Kleine Hunderassen Hunderassen mittelgroß Große Hunderassen Riesenhunderassen . 53577 Rahms. Trouver des illustrations dans la thématique Border Collie imprimées avec le plus grand soin sur des vêtements de qualité supérieure. Alaskan Klee Kai are highly intelligent and have lots of energy. Größe des Hundes. Advertisement Quebec: Alaskan Klee Kai Breeders. Those first 2 years you have the task of keeping your AKK from being bored and therefore destroying things, possibly valuable, expensive things. Please visit the page APPLY FOR OUR AKK for details. Rosie (Jahrgang 2010). Enjoy a year of Stunning Klee Kai. Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen. Alaskan Klee Kai is a wonderful breed to own and to love. ANZEIGE **Chap** Mitglied. 16 vector icons set such as afghan hound dog, akita dog, alaskan klee kai dog, american eskimo american hairless terrier contains american leopard hound water spaniel anatolian shepherd austrailian - Acheter ce vecteur libre de droit et découvrir des vecteurs similaires sur Adobe Stock L'Alaskan Klee Kai est une race de chien nordique de la famille des spitz. 5+ Irrefutable Reasons to Own a Siberian Husky Ideas. Herkunft/Charakter/Wesen. The Klee Kai’s ancestry includes elements of the Alaskan Husky, Siberian Husky, and to a lesser extent, the American Eskimo dog and Schipperke as well. Also, they do not fully mature until they are about 2 years of age. We pride ourselves in breeding quality puppies with excellent temperament, structure and which conform to the United Kennel Club Breed Standard. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. The Alaskan klee kai (pronounced KLEE-ki) means "small dog" in an Eskimo dialect. View Live Puppy Stream! LOOKING FOR AN ADULT? Der Alaskan Klee Kai ist ein winziger Hund, der wie ein kleiner Husky aussieht. Herkunft/Charakter/Wesen; Die Eltern; Unsere Welpen; Unsere Kleinen im neuen Zuhause; Old English Bulldog. Téléchargez l'APK 4.0 de Alaskan Klee Kai Theme - Nova pour Android. They are currently recognised by the UKC, ARBA, CKC, NKC, APRI, ACR and the DRA. Unlike the Siberian husky, the Alaskan husky is a mixed-breed. Le terme «Klee Kai» dérive d'un mot athapascan qui signifie «petit chien». Die Standard- Variante erreicht eine Größe zwischen 38 und 42 cm und wiegt etwa 10 kg. 13. Diese Rasse ist energiegeladen und aufmerksam, verglichen mit Spielzeughunden von ähnlicher Größe. E-Mail. Our dogs are firstly our indoor family pets and fur-kids. Sie sollte es sich sehr gut überlegen was sie da haben will. Alaskan Klee Kai - welpen zu verkaufen. Passionné depuis toujours par les chiens, nous avons découvert la race extraordinaire qu'est l'Alaskan Klee Kai. Wie viele andere nördliche Rassen und kleine Hunde ist der Alaskan Klee Kai durchaus der Barker. Find Alaskan Klee Kai Puppies and Dogs for Adoption Today! Schließen. Puppies are available only to homes who have completed our application process. - - Home Non class é élevage berger australien paca . Land . Acheter le chien en ville de bateau. Élevage d’Alaskan Klee Kai à Saint-Cirq Faites appel au Royaume des Licornes dans le Tarn-et-Garonne Les Alaskan Klee Kai du Royaume des Licornes à Saint-Cirq sont des petits chiens énergétiques d’origine nordique.. Der Alaskan Klee Kai ist eine kleine Variante des Husky, unterscheidet sich aber durch einige Äußerlichkeiten, wir zum Beispiel größere Ohren und eine höher angesetzte Taille. your own Pins on Pinterest They generally weigh between 10 and 20 pounds (four to nine kilograms), depending on size. They love to dig and chew and can easily annihilate a backyard of all vegetation. Discover (and save!) Menü klicken Hunderassen - www.dehunderassen.de. LOOKING FOR A PUPPY? 4. promote the Alaskan Klee Kai by sharing our knowledge of the breed with whomever is interested. The search tool above returns a list of breeders located nearest to the zip or postal code you enter. Diese Hunde können Fremden gegenüber misstrauisch sein, neigen jedoch dazu, eng mit ihren […] Name. The Alaskan Klee Kai is a relatively modern breed, which was only developed and standardised in the 1970’s, and not widely available to buy by private owners until the 1980’s. We are based in Riverside, California and are dedicated to producing only the highest quality puppies. The Alaskan Klee Kai is a spitz-type breed of dog, developed in the late 20th century as a companion-sized dog resembling the larger Alaskan Husky and Siberian Husky. Les annonces privées, photos, prix | fr.petglobals.com Alexander Schleining. The Alaskan Klee Kai breed was created to provide a smaller companion version of the Alaskan Husky. More about the Alaskan Klee Kai. Papiere . Kontakt. Es gilt die Datenschutzerklärung. Tout nos chiens sont élevés en famille, avec nous. Cette race a été créée pour obtenir un Alaskan Husky de la taille d'un animal de compagnie. Alle Hunderassen ( 327 ) Top-30 der Hunderassen. Kategorie . Border Collie Articles Acheter des T-shirts, hoodies et autres cadeaux dans la thématique Border