Macau Cambodia,KH Iran Malawi United States,US Holy See (Vatican City State) Guyana,GY Malaysia,MY case CL List of countries in YAML, CSV and TXT format. case TN case AQ Sweden Structured data parsed from Wikipedia. Estonia,EE Guinea,GN case GT Hungary,HU case JO ('MA|Morocco'), 3. The Phone code is the international dialing access code that is specific for each country. East Timor For licensing reasons this is only offered ⦠Kyrgyzstan,KG French Southern Territories ('ME|Montenegro'), ('BM|Bermuda'), Montenegro,ME Gabon Belgium case SA case TD This is because CSV files (Comma Separated Values) split data into columns using " , " as a separator by default. New Caledonia Cayman Islands Demographics. Det är gratis att anmäla sig och lägga bud på jobb. Antigua And Barbuda Sao Tome And Principe case BH case CD United States Minor Outlying Islands case NE Saint Vincent And The Grenadines case PR Israel ('MN|Mongolia'), WorldData. Nicaragua case ME ('BJ|Benin'), Paraguay Turkey,TR ('GN|Guinea'), case GU Cocos (Keeling) Islands ('GP|Guadeloupe'), Slovakia,SK Virgin Islands - U.S.,VI case SE Niue,NU The Netherlands finishes the top ten most developed countries list with an HDI of 0.933. ('AN|Netherlands Antilles'), Tajikistan,TJ ('ML|Mali'), case CO case MD Macedonia instead of ... ISO 3166 country code/country name list â CSV format. ('LR|Liberia'), countryCapital. Bhutan The Republic of South Korea ('PF|French Polynesia'), ('KI|Kiribati'), ('CC|Cocos (keeling) Islands'), Turkey Cook Islands,CK Nicaragua,NI SEPA stands for Single Euro Payments Area. List of all countries name with ISD and ISO code in SQL and CSV format By Shahrukh Khan Posted: March 29, 2016 Last updated: March 29, 2016 8 mins read 3 comments Countries names list are one of the most common part of every project. ('NU|Niue'), case BD It's time someone compiled a list of countries to use within a web application. case SY Libyan Arab Jamahiriya case BS French Southern Territories,TF Djibouti,DJ Guadeloupe Pitcairn,PN ('FM|Micronesia, Federated States Of'), Martinique,MQ case MC ('VE|Venezuela'), French Guiana,GF ('NF|Norfolk Island'), ('IR|Iran, Islamic Republic Of'), case OM ('NE|Niger'), Åland Islands,AX Spain,ES case LK case BW Sudan Currently there are 1,796 Nameservers from 127 countries in the database. case TW ('SK|Slovakia'), ('GT|Guatemala'), case KV Federated States Of Micronesia Armenia The following list summarizes how you can use these files and provides links to instructions. Philippines,PH ('SZ|Swaziland'), Afghanistan,AF Indonesia Tanzania - United Republic of,TZ ('SC|Seychelles'), Lithuania,LT Gabon,GA ISO 3166-1 alpha-3. Burkina Faso Senegal,SN Mali,ML Kyrgyzstan South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands International: Internet and Phone Codes for countries. Republic Of Moldova Gambia Switzerland ('GB|United Kingdom'), Taiwan - Province of China,TW Syrian Arab Republic This database contains public DNS Servers that are reachable by IPv4 or IPv6. Country Type of contact Prefix First Name Last Name Email Alternate E-mail Address; Albania: IPPC Official Contact Point: Kristaq: Nicaj [email protected] Directory of Animal Health and Plant Protection, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Bulevardi Deshmoret e Kombit, Tirana, Albania Nauru,NR ('TP|East Timor'), Northern Mariana Islands This is a plain text list of all of the countries of the world, listed alphabetically. Arabic, Basque, Chinese (simplified), Chinese (traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Ukrainian. ('IS|Iceland'), case AG Georgia,GE ('RW|Rwanda'), Vanuatu,VU ('GY|Guyana'), ('FJ|Fiji'), For all those looking to INSERT this INTO SQL Server - Cheers: ('AF','Afghanistan'), ('AL','Albania'), ('DZ','Algeria'), ('AS','American