LISTE DES QUALITÉS OU ATTITUDES REQUISES EN MILIEU DE TRAVAIL Les attitudes et les comportements de cette section sont tirés du programme de formation axée sur l’emploi (2007), partculièrement celui de la formation pratique, ainsi que des travaux de Mme France Joyal liés à l’expérimentation de l’Échelle d’employabilité en 2007- But this does not mean, no negative feedback cannot be accepted. På den måten unngår du hele spørsmålet. Exaggerating co-workers mistakes in the team: People who possess bad conduct and get easily attracted to the bad in everything are said to be the one who has a negative attitude. Presse de psychologie. Je vous remercie sincèrement. Burn the list to symbolize letting go of negativity. Young, K; J.C. Flügel. Un autre type de classification, non incompatible avec la précédente, fait référence à la manière dont les dispositions individuelles génèrent une approche ou une orientation concrète vers la réalisation d’un comportement ou d’une activité. It is very natural for an employee to commit a mistake in their work. 483 f.Kr. 1140), endret ved lov 14 juni 2013 nr. Mocking race, gender, age, disabilities, sexual orientation or religion. Taking ownership is a must either in positive circumstances or negative circumstances. These type of employees break the rules unintentionally. Removing the negative numbers is exactly what your code is clearly trying to do, and it's also the only way to get the desired result: THe result is suppose to be [1, 2, 3, 6, 3, 1] De nombreux facteurs peuvent altérer le succès ou l’échec d’une action. One of the most common negative attitude is expecting too much in appreciation or always expecting to be in the limelight in their own organization. How Big Data Recruiting will help you Hire Better, ATS Benefits: How it Improves Time, Quality and Cost Per Hire, The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Workplace, Yoga at Workplace: Simple Yoga Stretches To Do at Your Desk, Mobile Monitoring Apps: A Risk or Opportunity for Businesses, Top 63 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes by Walt Disney, 81 Inspirational and Motivational Quotes by Nelson Mandela, 65 Motivational and Inspirational Quotes by Martin Scorsese, Most Powerful Empowering and Inspiring Quotes by Beyonce, What is a Credit Score? En ce sens, nous pouvons souligner les points suivants. Loves Writing in my Free Time on varied Topics. Icek Ajzen. We are excited to welcome travelers to the Hawaiian Islands with a pre-travel test. Sur le plan personnel, ils peuvent subordonner leurs souhaits à ceux des autres, étant dépendants et ne défendant pas leurs droits. Il s'agit de un aspect déterminant lors de la réalisation d'une action et le type d'émotion qui génère cette activité ou cette façon d'interagir avec une situation ou un stimulus spécifique. Il s'agit de l'un des types d'attitude moins fréquents et appartient généralement à des personnes qui prétendent être impartiales dans leurs jugements. Showing disrespect for other emotions: 10. 36 (ikr. 24 okt 2008 nr. Une sorte d'attitude d'une grande utilité, favorise l'interaction avec les autres afin que chacun puisse atteindre ses objectifs et atteindre ses objectifs partagés et individuels. One of the worst ways of showing a negative attitude is expressing the displeasure in a very rude manner. Lorsqu’elles se sentent mal à l’aise ou intimidées, certaines personnes ont tendance à se recroqueviller sur elles-mêmes, à rentrer la tête dans les épaules. How to Improve Concentration and Memory Easily? In an office environment, not every single day the higher officials might encourage or complement their team members. Parmi eux, nous pouvons observer les suivants. Vous pouvez également rechercher le bénéfice des autres, mais vous devez toujours signaler un avantage personnel (même s'il est au niveau de la considération sociale). Ce type d’attitude est celui qui a une personne qui utilise volontairement et consciemment les autres, les réifiant afin d’obtenir leurs propres objectifs, de favoriser leurs intérêts ou de diriger la situation à un point souhaité pour eux. The negative list for FTZs has been reduced to 30 items, a significant decrease from the 122 listed at the beginning of the 13th Five-Year Plan (FYP) period (2016-2020). L'un des types d'attitude les plus favorables est l'attitude positive, à travers laquelle la situation ou l'exposition à un stimulus est visualisée de manière à favoriser une interprétation positive et optimiste, que des difficultés soient rencontrées, amenant le sujet plus près de la stimulation. La réalisation d’attentes conscientes ou inconscientes L’aspect subjectif et affectif est très fort. Elements and Characteristics, What Can You Bring to The Company? One of the most common negative attitudes is to oppose or fight back when they do not receive good criticisms. Safe Travels Hawaiʻi Keeping Hawai‘i Safe. Det er svært få matvarer med negative