privacy policy Napoleon Bonaparte DRAFT. 1 Summary 2 Appearances 3 Transcript 4 Quiz 5 Trivia 6 FYI Comic In the intro, Moby takes photos of Napoleon Bonaparte, but the security guard told him that flash photos are edible. Play < Modern Era & Living Years 6 Previous. Missed a question here and there? EASY. In March 1815, his army attacked in hopes of capturing Allied armies before they could attack his. D)gaining support from many areas of the political system. Napoleon was cast off to St. Helena, a remote island in the South Pacific. Napoleon had an empire that stretched across Europe, but he eventually was forced out of his home in France and into a life of exile. Then he became a god of war, gathering political power and military might seemingly at will. Edit. He was Napoleon Bonaparte, a French hero for the ages. Napoleon had plenty of supporters who wanted him out of exile. At the Battle of Wagram, Napoleonâs men defeated the Austrians. Geography, History. Sometimes we explain how stuff works, other times, we ask you, but weâre always exploring in the name of fun! 3 cents per acre may not sound like a lot, but it adds up! Our award-winning website offers reliable, easy-to-understand explanations about how the world works. How well do you know him? Average score for this quiz is 6 / 10.Difficulty: Average.Played 1,410 times. When Napoleon escape Elba and returned to France, how many days was it until the Battle of Waterloo? Bei "Checkbox" Aufgaben, "Drag and Drop" Aufgaben und "Aufklapp-" Aufgaben richtet sich die erreichbare Punktezahl nach der Möglichkeit der Antworten bzw. He was often called the âLittle Corporalâ in his startling rise to military power at the end of the 18th century. Si vous cherchez à découvrir des faits étonnants sur Napoléon et à tester l'étendue de vos connaissances, répondez à cet amusant jeu-questionnaire. Test your knowledge with our free Napoleon Bonaparte History quiz. He was defeated at Waterloo, and died several years later on the island of Saint Helena. And he was just getting warmed up. Please enter your Quia username and password. The battle they fought became one of the most famous in human history. Save. Edit. The treaty preserved most of the French conquests and marked the completion of Napoleon’s victory over the First Coalition. In the end, Napoleonâs power began slipping, in large part because of the vast forces gathered against him. This quiz is incomplete! Two armies from the Seventh Coalition â Prussia and Britain â blocked Napoleonâs path. When Napoleon returned from exile, it was the Hundred Days, about the time it took for King Louis XVIII to regain control. What do you know about the wars that consumed Europe during Napoleonâs reign? Napoleon might tell you, 'Nice effort, ' if he saw your quiz results. and confirming that you are 13 years old or over. Napoleon Bonaparte DRAFT. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Napoleon Bonaparte. Question: Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at: Answer: Napoleon Bonaparte ruled over France as Napoleon I. Q7: La 1ère campagne de Bonaparte fut celle d'Italie en 1796. 7 Min, 5 Minute Quiz And as Napoleon seized power in his home country, he set out to take more and more territory for himself. At the Battle of Leipzig, the Allies tore through Napoleonâs army. 9th - 12th grade. Napoleon decided to escape from exile. He and 700 troops escaped Elba and two days later, they landed in France, and Napoleon set off to retake control of the country. Quel est le nom d'un des meilleurs mar�chaux de Napol�on qui d�serta apr�s la d�faite d'Essling ? This quiz requires you to log in. Answer: Napoleon gained territory for the French with the Treaty of Campo Formio in 1797. mglenn_60035. It was actually 110 days, but whoâs really counting? 5 months ago. Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz A conqueror who was as bold as he was opportunistic, Napoleon Bonaparte led a nation out of rubble and into a terrifying military power. The emperorâs power let him do just about anything he wanted. But what do you really know about this often misunderstood general? Q14: Lannes n'a pas déserté à Essling, il y est mort, et cette bataille est considérée par les Autrichiens comme une victoire mais par les Français comme un "match nul". He is still regarded as one of the best military minds in history. He lived in a place called Longwood House, a large house that was in disrepair and definitely not suited for a former emperor. Napoleon had signed a peace treaty with Britain in March 1802, and was having an uneasy ceasefire. The French were crushed. E)All of these But Napoleon didnât take his punishment without a fight. Take the quiz. He did just that, and was soon back in his home country, ready to take power again. Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz Questions. From fun quizzes that bring joy to your day, to compelling photography and fascinating lists, HowStuffWorks Play offers something for everyone. What was the name of Napoleon's brother who in 1799 helped him overthrow the French government and make Napoleon First Consul? How Much Do You Know About Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleonâs military victories made him a hero in France. But what do you really know about this often misunderstood general? Quiz "Napoléon Bonaparte" créé le 24-05-2009 par anonyme avec le générateur de tests - créez votre propre test ! 0. One myth about Napoleon is that he was short. Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power at the end of the French Revolution and shaped European politics for the next decades. They knew Napoleonâs warring ways would affect their countries in one way or another. And as Napoleon seized power in his home country, he set out to take more and more territory for himself. 29 minutes ago. As French troops fled across the bridge, a panicky French solider detonated explosives too soon, collapsing the only escape route. Home Categories Quizzes About Login Submit Trivia Sign up. Bonaparte devient empereur: Bonaparte devient l'empereur Napoléon 1er le 2 décembre 1804 lors d'une cérémonie à la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.Beaucoup de Français sont d'accord avec ce couronnement car ils pensent que c'est un bon moyen pour éviter le retour d'un roi à la tête du pays. Voir les statistiques de réussite de ce test de culture générale 'Napoléon Bonaparte' Merci de vous connecter au club pour sauvegarder votre résultat. Quiz Napoléon 1er : Un petit quizz sur la vie de cet homme. Napoleon und die wichtigsten Ereignisse seiner Lebenszeit (bis zum 5. It was a decisive victory for the Allies. He made himself emperor in 1804. Napoleonâs time in exile didnât help his health. Please note: In order to be able to add your own Trivia you should first create an account. Napoleon Bonaparte succeeded in A)stabilizing the political situation in France. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Napoleon Bonaparte webquest print page. He eventually elevated himself to emperor â and he answered to no one. With the Allies massing against him, Napoleon knew he had to divide and conquer. Tens of thousands of French troops were forced to surrender. Copyright © 2021 InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. Napoleonâs unstoppable army finally met its match. Even at the age of 26 , Napoleon was outmaneuvering enemy generals. In the end, Moby rushes onto Napoleon's bed. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Ce module pédagogique propose de découvrir la période napoléonienne, du Consulat à l'Empire. The conflict gave him plenty of occasions to shine, and that's exactly what he did. As of Feb 06 21. Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most important military leaders in European history. And how do you use a proper noun? 2) To whom was Napoleon engaged in 1794? Napoléon Bonaparte by Andrea Appiani (1754–1817) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz Questions (Napoleon Bonaparte is also known as Napoleon I and Napoleon the Great.) Il permet de reconstituer la carte de l'Europe sous l'Empire et de découvrir le tableau de David, Le Sacre de Napoléon, ainsi que les « masses de granit », principales mesures législatives de Napoléon, Premier consul. 6 Min, TRIVIA 0 times. Test yourself. Test your understanding of Napoleon Bonaparte concepts with's quick multiple choice quizzes. outch sa ma fait un choc le formulation x) . His methods are still studied by armies today. He was actually 5 feet 7 inches tall, which was very average for his era. Napoleon Bonaparte DRAFT. Napoleonâs men swarmed in and took the city. Question: Napoleon thwarted a plot to overthrow the Directory, the government during the French Revolution, in 1799. Edit. Add your Own Trivia. France was in for a titanic showdown with its mortal enemies. For each question choose one of the multiple answers then click done to check your results. What was one major difference between King Louis XVI and Napoleon Bonaparte? Found a mistake? Question: Which battle was not fought by Napoleon? Not only were you able to answer the basic trivia questions, but also you got most of the challenging ones correct too. Start studying Napoleon Bonaparte WebQuest. 