BDO Gear Guide From Level 50-58; ... You get a +1 success stack after failing an enhancement, this is called a failstack. This is a general guideline – a safe one, since boss gear repairs are expensive – and you can use the full numbers in the enhancement chances tables to decide your own strategy. Boss Gear List for Concentrated Boss’s Aura. Season servers are a new addition to BDO which first arrived on the 17th June 2020. 52. The same gear will recover 10 maximum durability and a memory fragment will recover 1 durability for awakening and boss gear, and 2 durability for liverto. You can use an "artisans memory" to change the recovered maximum durability by 3. 70% is the threshold for armor and weapon enhancement; Before 70% each failstack is worth the same amount, after 70% threshold failstacks are less effective Accessories have a lower threshold depending on enhancement level; 90% is the Cap, you can never reach 100% chance to succeed Here's a sheet i made to show all the % per enhancement level. Enhancement Chance of Green Armor. Open the Processing window (L) then Heating on one of the following items to get Concentrated Boss’s Aura x1. Those are consumed after you are successful in increasing one item. Lion's Boss Gear Enhancement Table with % Info. Golden Graduation Cap: ... (armor or weapons) can be converted into boss gear using the [Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon. Piece you see a gear enhancement spreadsheet, you get your stream, you can take note that are the battlefield. Gear Softcap is full Tet boss gear with Tri yellow accessories. Posted by [NA] Wizard 61. These options must be selected in the enhancement window but enhance is the default option. Enhance: Selecting this option doubles your enhancement chance from your current failstacks, making the gear easier to enhance. ... An item that changes Enhancement Chance for gear enhancement. The 3 boss gear you have to melt down, are transformed into Concentrated Boss Aura x3. 1 year ago. Only the base gear with +0 enhancements works. Almost any green grade weapon/armor is able to be upgraded to give additional stats. For Pri and above there is no durability vs enhancement option. 0 to +15 Method Enhancing to +15 is very easy unless it is liverto, awakening or boss gear. ... BDO Global Lab Update: ... We now know their formula as well as the Base Enhancement Rate for each boss weapon/armor. Close. Boss Gear, the final destination!!! ... A huge gear goal in BDO is getting “softcap”, which is in essence 250AP. Gear Soft Cap. Gear Progression: Boss Gear. However, the armor/weapons will drop by one enhancement level (eg. Boss gear cannot be upgraded because it is already at the highest grade. When you are enhancing green gear between +1 to +15 you have the option to either use “Enhance” or “Durability”. It’s called Boss Gear because it’s often obtained very rarely from defeating crazy mad bosses. Boss Gear is considered end game gear in BDO. Boss while in bdo gear enhancement chance increases chance of your needs, life mastery tools, and trademarks are categorized as every fail you need your enhancement? BDO Gear Guides. The table shows the chance when using the durability option from +6 to +15 enhancement ranks on green armor. Upgrading your gear is completely safe, you will not lose enchant levels or break/lose the item itself. Again it is interesting to see that the numbers are virtually the same as for boss … This means you will have more chances of enhancing the next time. There are different grades of this item for different grades of Rough gear stats: 251/253/294
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