Samoa'), ('AD','Andorra'), ('AO','Angola'), ('AI','Anguilla'), ('AQ','Antarctica'), ('AG','Antigua And Barbuda'), ('AR','Argentina'), ('AM','Armenia'), ('AW','Aruba'), ('AU','Australia'), ('AT','Austria'), ('AZ','Azerbaijan'), ('BS','Bahamas'), ('BH','Bahrain'), ('BD','Bangladesh'), ('BB','Barbados'), ('BY','Belarus'), ('BE','Belgium'), ('BZ','Belize'), ('BJ','Benin'), ('BM','Bermuda'), ('BT','Bhutan'), ('BO','Bolivia'), ('BA','Bosnia And Herzegovina'), ('BW','Botswana'), ('BV','Bouvet Island'), ('BR','Brazil'), ('IO','British Indian Ocean Territory'), ('BN','Brunei Darussalam'), ('BG','Bulgaria'), ('BF','Burkina Faso'), ('BI','Burundi'), ('KH','Cambodia'), ('CM','Cameroon'), ('CA','Canada'), ('CV','Cape Verde'), ('KY','Cayman Islands'), ('CF','Central African Republic'), ('TD','Chad'), ('CL','Chile'), ('CN','China'), ('CX','Christmas Island'), ('CC','Cocos (keeling) Islands'), ('CO','Colombia'), ('KM','Comoros'), ('CG','Congo'), ('CD','Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The'), ('CK','Cook Islands'), ('CR','Costa Rica'), ('CI','Cote Divoire'), ('HR','Croatia'), ('CU','Cuba'), ('CY','Cyprus'), ('CZ','Czech Republic'), ('DK','Denmark'), ('DJ','Djibouti'), ('DM','Dominica'), ('DO','Dominican Republic'), ('TP','East Timor'), ('EC','Ecuador'), ('EG','Egypt'), ('SV','El Salvador'), ('GQ','Equatorial Guinea'), ('ER','Eritrea'), ('EE','Estonia'), ('ET','Ethiopia'), ('FK','Falkland Islands (malvinas)'), ('FO','Faroe Islands'), ('FJ','Fiji'), ('FI','Finland'), ('FR','France'), ('GF','French Guiana'), ('PF','French Polynesia'), ('TF','French Southern Territories'), ('GA','Gabon'), ('GM','Gambia'), ('GE','Georgia'), ('DE','Germany'), ('GH','Ghana'), ('GI','Gibraltar'), ('GR','Greece'), ('GL','Greenland'), ('GD','Grenada'), ('GP','Guadeloupe'), ('GU','Guam'), ('GT','Guatemala'), ('GN','Guinea'), ('GW','Guinea-bissau'), ('GY','Guyana'), ('HT','Haiti'), ('HM','Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands'), ('VA','Holy See (vatican City State)'), ('HN','Honduras'), ('HK','Hong Kong'), ('HU','Hungary'), ('IS','Iceland'), ('IN','India'), ('ID','Indonesia'), ('IR','Iran, Islamic Republic Of'), ('IQ','Iraq'), ('IE','Ireland'), ('IL','Israel'), ('IT','Italy'), ('JM','Jamaica'), ('JP','Japan'), ('JO','Jordan'), ('KZ','Kazakstan'), ('KE','Kenya'), ('KI','Kiribati'), ('KP','Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of'), ('KR','Korea, Republic Of'), ('KV','Kosovo'), ('KW','Kuwait'), ('KG','Kyrgyzstan'), ('LA','Lao Peoples Democratic Republic'), ('LV','Latvia'), ('LB','Lebanon'), ('LS','Lesotho'), ('LR','Liberia'), ('LY','Libyan Arab Jamahiriya'), ('LI','Liechtenstein'), ('LT','Lithuania'), ('LU','Luxembourg'), ('MO','Macau'), ('MK','Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of'), ('MG','Madagascar'), ('MW','Malawi'), ('MY','Malaysia'), ('MV','Maldives'), ('ML','Mali'), ('MT','Malta'), ('MH','Marshall Islands'), ('MQ','Martinique'), ('MR','Mauritania'), ('MU','Mauritius'), ('YT','Mayotte'), ('MX','Mexico'), ('FM','Micronesia, Federated States Of'), ('MD','Moldova, Republic Of'), ('MC','Monaco'), ('MN','Mongolia'), ('MS','Montserrat'), ('ME','Montenegro'), ('MA','Morocco'), ('MZ','Mozambique'), ('MM','Myanmar'), ('NA','Namibia'), ('NR','Nauru'), ('NP','Nepal'), ('NL','Netherlands'), ('AN','Netherlands Antilles'), ('NC','New Caledonia'), ('NZ','New Zealand'), ('NI','Nicaragua'), ('NE','Niger'), ('NG','Nigeria'), ('NU','Niue'), ('NF','Norfolk Island'), ('MP','Northern Mariana Islands'), ('NO','Norway'), ('OM','Oman'), ('PK','Pakistan'), ('PW','Palau'), ('PS','Palestinian Territory, Occupied'), ('PA','Panama'), ('PG','Papua New Guinea'), ('PY','Paraguay'), ('PE','Peru'), ('PH','Philippines'), ('PN','Pitcairn'), ('PL','Poland'), ('PT','Portugal'), ('PR','Puerto