTERBACK . Le chaton peut redevenir disponible après la date limite de réflexion que j'aurai défini. Recognised tabby colourations include tortie tabby, tortie silver tabby, tortie spotted and tortie silver spotted British Shorthair cats. Deux mâles Shorthair bleu et une femelle Shorthair bleue. Spotted tabby British Shorthairs have the same set of acceptable colourations as compared to their mackerel and classic tabby cousins. The ground colour is a cool light beige. The butterfly’s wings should be broken up with patches of the lighter ground colour. Watch Queue Queue Nos précédents chatons - British Shorhtair So Perfect Описание: Petit élevage familial de chats british shorthair situé en région parisienne. Testé Fiv-FelV et PKD : négatifs. “Cream” in the breed standard refers to a warm but pale off-white hue, neither as ruddy as the red colouration nor as dark as the fawn. 4 waren hier. It’s very easy to see why: not only are they very winsome and prepossessing to look at, they have charming natures. The tabby’s ears should be the same colour as the stripes, with a “thumbprint” of the ground colour at the base. Like red-haired humans, these cats sometimes have freckles on their bare spots, such as pads, nose leather, ears, eyelids and lips. 19 août 2016 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Jack Ruby. Ticked tabby markings are restricted only to certain parts of the body. This is one of the oldest pattern colours in the breed and is very popular. Paw pads should also be red. To be a show animal, however, they should have deep orange eyes. The tabby’s hairs should be evenly ticked all over the body but ticking may be heavier along the line of the cat’s spine. Smoke BSH cats with colourpoints are also possible, adding yet another variety to the already staggering range of possibilities. The spotted tabby should have the same head markings as the mackerel and classic tabby types. Cream BSH cats may have a few tabby markings, which should be as faint and slight as possible. Photos 1-2-3 : Mâle Couleur fourrure: black silver point Couleur yeux: bleu intense Date de naissance 26/06/2020 Opéré Vacciné Prêt à partir Photo 4-5 : papa Scottish fold , maman British shorthair Lignée pure. It’s quite a subtle combination, almost ethereal. 2 mâles - 4 femelles. The stripes and other markings should be a deep blue. Paw Pads should be black. Un male et une femelle. It’s one of the oldest in the breed, created by breeding the British Shorthair line with Russian Blues many generations ago. Tippies should have the breed standard copper or golden eyes, all except for black and golden tipped BSH cats (which should have green eyes). This line should be unbroken and there should be lines on either side of it, running unbroken down the length of the cat’s back. Nose Leather should be brick red, preferably; black nose leather is also allowed. The cat’s coat should be evenly tipped, with the colour on the legs fading towards the paws. Très typée. Le British Shorthair est une race de chat issue de Grande-Bretagne, ce qui lui vaut sa dénomination particulière. In particular, there should be no white hairs anywhere. The British Shorthair is slow to mature; on average, these cats reach full-size by about the age of three, but some don’t fully mature until the age of five. These cats aren’t likely to spring into your lap and they don’t particularly like to be held or carried, but they often do enjoy the company of their human family members and will often spend time playing or napping the same room. A black BSH cat should have black nose leather and paw pads (no pink or brown “toe-beans”). There should be lines running from the M, over the cat’s head, and down to the markings on the cat’s shoulders. The cat’s nose leather should be brick red in colour. Self or solid colour BSH cats can be pure white — the only time that any white hair is accepted on this breed. The coat colour standard for this variant specifies markings of rich chocolate brown. 23 juin 2016 - C'est toute gaga que je vous présente mon mini Magnum, mon moustachu : un British Shorthair Bleu !!! Blue or mismatched eyes are only accepted in white BSH cats; green or hazel eyes are accepted only in black silver tabbies. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les. This video is unavailable. Golden tippies should have a chin, stomach, chest and undertail of a pale apricot colour. Male British Shorthair : Blue & White / Bleu & Blanc. On each flank there should be an oyster-shaped oblong mark with at least one unbroken ring around it. As long as the freckling is slight, it won’t be penalised by show judges even in a mature cat. The coat colour has markings of a warm pinkish grey, while the ground colour is a pale silvery lilac. The British Shorthair is one of the world’s most beloved pedigree cat breeds. Nos chats reproducteurs vivent parmi nous. The ideal British Shorthair has short, well-developed limbs, round paws and a blunt tail with a broad base. A British Shorthair’s skull is brachycephalic but not to an overly pronounced degree; this breed has a slightly snub nose, not a squashed one. Nos chatons sont disponibles pour une adoption