When they saw Stinney and his younger sister Aime during their journey, they stopped and asked if they knew where to find maypops, the yellow edible fruit of passionflowers. During the two-hour trial, Plowden failed to call witnesses to the stand or present any evidence that would cast doubt on the prosecution’s case. Sie trafen auf ihrem Weg George Stinney Jr und dessen Schwester Katherine und fragten sie wo sie bestimmte Blumen finden könnten. "Maybe I did," she said, prompting Finney to ask, "If you can't remember what you wrote down in 2009, how can you remember what happened in 1944?". Thames and her friend Betty June Binnicker were murdered the following year. ", But most of the comments on the "Redeem George Stinney Junior" Facebook page offered support for those working for a new trial. But in the end, none of it was enough to save Stinney. George Junius Stinney Jr. (21 de outubro de 1929 – 16 de junho de 1944) foi um adolescente afro-americano condenado à pena de morte, em junho de 1944, na cidade de Alcolu, Carolina do Sul. Beweise für seine Schuld? Alcolu was a small, working-class mill town, where white and black neighborhoods were separated by railroad tracks. The 14-year-old African-American boy lived with his father, George Stinney Sr., mother Aime, brothers John, age 17, and Charles, age 12, and sisters Katherine, age 10, and Aime, age 7. Weighing in at just 95 pounds, he was dressed in a loose-fitting striped jumpsuit. Poi un compagno di cella, al quale il ragazzino aveva dichiarato la sua innocenza e aveva descritto i mezzi violenti con i quali lo sceriffo gli aveva fatto ammettere una colpa non sua. Über den Fall George Stinney Jr. haben wir bereits im August 2019 berichtet. En 1944, George Stinney vivió en Alcolu, Carolina del Sur, con su padre, George Stinney Sr. (1902-1965), su madre Aimé (1907-1989), los hermanos John, 17, y Charles, 12, y sus hermanas Katherine, 10, y Aimé, 7. Not really." George Stinney Jr.’s execution was not without protest. und Aimé, 7. George Junius Stinney jr. (Alcolu (Clarendon County), 21 oktober 1929 – Columbia, 16 juni 1944) was een Afro-Amerikaanse jongen, die op 14-jarige leeftijd onterecht werd geëxecuteerd op de elektrische stoel vanwege een dubbele moord op twee meisjes. Binnicker and Thames, who wer… George Junius Stinney Jr. (21 de outubro de 1929 – 16 de junho de 1944) foi um adolescente afro-americano condenado à pena de morte, em junho de 1944, na cidade de Alcolu, Carolina do Sul. Post and Courier Stinney’s supporters appealed with everything from the basic idea of fairness to the concept of Christian justice. No appeal was filed, and he was led to the state's electric chair just 83 days later. 362 likes. The youngest person in the United States to ever be put to death in the electric chair was an African-American 14-year-old named George Stinney Jr. "It was strange to see them in the neighborhood because I never saw them there before," she testified. Tribune News Service via Getty Images Katherine Robinson, one of George Stinney’s sisters, testifies to what she remembers from the day of his arrest. The next morning bodies of both girls along with a railroad spike were found in a ditch filled with muddy water on the black side of town. In March 1944, deep in the Jim Crow South, police came for 14-year-old George Stinney Jr. His parents weren’t at home.His little sister was hiding in … When Dr. Asbury Cecil Bozard examined their bodies, there was no clear sign of a struggle, but both girls had met violent deaths involving multiple head injuries. The 70-year-old case of George Stinney, known as the youngest person to be executed in the state of South Carolina at 14, was reopened Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2014, in Sumter, S.C., as witnesses were called to answer questions on long ago events. Pardon and Parole Board to issue a pardon, in case Mullen does not rule to reopen the case. Meanwhile, Binnicker had suffered at least seven blows to the head. Asked if he were recognizable, she replied, "Not too much. Advertisement . Il bambino afroamericano di 14 anni viveva con suo padre, George Stinney Sr., sua madre Aime, i suoi fratelli John, di 17 anni, e Charles, di 12 anni, e … His siblings claimed that his confession was coerced and that he had an alibi: At the time of the murders, he was with his sister Aime watching the family’s cow. Stinney was pronounced dead shortly thereafter. The 70-year-old case of George Stinney Jr. was re-examined in 2014. That was reportedly the last time the girls were seen alive. George Stinney, then only 14, was put to death just 83 days after his arrest for the double homicide. [5] The Post and Courier George Stinney Jr. had two brothers – John (17 years old; half-brother) and Charles (12 years old). Both Katherine Stinney Robinson and Aime Stinney Ruffner testified that their older brother was innocent. Finney also noted the statement, unlike Ruffner's Tuesday testimony, also makes no mention of her hiding in the chicken coop when the authorities came to their house. George Stinney died because he was poor and black at a time when being white meant one was right and being black meant one was wrong. Katherine Stinney-Robinson testemunha na defesa do irmão em janeiro de 2014. It took a jury of white men 10 minutes to find Stinney guilty — and it would take 70 years before Stinney was exonerated. Il était accusé davoir