Collie. Printed on high-quality, FSC certified paper. This is a list of all the AKK Breeders that I know of personally. Jan 8, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Alex Bazhan. Border Collie Articles Acheter des T-shirts, hoodies et autres cadeaux dans la thématique Border Collie. Alles, was Sie über die Hunderasse Alaskan Klee Kai wissen sollten: Geschichte, Pflege, Fotos, Charakter, Namen und mehr. Une des vidéos de chiens à regarder sur Chien.com. Many Alaskan huskies have characteristics similar to those of Siberian huskies such as small, upright ears, wolflike coloration and a tail that curls over the dog’s back. The breed was developed in the early 1970s by Linda Spurlin in Wasilla, Alaska. NEXT BREEDING PLAN IS IN SPRING 2021. Nous espérons transmettre notre amour et notre passion pour nos chiens à travers ce site, en vous souhaitant bonne visite ! Füllenheck 3. (Updated Jan 1, 2020) I currently have no retiring … Version miniature du husky sibérien, cette race est intelligente et requiert un niveau d’interaction élevé avec son propriétaire. Nos chiens vivent avec nous et chacun d'entre eux est un membre de la famille à part entière. Find Alaskan Klee Kai dogs and puppies from Arkansas breeders. Ursprungsland: Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. Below is a sample search of our Alaskan Klee Kai breeders with puppies for sale. Spirit of klee kai est une petit élevage familial d'alaskan klee kai situé en Belgique, nous comptons actuellement 4 compagnons. TO.P.A.Z. Benutzer . Alaskan Klee Kai. See real-time photos and information about the dogs currently in the shelter nearest to you. See real-time photos and information about the dogs currently in the shelter nearest to you. The Alaskan klee kai resembles its foundation breed, the Alaskan Husky, in miniature. Features full-color pages throughout 12x12" opening to 12' x 24" Trouver des illustrations dans la thématique Border Collie imprimées avec le plus grand soin sur des vêtements de qualité supérieure. Er tritt in 3 Varianten auf: Toy, Miniature und Standard. Breeders of Alaskan Klee Kai. élevage berger australien paca. Der Pocodilly Circus 2 mit: Poco (Jahrgang 2006) und. The Alaskan Klee Kai are incredibly loving and loyal to those who they consider to be their family. Suche . Our News on Social Media. The Alaskan Klee Kai is also known as the AKK, Miniature Alaskan Husky and Mini Husky. Dans cette vidéo, un Chien Chinois à Crête s'essaie à l'équilibrisme. Pochette à message; Shopping bags; Chapeaux de pluie; Mon panier (0 ) Votre panier est vide. We are four small hobby breeders of the Alaskan Klee Kai also known as the miniature husky located in Hertfordshire, Peterborough, Oxfordshire and Hampshire, England. BREED INFORMATION. A nice theme for alaskan klee kai dog owners with custom icons and wallpapers. Hunderassen von A-Z. Herkunft/Charakter/Wesen; Kontakt; Alaskan Klee Kai. Below is a sample search of our Alaskan Klee Kai breeders with puppies for sale. Punkte 1.930 Beiträge 298. Start … Advertisement Nevada: Alaskan Klee Kai Breeders. Alaskan Klee Kai Wall Calendar for 2021 is now in stock! Feb 22, 2012 - Kika's Klee Kai offers quality Alaskan Klee Kai dogs and puppies, also known as miniature huskies, for adoption in California. Alaskan Klee Kai. It’s also free to list your available puppies and litters on our site. Bred in three sizes, its weight range is from 5 to 22 pounds as an adult and differs slightly for the male and female dogs. Nous mettons un point d'honneur sur le travail de la sociabilisation. The klee kai comes in three sizes: standard, over 15 inches up to and including 17 inches; miniature, over 13 inches up to and including 15 inches; and toy, up to 13 inches. Top-30 der Hunderassen. Linda S. Spurlin, creator of the Alaskan Klee Kai breed, says she used the Alaskan husky as the foundational stock for the Klee Kai. Find Alaskan Klee Kai Puppies and Dogs for Adoption Today! Jan 21, 2019 - Undeniable Reasons to Own a Siberian Husky Ideas. Geschlecht . (Updated Jan 5, 2021) CURRENT PUPPIES HAVE BEEN SPOKEN FOR. Wenn die Alaska Kai Klee trifft er auf eine neue Person (ein Freund oder deine Cousine, wurde 100 Zeiten), Seite wird seine Schüchternheit nicht scheitern.. Sie müssen auf die Ebene des Hundes zu erhalten, Knien Sie und bieten Ihnen die Rückseite Ihrer Hand so, dass Sie Olfateé. The presence of any breeder on this list DOES NOT mean that I endorse or recommend them in any way, it just means that they are not a scam.That said, any breeder with excessive owner complaints will be removed from here without notice to them. It is an energetic, intelligent dog with an appearance that reflects its northern heritage. But it is not a breed for most people. 5. use our knowledge and expertise, that has been gained by our years of experience, to assist those who are loyal to the Alaskan Klee Kai breeding principles and are interested in breeding or showing their Alaskan Klee Kai.
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