réfléchie Ils ont un caractère très doux et extrèment proche de l’homme. © 2016 par Marie-Line Rey . Le chaton n'est plus disponible. This variety of British Shorthair can have green or hazel eyes alongside the breed standard eyes of orange. This colouration’s commonest fault is silver tipping, which is only permissible in kittenhood. J’ai un budget pouvant aller jusqu’à 700$ et je suis de Thetford Mines, mais je suis prête à me déplacer n’importe où. Kittens require a lot of care and attention, especially in the first few weeks of life. The topcoat can be seal, any kind of tortie, or one of the previously listed self-colours. Remember, this is the same breed standard calls for a stocky, muscular body (termed “cobby” in the official descriptions) with a broad chest. Orange-eyed white BSH cats should have copper, amber or deep gold eyes. Female Scottish Fold : Lilac. The gold colour must be sound all the way down the hair shaft to the roots, with no darkening or fading into a different hue. These charming cats appeared almost four decades ago when breeders introduced the Himalayan gene to the British Shorthair breed. Sous observation : Ce chaton n'est pas à vendre. #chaton #chat Many of these have been formally recognised by the various cat registries. In kittens, silver tipping is permissible but the cat needs to outgrow it in order to become a really top-class show animal. Symmetry is important; the markings should be exactly similar reflections on either side of the cat. Paw pads should be black or dark brown. The nose leather ought to be blue according to the standard, while the paw pads may be blue or pink. There should be a nice, clear contrast between the body colour and the coloured points; any shading should blend with the points. New varieties of tippies are appearing all the time, with the reception on the show bench being very positive. A white British Shorthair cat can have sapphire blue eyes (known as a blue-eyed white BSH). Ticking refers to stripes down the length of the hair shaft. To be a show-quality cat the white needs to be clean and pure, with no tinge of yellow or other colours. Besides completely solid colourings (what are called “self” colours in cat fancier parlance), many patterns are recognised including points, calicos, tortoiseshells and many kinds of tabby. The markings should be as symmetrical as possible. The ground colour for this variant should be a soft bluish fawn. Birth / Naissance 20/03/2013. It’s a very attractive combination, a bit more subtle than the black silver tabby. The smoke variant has caused something of a stir in the cat fancy. Jul 17, 2018 - Mon chaton British Shorthair Bleu, de l'élevage des British du clos d'Eugénie… Sachez qu'un British Shorthair bleu (soit un poil gris) aura obligatoirement les yeux cuivrés (orange) On the cat’s head, the ticking can be rather more dense. Enjoy the site! The body markings should consist of clearly defined spots of a dark colour against a lighter ground colour. cats need plenty of attention from their humans, A British Shorthair’s skull is brachycephalic, British Shorthair cats can have a number of different eye colours. Le plus beau bébé chat du monde ! Vans are cats with a predominantly white body and a patch of colour on the head. Ne porte le gène longhair. HCM négatif par échographie cardiaque en 2019 Nose Leather can be black but brick red noses are preferred. While not given to extended sessions of lap time, they are nonetheless deeply affectionate, loyal and easy to get on with. Très jo..... lire la suite . The van’s tail is also fully coloured. BRITISH SHORTHAIR bleu. Je recherche un chaton mâle soit de race exotic shorthair, scottish straight, ragdoll, british shorthair ou munchkin. Any colour of nose leather or paw pads is permissible as long as it’s appropriate to the coat colour; pink is also acceptable. Male Scottish Fold : Colorpoint. Female British Shorthair : Lilac. Odd-eyed BSH cats must have one sapphire blue eye and one amber or golden eye; other eye-colour combinations are not accepted. British Fawn; British Bleu; Chatterie de virvarnon . Groupe sanguin Ab. The cat’s cheeks should have narrow lines and there should be an unbroken line of “mascara” running from the outer corner of both eyes. The coat colour should have markings of a warm cream on a ground colour that’s silvery, almost white. The coat colour for this variety has deep red markings on a ground colour of pale silvery cream. Nous sommes un petit elevage familial près de Versailles en région parisienne, nos chatons peuvent être des british shorthair ou des british longhair. The cat’s nose leather and paw pads should have a pink shade, which can be dark or pale. Female Scottish Fold : Lilac. The cat’s tummy should have spotted markings but the body should not have any markings — no stripes, no spots and no blotches at all. In an adult cat, the fur should be solidly black. link to How long can a mother cat be away from her kittens? The breed standard also accepts tortie points and a great range of tabby colourpoints. In kittens it may be completely solid, showing an M pattern on the forehead. Colours can be any one of the accepted self-colours