Rico'), ('QA','Qatar'), ('RE','Reunion'), ('RO','Romania'), ('RU','Russian Federation'), ('RW','Rwanda'), ('SH','Saint Helena'), ('KN','Saint Kitts And Nevis'), ('LC','Saint Lucia'), ('PM','Saint Pierre And Miquelon'), ('VC','Saint Vincent And The Grenadines'), ('WS','Samoa'), ('SM','San Marino'), ('ST','Sao Tome And Principe'), ('SA','Saudi Arabia'), ('SN','Senegal'), ('RS','Serbia'), ('SC','Seychelles'), ('SL','Sierra Leone'), ('SG','Singapore'), ('SK','Slovakia'), ('SI','Slovenia'), ('SB','Solomon Islands'), ('SO','Somalia'), ('ZA','South Africa'), ('GS','South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands'), ('ES','Spain'), ('LK','Sri Lanka'), ('SD','Sudan'), ('SR','Suriname'), ('SJ','Svalbard And Jan Mayen'), ('SZ','Swaziland'), ('SE','Sweden'), ('CH','Switzerland'), ('SY','Syrian Arab Republic'), ('TW','Taiwan, Province Of China'), ('TJ','Tajikistan'), ('TZ','Tanzania, United Republic Of'), ('TH','Thailand'), ('TG','Togo'), ('TK','Tokelau'), ('TO','Tonga'), ('TT','Trinidad And Tobago'), ('TN','Tunisia'), ('TR','Turkey'), ('TM','Turkmenistan'), ('TC','Turks And Caicos Islands'), ('TV','Tuvalu'), ('UG','Uganda'), ('UA','Ukraine'), ('AE','United Arab Emirates'), ('GB','United Kingdom'), ('US','United States'), ('UM','United States Minor Outlying Islands'), ('UY','Uruguay'), ('UZ','Uzbekistan'), ('VU','Vanuatu'), ('VE','Venezuela'), ('VN','Viet Nam'), ('VG','Virgin Islands, British'), ('VI','Virgin Islands, U.s.'), ('WF','Wallis And Futuna'), ('EH','Western Sahara'), ('YE','Yemen'), ('ZM','Zambia'), ('ZW','Zimbabwe'). (2) Check the Save as type option, and select CSV (Macintosh (*.csv) from below drop down list. case AD case NZ OurAirports has RSS feeds for comments, CSV and HXL data downloads for geographical regions, and KML files for individual airports and personal airport lists (so that you can get your personal airport list any time you want).. Microsoft Excel users should read the special instructions below. Ghana @suranyami: Sorry if this list was somehow offensive, that was never my intention. case GR case VN ('NG|Nigeria'), ('IQ|Iraq'), KP|Korea, Democratic People\'s Republic Of, MK|Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of, GS|South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands, "Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of", "South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands". Jamaica Panama,PA case LV ('GW|Guinea-bissau'), United States of America case SZ Gibraltar,GI case IO case SO Hong Kong Poland Armenia,AM Venezuela - Bolivarian Republic of,VE Uganda,UG China This gist attempts to make a first move at that. case MQ its very detailed and informative list even got longitude details, district, state, city. South Sudan,SS INSERT INTO countries(name) VALUES ('CR|Costa Rica'), case VI ('LU|Luxembourg'), ('AG|Antigua And Barbuda'), There it is also easy to add a pull request. Uganda This publication includes total energy production, consumption, stocks, and trade; energy prices; overviews of petroleum, natural gas, coal, electricity, nuclear energy, renewable energy, and carbon dioxide emissions; and data unit conversions values. Trinidad and Tobago,TT United Arab Emirates,AE case LA Northern Mariana Islands,MP Det är gratis att anmäla sig och lägga bud på jobb. Switzerland,CH @taoski, you're going to have a problem in your CSV file with the countries that have a comma in them. Albania,AL case PT Req. ('UM|United States Minor Outlying Islands'), France,FR case ZA Guadeloupe,GP case SN Tokelau,TK San Marino case GP ('YE|Yemen'), ('BW|Botswana'), ('DJ|Djibouti'), case SJ Mongolia There is a fairly well maintained repo on github that has a CSV (with semicolon delimiters), XML, and JSON source of countries, country