kalorier. Le Magazine En Ligne Psychologique. C'est généralement contagieux. Exaggerating co-workers mistakes in the team: 2. Not all times it is necessary for a team to accept every single employee’s opinion. Individuals who have a positive attitude will pay attention to the good, rather than bad in people, situations, events.A simple example of a positive attitude; when you are having a very bad run of luck but you still say “Good Morning” rather than “What’s so good about this morning”.Well, Good news; you have a positive attitude. Arbeidsgiver vil jo sjekke opp referanser uansett. Lagre negative følelser. N’oubliez pas q… Showing attitude or retaliating on negative comments is not a good way to show opposition. Yes, it is very essential to make them understand their mistake and help them recover from it. Negative attitudes about ageing and older people also have significant consequences for the physical and mental health of older adults. By Harold E. Sconiers “Attitude is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than what people do or say," said American actor and screenwriter W.C. Fields. 2005. There are few negative attitude people who try to ruin others career by highlighting the mistakes committed by them. Trucs Et Conseils De Psychologues. 1 jan 2009 iflg. One of the most disturbing negative attitudes is to show disrespect to others opinion. Foreign investors should consult both the 2020 MA Negatives List and the 2020 FI Negative List before investing in a chosen sector. Before moving to the adverse effects of a bad attitude at the workplace, let us look at a few features of effective teams. One most important thing to be noticed is, it is very tough to pick or identify the negative attitude of people in the workplace as they are like a grenade. These type of employees wantedly harm the organization. Ce type d’attitude implique que ce que vous recherchez dans votre action est atteindre leurs propres objectifs individuels , ne tenant pas compte ou ne valorisant que très peu les besoins des autres. It is very natural to feel bad when receiving negative comments. "Psychologie des attitudes". Create an account or log into Facebook. Here are the few most common negative traits found in the workplace or different types of attitude problem in the workplace. Too many expectations on their presence in the team: 8. McGraw-Hill International. What do you say we expand our vocabulary? Introverted nature is not acceptable at all times: Examples of Negative Behavior in the Workplace: Changing Employee Behavior: Practical Guide for Managers: The Best Chrome Extensions for Recruiters Are, Coronavirus and Working From Home Policy Best Practices, How to Work From Home Remotely as a Recruiter, How to Prevent Coronavirus by Disinfecting Your Home, How to Write an Elite Executive Resume? Évidemment, par respect pour votre travail, la source sera clairement indiquée. A team lead or a manager is not alone solely responsible to make the environment positive. In those cases, there are few negative attitude employees who spread the rumours or comment on others personal life in the workplace. What Makes a Great Workplace? Today and in the future. Every organization might have very confidential matters which cannot be discussed outside the team. One of the most common negative attitude found in the workplace is exaggerating others mistakes which is not a very decent attitude. The employees get involved in counterproductive behaviours that subvert their employers’ authority. But is essential to not be a very moody person or like have a very introverted nature. List of Attitude and Behavior: The four basic types of attitudes and behaviours that are positive, negative and neutral. Backbiting about the managers or co-workers: 4. Votre liste s’harmonise parfaitement avec les objectifs que nous visons pour favoriser le maintien en emploi. 563 f.Kr. Attitude négative. ; On December 16, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce unveiled the Market … List negative things in your life and begin to change them. Now keeping in mind the above points, let us discuss the effects of negative attitude, Few other effects of negative attitude at the workplace are. i need the negative signs removed but still keep the number in the list. Pour vous aider à être une personne authentique, prenez le temps de bien vous connaître en réfléchissant aux valeurs et aux croyances qui vous animent. Kan dine negative sider komme til nytte? An office environment will have all types of people. Few employee’s viewpoint or opinion might be rejected when it comes to making a progressive decision for the team. Buddhismen spredde seg gradvis derfra gjennom Sør-Asia til Midtøsten, Sentral-Asia, Sørøst-Asia, og de nordøstasiatiske landene Tibet, Mongolia, Kina, Korea, Japan og Taiwan. Posted Feb 22, 2015 En les respectant, vous aurez un comportement cohérent avec vos émotions, vos