with a pale near-white undercoat. Chaton British Shorthair et Longhair . There should be one central line running unbroken along the length of the cat’s spine, with broken lines on either side of it. Les chatons partiront vaccinés, identifiés et stérilisés avec pedigree, à partir de 13 semaines . The colours should be strong and dense. Fawn BSH cats have coats of a warm mushroom colour with a rosy hue. It’s a charming colour, especially combined with the British Shorthair’s orange eyes. Lilac tabby BSH cats have markings of lilac — that is to say, a warm grey with a distinctly pink hue. Père: Mummuth Apple Face. These pretty cats have rich cream markings against a lighter ground colour of pale cream with a cool tone. The cat may have necklaces, either broken or unbroken; these are not a requirement, however, and there may be no necklaces at all without this constituting a fault in the colouration. Elevage De La Hillane A partir de 1190 € Annoncé le 10 Février | Callian | 32 - Gers . Vous pouvez nous contacter s'il vous intéresse car il peut redevenir disponible à tout moment. 2000$ Laissez vos coordonnées et votre nom et je vous appelle. It’s a tremendously appealing colouration. Van BSH cats should have breed standard golden eyes. While not given to extended sessions of lap time, they are nonetheless deeply affectionate, loyal and easy to get on with. The British Shorthair is a friendly character, quite laid-back and not prone to hostility or destructiveness. The cat’s nose leather should be chocolate brown in colour. The chin should be nice and strong, lining up perfectly with the nose. This is a vivid and vibrant colouration, with a rather more pronounced degree of contrast than the conventional “ginger” tabby cat. Ticked tabby coat colours include brown, blue, chocolate, lilac, cinnamon, fawn, cream and red. The belly should show spotted markings and a tabby’s toes should also be spotted. This video is unavailable. 22 juin 2016 - Cette épingle a été découverte par Yara Fahmy. The points should be clearly defined and with good contrast against the body. Other eye colours are not permitted in mature cats; rims and flecks of other colours are not allowed either. The cat’s nose leather and paw pads should be a nice rich red. Nous choisirons la meilleure famille pour lui svp nous envoyer un message avec une description de vous, votre famille et votre mode de vie. The cat’s bib, chest and undercarriage should all be white; the legs should either have tonal shading or be white too. The following colours are accepted in spotted tabbies as for the classic and mackerel varieties: As well as the varieties listed above spotted British Shorthairs may also have tortoiseshell tabby colourations. Colourpoints in all the recognised self-colours are accepted, along with seal point BSH cats. Bi-colour BSH cats arrived on the scene somewhat later; they have coats showing patches of one self-colour and white. Not to be confused with the red silver tabby, these cats have a light red ground colour (although not too light, as an overly pale ground constitutes a fault). Black BSH cats need to have fur of the purest jet black, with no rusty shades or brown patches. A brown tinge on the nose or paws constitutes a fault in this colour. In classic, mackerel and spotted tabby cats, the face markings should include a letter “M” on the forehead that looks rather like a frown. Their eyes and noses should be outlined with “mascara” in a dark colour. The mackerel tabby pattern is characterised by many narrow stripes, without the oblong “islands” seen in the classic tabby. NC . In this article, we’ll discuss the breed in general before taking an in-depth look at all the gorgeous colours that a British Shorthair can manifest. Van markings should be nice and clear with no white hairs in the coloured sections; all colours should be sound with no pronounced tabby markings. In the case of a tortie tipped cat, red or cream should not be absent or insufficient. Chaton d'Olivia et Carlo. Tabby markings in British Shorthair cats fall into one of three categories: classic tabby, mackerel tabby and spotted tabby. Tail rings need to be complete on a classic tabby. The cat’s nose and pads should be brick red. Mackerel tabbies should have the same facial markings seen on the classic tabby. Hi, my name is Sarah and I would like to welcome you to MyBritishShorthair.com You will learn here everything you need to know when owning a British Shorthair cat. Odd eyes are also accepted by the breed standard. The nose leather and paw pads of a lilac British Shorthair should be a similar pinkish lilac to the fur. The cat’s markings should be deep rich red. In all varieties, the markings need to be clear and dense in colour, well-defined and not faint or blurred. Bi-colour and tri-colour variants are possible. Vans can have any of the self-colours as their markings. When provoked, she prefers to take her to leave and make a graceful exit to the nearest high spot rather than throwing a tantrum. This gave rise to a blue-eyed BSH variant with light-coloured bodies and contrasting points. Mise à jour 09 novembre 2020, Au titre de la propriété intellectuelle