codes, and other information. ('VN|Viet Nam'), Swaziland,SZ Benin,BJ List of countries in YAML, CSV and TXT format. ('CM|Cameroon'), Donât worry we wonât send you spam or share your email address with anyone. ('ER|Eritrea'), ('IT|Italy'), Nepal ('MG|Madagascar'), Norfolk Island,NF Download various files with data and flags for all countries. To sort the list click a column heading. case CH case KH ('SA|Saudi Arabia'), Romania,RO Portugal,PT case UZ Estonia ('GE|Georgia'), Tokelau ('MD|Moldova, Republic Of'), ('EC|Ecuador'), case US ('NI|Nicaragua'), case KG Malta ('BF|Burkina Faso'), ('MZ|Mozambique'), Dominican Republic ('BG|Bulgaria'), case KZ ('AW|Aruba'), ('TK|Tokelau'), @antag0n1st check for a better list. Maldives,MV ('WS|Samoa'), In the Split Workbook dialog, check the sheet name you want to split (all sheets are checked by default), check Save as type, choose CSV (Macintosh) (*.CSV) from the drop-down list. Saint Kitts And Nevis available in multiple languages, in CSV, JSON, PHP and SQL formats, with associated alpha-2, alpha-3, and numeric codes as defined by the ISO 3166 standard, and with national flags included, Download Falkland Islands case HK case VA Anguilla case SG Comoros Mexico,MX ('BN|Brunei Darussalam'), Exclude reading specified number of rows from the beginning of a csv file , by passing an integer argument (or) Skip reading specific row indices from a csv file, by passing a list containing row indices to skip. ('NP|Nepal'), Is there a mapping between nationality and country code ? case PE Solomon Islands case AL El Salvador Github Pages for CORGIS Datasets Project. case HR The When opening a CSV file exported from BeeBole, your spreadsheet editor (for example, Excel) may show the data in a single column instead of nicely splitting it into several columns. Gambia,GM Bermuda case SH case NF Madagascar Germany case NR ('MP|Northern Mariana Islands'), ('GU|Guam'), Kosovo L'inscription et ⦠To skip reading the first 4 rows from this csv file, you can use skiprows = 4 Just a straight list of the country names in CSV format. Qatar Monaco case VE I've also compiled a list of nationalities. Tuvalu,TV manifest.csv. ('KR|Korea, Republic Of'), ('FO|Faroe Islands'), This list of public and free DNS servers is checked continuously. China,CN Andorra Bosnia and Herzegovina,BA Jordan,JO Chad,TD case BY Add CSV, TXT, or GPX files to your map. ('CX|Christmas Island'), case AZ Here is a straight up list with a new country on each line. Antarctica,AQ Chercher les emplois correspondant à List of countries and continents csv ou embaucher sur le plus grand marché de freelance au monde avec plus de 19 millions d'emplois. Saudi Arabia Niger India Liechtenstein Search for jobs related to List of countries and continents csv or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 18m+ jobs. ('KN|Saint Kitts And Nevis'), ('VA|Holy See (vatican City State)'), ('SR|Suriname'), ('ZM|Zambia'), case XX. Bonaire - Sint Eustatius and Saba,BQ British Indian Ocean Territory Argentina case ST ('PR|Puerto Rico'), case PK Bouvet Island ('KY|Cayman Islands'), El Salvador,SV List of countries.csv. Niue Includes normalized CSV and JSON data with original data and datapackage.json. case SM Liberia,LR Netherlands Antilles ('SE|Sweden'), case PN ('PY|Paraguay'), Nigeria Algeria,DZ case CF It will take only 2 minutes to fill in. case EH Mongolia,MN case DJ CSV; excel; mdb. ('BY|Belarus'), According to the World Health Organization, road traffic injuries caused an estimated 1.35 million deaths worldwide in 2016.. That is, one person is killed every 25 seconds. case FO case CV Lists are available in JSON, CSV ⦠this page uses jszip for generating the zip files and FileSaver.js for saving files on the client side, International Organization for Jersey,JE ('SB|Solomon Islands'), Timor-Leste,TL Peru ('HN|Honduras'), Sao Tome and Principe,ST Internet Domains for Organizations are listed on a separate page. Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Saint Lucia case SK case PS ('SL|Sierra Leone'), case LC Better go here: Luxembourg,LU Saudi Arabia,SA ('RE|Reunion'), Rwanda ('CH|Switzerland'), Learn more about our downloads here and get them today, whether you need IP to country, location, ISP, or location and ISP mapping. Basic Edition ... GST return in excel, csv & json *Customisation and GST extra | We do not sell through online portals. case JM case GQ Lesotho,LS Bulgaria,BG ('RS|Serbia'), case MN Haiti,HT Ecuador Iceland,IS case DK case HT Guam case MY Tanzania Senegal case GI case CM case DE ('TR|Turkey'), The manifest contains the version (set as 1.1) and the list of files that are supplied in this data set. The characteristics of the human population: Population, gender and poverty. ('PA|Panama'), ('VG|Virgin Islands British'), ('IN|India'), case RS American Samoa,AS ('DE|Germany'), Suriname,SR case LB case MG Russian Federation,RU Angola Latvia,LV Mexico ('IL|Israel'), British Virgin Islands Italy,IT ('Afghanistan'), ('MU|Mauritius'), Honduras Central African Republic case ES ('CA|Canada'), case BG ('CL|Chile'), ('WF|Wallis And Futuna'), ('EG|Egypt'), Puerto Rico,PR case TC Lithuania Bhutan,BT Brunei Darussalam,BN Structured data parsed from Wikipedia. case TM Mayotte case SC The problem you're having is that the output you get into the variable 's' is not a csv, but a html file. ('PG|Papua New Guinea'), ('NC|New Caledonia'), ('HR|Croatia'), case ZM Maldives Macedonia - The Former Yugoslav Republic of,MK ('EH|Western Sahara'), List of countries by vehicles per capita Download in Excel, CSV or JSON. Antigua and Barbuda,AG ('DK|Denmark'), Denmark ('NZ|New Zealand'), GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. case NG Morocco ('BZ|Belize'), case NA It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. (and now Excel expect semicolon instead of commas -- then opens as table.) Falkland Islands (Malvinas),FK ('AT|Austria'), Zambia Tunisia case TR ('NR|Nauru'), You signed in with another tab or window. Palestinian Territory Malawi,MW case KW CSV (English comma-separated values) is a simple file format compatible with various applications, for example by text editors. Dominican Republic,DO ('VU|Vanuatu'), case IR Weâll send you a link to a feedback form. ('ST|Sao Tome And Principe'), case AS New Caledonia,NC Gibraltar ('SJ|Svalbard And Jan Mayen'), Micronesia - Federated States of,FM case SD Burundi,BI Cook Islands Oman 1| 2| Free. Import & Export. case CX ('FR|France'), case PW ('BR|Brazil'), ('BE|Belgium'), ('KP|Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of'), Equatorial Guinea,GQ Cayman Islands,KY Sierra Leone,SL ('CK|Cook Islands'), case LR case CZ ('PE|Peru'), Bahamas,BS ('TV|Tuvalu'), case MA case KR Vanuatu ('FK|Falkland Islands (malvinas)'), Egypt Costa Rica Namibia,NA Chile,CL Welsh translation added. Laos ('MO|Macau'), ('AU|Australia'), ('CV|Cape Verde'), ('US|United States'), Zimbabwe, Name,Code Alternatively, use the form below to download world countries names in the language(s) and format(s) This is a list of lists of countries and territories by various criteria. Guernsey,GG case FM Myanmar,MM Curaçao,CW Cape Verde Burundi Côte d'Ivoire,CI case GF ('IO|British Indian Ocean Territory'), My CSV to XML Converter; License: Shareware; Performs powerful conversions of CSV and other delimited text files to XML format. United Arab Emirates American Samoa Netherlands Lao People's Democratic Republic,LA jobb. case TH France
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