pensées et vos désirs. C’est un type d’attitude dérivé d’une vision négative de la réalité, dans laquelle elle se présente une absence d'initiative et d'activité , ne cherchant pas l’approche de l’action mais son évitement. It is a very bad manner to speak about a person when they are not present in the place. Certains ont recours à la logique et à la raison pour évaluer la réalité, ignorant souvent les aspects irrationnels ou émotionnels. Généralement, cela évite d’agir ou de un comportement plaintif au-delà du rationnel , ce qui rend difficile la réalisation des objectifs. Even if your coworkers do not speak about it, bad behaviours surely irritate them. til ca. Do not compliment the good work of others, rather try to pull them down by speaking negatively: 7. Ce type d’attitude est également lié à la performance et à la mise en œuvre du comportement, mais avec une mentalité plus passive et dépendante de l’établi. Like a virus detecting software for a computer, every individual employee should work helping each other to not show a negative attitude to each other. Your attitude, your general outlook on … One needs to understand how much a positive attitude it … Read this post to know more about the different types of negative attitudes in the workplace. Hadde vært nyttig å få med meg i og med jeg kunne godt trengt det nå (skriver kåseri). Liste Attitudes Dans le sens le plus large du mot, il n'y a que trois attitudes, attitude positive, négative et une attitude neutre. How to Be More Open and Flexible in the Workplace? This will totally ruin the affected person as well as it will create a negative image of them. 7 signaux psychologiques indiquant que vous ne dormez pas suffisamment, Analyse transactionnelle: la théorie proposée par Eric Berne, Les 10 principales théories psychologiques, Une étude de Harvard révèle 6 points fondamentaux pour être heureux, 35 questions existentielles qui vous feront réfléchir, Psychologie de l'éducation et du développement, Le mentalisme en psychologie, la croyance en l'âme et pourquoi c'est un problème, Dépendance au shopping: symptômes, causes et traitement, Dysphorie de genre: être né dans le mauvais corps, Les 11 meilleures applications pour traiter la dépression, Agnosie visuelle: l'incapacité de comprendre les stimuli visuels, Troubles de la personnalité dans le DSM-5: litiges dans le système de classification, Les gens curieux sont plus intelligents et apprennent mieux, Psychologie sociale et relations personnelles, Article connexe: "Les 16 types de sentiments et leur fonction psychologique", Cela peut vous intéresser: "Altruisme: développement du soi prosocial chez les enfants", Article connexe: "Les 4 principales théories de l'agression: comment expliquer l'agression?". 10 attitudes qui génèrent les émotions négatives. L’authenticité consiste à être fidèle à soi-même. C'est une prédisposition mentale à agir de telle ou telle façon. For example, there are few employees who always tries to dominate the team or never go in sync with the team’s opinion. Une façon d’agir et de prendre des situations de telle manière qu’ils défendent leurs propres droits indépendamment de ceux des autres, en venant à les ignorer ou à les sous-estimer s’ils sont contraires à ceux du sujet. Vær forberedt . No ownership, when committed a mistake: 12. (det finnes flere enn disse men dette er for å skape en slags felles forståelse) Destruktive sinnstilstander: Lav selvtillit. L'une des manières possibles de classer les émotions est de les valoriser affectivement, c'est-à-dire de nous permettre d'évaluer l'environnement et la situation. The PCR test result must meet certain requirements. Du bør selvfølgelig huske på at kroppen bruker energi ved å holde oss i live. Here are the 4 Kinds Of Employees that Could Be Your Company’s Downfall. L'attitude est l'« état d'esprit » d'un sujet ou d'un groupe vis-à-vis d'un objet, d'une action, d'un autre individu ou groupe. Bad behaviours, especially at the workplace, are something which cannot be tolerated. Une autre de ses fonctions est celle de la connaissance, puisqu'elles permettent à la fois traiter comment percevoir même de manière sélective les informations disponibles dans l'environnement. En outre, ils peuvent être modifiés activement par le biais d'une formation ou d'une simple exposition au sujet qui génère l'attitude, par exemple associer l'activité en question à des renforçateurs positifs ou négatifs basé sur l'expérience. 