tué deux jeunes filles blanches. Em 1944, George Junius Stinney Jr., um afro-americano de 14 anos, morava com seu pai, George Stinney Sr., sua mãe, Aime e seus quatro irmãos, em uma casa fornecida pelo dono da serraria em que seu pai trabalhava. Winds light and variable. Eines Nachmittags im März 1944 waren zwei Mädchen aus dem Ort Alcolu, sieben und elf Jahre alt, nicht wie erwartet nach Hause gekommen. Newman refused to reveal where Stinney was detained, as rumors of lynching spread throughout the town. Neither do we. https://victimsfamiliesforthedeathpenalty.blogspot.com/2016/06/ On the day after Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the page contained a King quote: "Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals.". März des Jahres 1944 mit ihren Fahrrädern die Straße in Alcolu entlang. Ci dessous, la mère de George Stinney à droite : Aime Stinney et sa soeur : Katherine Stinney-Robinson à gauche. Il est l'un des plus jeunes justiciables légalement exécutés de l'histoire des États-Unis [1]. Er konnte weder in Berufung gehen noch sonst etwas … George Stinney Jr. (second from right) was likely coerced into confessing to the murder of two white girls. But today, most attorneys working to reopen the case are white, while Finney is one of state's two black solicitors. After two more jolts of electricity, it was over. Strapped into an adult-size electric chair, he was so small that the state electrician struggled to adjust an electrode to his right leg. George Stinney Jr. was an African American child who was executed at the age of 14 in the murder case of two white girls, Betty June Binnicker (11 years old), and Mary Emma Thames (7 years old) in 1944; making him the youngest American and also the youngest one … Katherine Robinson, one of George Stinney's sisters, testifies to what she remembers from the day of his arrest. So the 14-year-old was surrounded by strangers — up to 1,500 of them. Judge Mullen intervened and asked Ruffner again about the statement, which she said she made. Peter John Stephens, a forensic pathologist, was not here in person, but his deposition said the autopsy report of the girls appears to conflict with the details of Stinney's confession, particularly as far as whether the murder weapon was a hammer or railroad spike and whether a 95-pound boy could have inflicted such forceful blows. A rumor floated around town that the girls had made a stop at a prominent white family’s home on the same day of their murder, but this was never confirmed. Steam is seen coming out from the buildings along Independence Avenue where George Stinny of the National Park Service cleans up the sidewalks at the... Aimee Ruffner, sister of George Stinney, was 8 years old when her brother was arrested and … Thames had a hole boring straight through her forehead into her skull, along with a two-inch-long cut above her right eyebrow. George Stinney Jr. is the youngest American and also the youngest person in modern times to be executed by electric chair. Nel 1944 George Junius Stinney Jr. viveva ad Alcolu, nella contea di Clarendon, nella Carolina del Sud. Based on a true story. Meanwhile, hundreds of letters and telegrams poured into the governor’s office, begging him to show mercy to Stinney. Unlike a new trial that could find Stinney innocent, a pardon acknowledges his conviction but is a statement of society's forgiveness for the crime. George Stinney Jr. was a fourteen years old African American child who was executed in South Carolina in 1944 for killing two young white girls. Binnicker and Thames, who were white, never made it home that day. KATHERINE STINNEY ROBINSIN(KR) and LORRAINE BAILEY(LB) KR: My name is Katherine Stinney Robinson, and I’m the youngest sister of George Stinney, Jr. LB: My name is Lorraine Bailey, and Betty June Binnicker was my baby sister.That afternoon, she and the other little girl next door wanted to go pick some flowers and she got on her bicycle and took the other little girl with her. By the time of his trial, Stinney hadn’t seen his parents in weeks, and they were too afraid of getting attacked by a white mob to come to the courthouse. Stinney. Brother Charles Stinney of Brooklyn testified via a Nov. 5, 2013, videotaped deposition because of his declining health. Katherine Robinson testified first but recalled very little directly of March 23-24, 1944, when the girls went missing, their bodies were found and her brother was arrested. His father, George Stinney Sr., was a former sharecropper who worked at the town’s sawmill, and his mother, Aime, was a cook at Alcolu’s school for black children. Daarmee was hij de jongste persoon die in de 20e eeuw in Amerika de doodstraf kreeg. When officials turned on the switch, 2,400 volts surged through Stinney’s body, causing the mask to slip off. You can say this happened 76 years ago, or you can say this happened only 76 years ago. Dabei hatte der schwarze Junge keinen eigenen Anwalt, noch nicht einmal einen Pflichtverteidiger. An African-American boy, George Stinney Jr., who was executed at age 14 in the killing of two young white girls has been exonerated in South Carolina, 70 years after he became the youngest person executed in the U.S. in the 1900s. Stinney is an opera set in SC in 1944, told from the perspective of two very young murder victims; aged eight and eleven.
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