et des droits d'auteurs, toute reproduction même partielle des textes, design et photos est interdite sans mon autorisation. Tippies should not have any strong tabby markings; that said, rings on the tail may be acceptable if the cat is otherwise a good specimen of the breed. April 8, 2013. The tip of the tail should be the same colour as the stripes. In classic and mackerel tabbies the cat’s legs should be barred with even markings; the “bracelets” ringing the tabby’s legs need to extend from the body markings to the cat’s paws. The rest of the mask should be a clearly defined point colour and should match the ears and tail. An overly pale brown ground colour constitutes a fault in this combination. The ground colour should be a warm-toned bronze, neither too light nor too dark. Bienvenue sur le site des chats de ghislaine! The ticked tabby’s facial markings are the same as the British Classic Tabby standard. This lovely variety of British Shorthair has a ground colour of pale silvery blue with darker blue markings. 21 et 22 septembre 2019 Avec l’automne revient la saison des expositions ! 528210004491439 - N° Pédigrée (NL) FE LO 16.BSH.069.3, Si vous êtes intéressé par un chaton de British idylle, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter après avoir lu nos conditions  par la  page contact, Disponible : Nous sommes à la recherche d'une famille pour notre chaton. This colouration is, in many people’s minds, the epitome of the British Shorthair. The classic orange eye-colour of this breed makes an arresting combination with deep black fur. Qui est, ni plus ni moins, le demi-neveu de This is the golden tipped BSH cat, which has a coat of rich apricot-gold and black or dark brown tipping. Male British Shorthair : Lilac. These cats have a deep and subtle colouration, with markings of dense jet black on a rich copper brown ground. Like red BSH cats they sometimes have freckles; as long as freckling is slight, it’s acceptable in adult cats. The cat’s nose leather and paw pads should be pink. Nos chatons british shorthair sont élevés en liberté et en famille et sont de diverses couleurs. Nous souhaitons le voir grandir un peu pour le proposer ou le voir évoluer en vue d'intégrer la chatterie ou un autre élevage. Note that all van colourings are preliminary for this breed. On the hind legs, the markings need to extend from the hock to the sole of the foot. Physically these cats are very engaging: the cats need plenty of attention from their humans to be happy. Paw Pads can be eitherchocolate or pink in colour. Weitere Ideen zu katzen, britisch kurzhaar, kurzhaar katzen. The small ears are rounded and set rather far apart on the kitty’s head, which makes her head look even rounder than it already is. The exception to these rules is the black silver ticked tabby, who may have green or hazel eyes. Blue vans should not have silver tipping once mature. In both varieties of tabby, the cat’s tail should have ring-shaped markings that are narrow and as numerous as possible. Each hair should have two to three bands of colour that extend down the hair shaft; the colour at the roots is the base colour. Option : Quelqu'un est intéressé par notre chaton et souhaite le voir pour confirmer sa réservation ou bien la personne a besoin d'un petit délai de réflexion avant de prendre sa décision. Eye colour needs to be pure, without rims or flecks of other colours in the iris. Cutest kitten ! It’s very easy to see why: not only are they very winsome and prepossessing to look at, they have charming natures. Also known as a “Tippy”, the tipped British Shorthair is a cat with the silver gene but with a colour at the ends of their hairs. While some colourations are not recognised and would disqualify the cat as a show animal, they are often beautiful and endearing in their own way. The paw pads need to be chocolate or pink. Les parents . The lilac silver tabby is an unusual and charming colouration. “Lilac” in cat fancy jargon denotes a delicate frosty grey, lighter than the classic blue and with a noticeable pinkish tone. The cat’s eyes should be a strong coppery orange or rich amber; this can take a few months to fully manifest, with many British Blue kittens having eyes of flat brown until they grow into their adult colour. Née le 22/08/2016 . Il apparaît la première fois en 1871 lors d’une exposition et la beauté naturelle de ce chat va faire sa popularité. The ground colour and stripe colour should be evenly balanced with neither dominating. There's a very wide spectrum of feline sociability. Chocolate British Shorthairs get their colouration from cross-breeding with chocolate Persians (followed by extensive work to rein in the tendency to longer hair and regain the proper coat texture). Ident. 2 mâles - 1 femelle. The cat’s face, tummy and should show the base colour clearly. L'exposition féline d'Avignon me donne l’occasion de sortir ma belle Ophélie de l’ile d’Oriane . Nose leather should be brick red (a black outline is permissible). It’s okay for the legs to have small patches of colour. Découvrez vos propres épingles sur Pinterest et enregistrez-les.
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