8 Negative Attitudes of Chronically Unhappy People #4: Negative rumination about the past. And it is a necessity to share the confidential matter among the team but not outside the team. This kind of negative attitude is very commonly found among employers. Whether you are a returning resident or a visitor to the Hawaiian Islands, we want to ensure that all travelers remain safe and La présence d’une certaine attitude a quatre fonctions de base, comme proposé par Katz en 1960. Dominate the team or do not be in line with the higher officials: 6. This type of attitude is not healthy and it causes a negative vibe in the whole team. Its a team of individuals who work together and get better together. Team’s inability to deliver the project on time to its client. Le sujet qui adopte ce type d’attitude accomplit ses actes dans le but de générer un bénéfice pour les autres ou indépendamment du fait qu’il ne génère aucun profit ou même qu’il peut causer des pertes. Mean Girls at Work – How to Best Deal with Them? Every single employee in an organization might have a different lifestyle or various personal opinion on many issues. Greieste svaret er å si at det ikke er opp til en selv å vurdere seg selv. Pour La Croissance Personnelle. Bien souvent les sites de développement personnel vous parle de comment éviter ou transformer vos émotions négatives en émotions positives, mais rarement ils vous décrivent les attitudes qui … This cannot be called as a negative attitude, but there are chances of being misunderstood by the team as they do not share anything or they tend to stay away from the team most of the times. Will lead to having adverse impact team members within the team. Så den vil jo komme med i prossessen. 1. Type d'attitude qui génère une vision négative et pessimiste de la réalité, maximisant généralement l'expérience aversive et donnant peu de valeur ou ne voyant pas directement les aspects positifs de la situation. i Nord-India/Nepal. la vie du sujet. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. Search across a wide variety of disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts and court opinions. Hence, it is very important to identify these negative attitude people and stop making them affect job performances or not create any negative vibes in the work environment. C'est inhabituel, car la plupart des actions génèrent des avantages secondaires pour le sujet lui-même, même au niveau psychique. 2. The most common different types of attitudes are. This is one of the worst negative attitudes which ruins a individuals character completely as appreciating at work or encouraging co-workers is very important in the workplace. The very first two mindsets will not disturb the environment mostly. This does not mean you should never speak about anyone in the workplace, but it is very negative to speak ill about others or comment about others when they are not present in the place. Buddhisme er en ikke-teistisk religion, eller filosofi, som er basert på læren fra Buddha (Siddharta Gautama) som levde fra ca. 12 years of Experience within the International BPO/ Operations and Recruitment Areas. How to Prepare for a Receptionist Interview? La satisfaction découle de l’expérience, de la confrontation au réel. Et c’est que, bien que nous ayons la possibilité réelle de le réaliser, il n’est pas la même chose que de bien le faire: notre volonté de le faire affecte la motivation et la réussite, le degré ou même la perception de la tâche ou de la situation. For information on how to deal with negative attitudes at work, refer to this article (pdf): Dealing with negative attitudes in the workplace. This not only helps the workplace become better, but also it helps every individual employee to grow personally. A very non-confidential attitude towards team issues: 11. En plus des objectifs eux-mêmes, les attitudes peuvent également être classées en fonction de la manière dont elles interagissent avec les autres. And it is to be understood that even when one employee has a negative attitude it affects the whole environment. But employees with bad attitudes are very difficult to handle as they cause a disturbance to the environment and also pollute the workplace ethics. It is very common to commit a mistake in a team. L’attitude envers le monde découle de l’interaction entre facteurs biologiques et héréditaires (ainsi que les aptitudes ou les traits de personnalité, dont une partie est favorisée par la génétique de chaque sujet) et de facteurs environnementaux tels que l’apprentissage simultané. Behaving aggressively or bullying others. On peut considérer comme une attitude neutre une attitude dans laquelle le jugement et la pensée ne sont pas colorés par une émotivité ni positive ni négative. It is very natural to forget or miss out a few employees even when they show a better performance in the team. Elle ressort au savoir-être de quelqu'un. Det betyr å vite hvordan egenskapene passer inn i jobben du har søkt, og hva du kan gjøre for å arbeide med deg selv og utvikle deg på de områdene du nevner. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. Du får ringe å høre med mine referanser om jeg har noen negative sider. Acknowledging what is negative in your life will allow you to see what you can control and change. Every workplace environment has different types of employees with different kinds of attitudes. That too introverted nature becomes a problem when the employee stays away from being in a team while making important decision-making scenarios. Prédispose au conformisme et à la non-action s'il n'y a rien qui la force. For guidance on how to use these lists to inform your market entry investment strategy, you are welcome to contact us at This can result in creating a disturbance in the relationship between your colleagues. La troisième des fonctions de base des attitudes est l'expression de valeurs, ce qui permet de montrer les croyances derrière la performance elle-même. And it is a very negative attitude to avoid taking ownership in the workplace. Erratic/aggressive driving that endangers others. Hope this post helps to know more about what is a negative attitude and the different negative attitudes of the workplace. China issued the first negative list for Hainan's free trade port in December 2020, but it … At those times, there are few employees who do not appreciate others good work or never compliment any other employees in the office. 10 Simple Tips, Top 30 Recruitment Mistakes: How to Overcome Them, What is an Interview: Definition, Objectives, Types & Guidelines, 20 Effective or Successful Job Search Strategies & Techniques, Remote Recruitment: Everything You Need to Know. D’autres types d’attitudes à prendre en compte découlent moins de la manière dont nous nous orientons vers l’activité que de ce qui nous motive à le faire. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Favorise un autre type d'attitude que nous verrons plus tard, le manipulateur . It would be found only when it explodes. There are few people who either get scared to take the ownership of committing a mistake or in a wanted way escapes from accepting the committed mistake. Attitudes et changement d'attitude: psychologie sociale. These type of employees get involved in counterproductive working methods. As per J Richard Hackman, in his book Leading Teams, “Effective teams are the ones which deliver results that are more than expected by the client.”. Det er stort spørsmål og noe vi jobber mye med i Norsk mestring. ou action déjà la poursuite d'objectifs sains , confiant et généralement discipliné. Negative sider kan gjerne være noe som ikke har med jobb å gjøre. Gerd Bohner 2002. Nous ne parlons pas de quelque chose qui est soit A ou B, mais plutôt il y a beaucoup de types d'attitudes , parce que c’est ce dont nous parlons, ce qu’ils peuvent en avoir. Negative tests results and negative test declaration. 1. L’évaluation (positive ou négative) d’un individu à propos de son emploi, de son contexte de travail. How to Use Artificial Intelligence in Talent Acquisition Process? On a piece of paper, list anything in your life that you consider negative. 1.2. Who wants to think about words that describe negative attitudes? It is very important to remember, any kind of issues or problem among the team or work-related can be addressed only when being positive towards everything. Evitez de vous faire plus petit que vous ne l’êtes réellement. Enfin, en lien avec ce qui précède, le rôle de la légitime défense est lié à la préservation de l’estime de soi et de la confiance en soi en permettant l’affirmation de soi et la justification des actes eux-mêmes. Un autre type d'attitude est lié à notre façon de traiter la réalité ou au type d'aspect utilisé pour évaluer chaque situation. Positive Attitude: This is one type of attitude in organizational behaviour. Being not in line with the motive of the organization is also one negative attitude exhibited by the employees. This is a very disturbing attitude as it might disturb the work ethics as well as ruin the entire atmosphere in the workplace. The above-mentioned behaviours of the employees can be averted if managers can take a pro step. And most importantly all the negative vibes might disturb the productivity of the organization. Une personne réactive dépendra dans une large mesure d'instructions et de ressources et aura plus de difficultés à faire face à des problèmes imprévus, sans être autonome. En premier lieu, ils ont une fonction utilitaire ou instrumentale, dans le sens où ils nous permettent d’entreprendre et d’approcher la réalisation des objectifs de ceux qui les ont. C’est une attitude essentielle à adopter pour vous aider à vous sentir bien et à vous épanouir à votre travail. Noen som har en god link eller noe lignende hvor mange (helst bra) adjektiver er listet opp? Vi vil gi deg en liste nedenfor men sannheten er at disse matvarene ikke bruker flere kalorier enn det de gir, og når dette eventuelt skjer, er det nesten ubetydelig. Behaving with service providers as inferiors. Nous pouvons trouver les trois types d’attitudes suivants. Uansett hvilke negative egenskaper du oppgir, bør du være reflektert over hva disse innebærer. And it might also reach the workplace by many loopholes. Ils ont tendance à être plus généreux, romantiques et affectifs dans leurs interactions et lors de l'évaluation de situations (parfois même contraires à la rationalité). They either try to neglect or make fun of their team member’s emotions in a very harsh way. Working process leads the team to become a cohesive group in the long term. Informasjonen oppdateres fortløpende. It is good to have individuality in a team but do not create havoc or always try to oppose the higher official’s verdict on any issues in the workplace. Il est très apprécié sur le marché du travail. Top 13 Reasons. Racial Discrimination at Workplace – How to Avoid? It can spoil the good work environment at the workplace which can hinder the productivity of the employees. Spreading rumours is one of the most common type of negative attitude which has a lot of impact on the workplace. There are times where few employees miss out in their personal or professional life. It is not necessary that every employee has to socialize with all the members of the team and be a very go-to person. But not spreading it throughout the office, as it will eventually pull them down and feel bad about it. How to Answer, 150 Best Inspirational or Motivational Good Morning Messages, Why Education is Important? Mais au sens général, une attitude est ce qui est exprimé. A List of Positive Attitudes. For example, in an office where thousands of people work together, few employees might feel like taking a break from work or might have some personal emergencies, in such cases, there are few senior employees who do not respect or appreciate their team member’s decision. Sometimes, a few negative attitude employee might show the worst workplace behavioural attitude like tapping the table or shouting in a higher tone in the team to show their displeasure. This is a very suffocating attitude as it might disturb the whole team as everyone might become very conscious of each other. Men du kan jo også bruke noe som både kan være negativt og positivt, f.eks at du er for perfeksjonist, det er bra fordi ting blir skikkelig gjort, men det er negativt fordi det gjør deg dårlig til å delegere og at du bruker litt for lang tid før du ser deg ferdig med et prosjekt. res. There are times where co-workers might perform their best or have a good set back for their project. They usually pinpoint negative in everything whether it may be people, situations or behaviour. Using cellphones or text messaging in mid-conversation or in a meeting. Ce type d’attitude est en grande partie lié à la propension à être extrêmement flexible, permettre et valoriser les écarts par rapport à la norme . Extensive experience in Complete Recruitment Life Cycle - Sourcing, Negotiation and Delivery. Avant de pouvoir évaluer différents types d’attitudes, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte ce que l’on peut considérer comme une attitude. The reality is, our world is full of darkness and light. Every employee may receive both kinds of criticisms from their colleagues or higher officials. Worst case is negative attitude people also speaks ill about an employee who out performs in the workplace. Sjekk status i din egen kommune. 99 (ikr. Speak ill about other employees or spread rumours: 3. En ce sens, il reçoit le nom d'attitude vis-à-vis de l'effet d'un ensemble de croyances et de valeurs relativement stable dans le temps dans la disposition ou la tendance à agir d'une certaine manière ou à entreprendre un type d'action quelconque. Read the list … Overdreven selvtillit. Best Interior Designer Interview Questions and Answers. Attitudes, personnalité et comportement. How to Improve Your Credit Score, Who Are the Highest Paid Athletes in the World, What are the Highest Paying Jobs in New Zealand, employees with bad attitudes are very difficult to handle, Dealing with negative attitudes in the workplace. This kind of negative attitude might harm the team as well create a bad image for the person. VG gir deg de siste tallene og oversikt over coronavirusets utvikling. En ce sens, nous pouvons trouver les types d’attitudes suivants. List of Bad or Negative Attitudes in the Workplace: Here are the few most common negative traits found in the workplace or different types of attitude problem in the workplace. Type d'attitude qui génère une vision négative et pessimiste de la réalité, maximisant généralement l'expérience aversive et donnant peu de valeur ou ne voyant pas directement les aspects positifs de la situation. Det skal særlig legges vekt på om helsehjelpen viser seg å ikke ha ønsket virkning, eller har uforutsette negative virkninger. If you are travelling to the Netherlands, you may be asked to present one or more of the following documents: an official negative PCR test result for COVID-19 This applies to almost all travellers. Elle désigne surtout une intention et n'est donc pas directement observable.
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liste d'attitude négative 2021