5 Min, TRIVIA Quelle est la premi�re campagne de Napol�on ? Lucky for you, HowStuffWorks Play is here to help. If you are familiar with the French history, you are aware that Napoleon Bonaparte was fundamental and played a big role in the French Revolutionary Wars. Save. The allies exiled Napoleon to an island off of the coast of Tuscany. Delete Quiz. by EmpereurNapoleon Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Napoleon was a French general who led his country to the apex of European power in the late 1700s and early 1800s. a) Ajaccio b) Naples c) Mantua d) Venice. This quiz is incomplete! Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) Emperor of the French. 5 months ago. What did Napoleon invade and attempt to colonize for France in 1798? A) French B) Greek C) Spanish D) Portuguese: View Answer : 2) When was the first reign of Napoleon as Emperor of the French? A) 1804-1810 B) 1804-1814 C) 1814-1834 Early in his career, Napoleon gained a reputation as a fearless leader who created amazing battlefield strategies. Select it and press Ctrl+Enter. Played: 14153. Salutation Grenadier,Aujourd'hui tu vas découvrir la vie de Napoléon Bonaparte, de sa jeunesse jusqu'à sa mort. British and French forces fought back and forth ... and then vital Prussian reinforements arrived just in time to turn the tide of the battle. The map of Europe looked very different in the late 1700s. This history trivia quiz will test your knowledge! To play this quiz, please finish editing it. What do you know about the biggest battles of Napoleonâs life and how they affected his country? French troops were weak and overextended in Moscow. Home >> Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz >> Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz Questions. This page was rushed by the original creator. MEDIUM, 7 Minute Quiz Quel est le nom du ministre de la police nomm� par le 1er consul ? 111 What was the name of the famous Duke of Wellington who defeated Napoleon? They had about 320,000 troops, vastly outnumbering the French, who had just 185,000. A general quiz about the life of Napoleon I of France. by mglenn_60035. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. He extended French rule across Europe, but was defeated by an alliance of his enemies at the Battle of Waterloo. Découvrez notre dossier consacré à Napoléon. Napoleon Bonaparte/Quiz < Napoleon Bonaparte. The series of five wars that Napoleonâs men fought against the coalitions are called the Napoleonic Wars. Read a comprehensive biography of Napoleon Bonaparte’s life, including major events, key people and terms, and important achievements. During the French Revolution, which started in 1789, Napoleon was a promising young officer. Take this deadly Napoleon quiz now! Quel est le nom du ministre des affaires �trang�res qui a trahi Napol�on pour rejoindre le roi ? Edit source History Talk (0) Share. Average: 6.87. Napoleon Bonaparte Quiz includes 10 interesting questions with answers about life and feats ща this extraordinary man. 0. Napoleon Bonaparte quiz. How much do you know about dinosaurs? Quel est le nom de la premi�re grande victoire gagn�e par Napol�on contre les Russes et les Autrichiens ? In 1808, Napoleon installed his brother, Joseph, as king of Spain. C)gaining fame through military success. Koalitionskrieg) Bei "Multiple Choice" Aufgaben, sowie bei "Wahr-Falsch" Aufgaben gibt es jeweils 1. miller_heather_36643. The United States of America eventually paid $23,213,568 including interest. Plebiscite. 1. We send trivia questions and personality tests every week to your inbox. Take this quiz to learn more about the life of Napoleon Bonaparte. The French army drove the Russians all the way back to Moscow ... and then they abandoned the great city. Napoleon Bonaparte was a fascinating historical figure. Edit. � quelle bataille le g�n�ral Bonaparte a d� se replier, faute de troupes ? Add your own trivia, get points and take your place in the leaderboards. You can help the BrainPOP Wiki by correcting it! What is an octane rating? Q11: le vol de l'Aigle n'est pas le débarquement en Provence, mais sa marche vers Paris. The map of Europe looked very different in the late 1700s. And the Great Powers decided it was up to them to stop him. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star Popular Quizzes Today. History Quiz / Napoleon Bonaparte Random History or French Quiz What do you know about the Emperor? Ce quiz sur Napoléon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) vous permettra de tester vos connaissances sur l'un des Français les plus célèbres de l'Histoire ! 1) What is the nationality of Napoleon? Responsible for many French Revolution reforms as well as conquering most of Europe. Edit. Weâll find out if you can outmanuever one of the craftiest military men of all time! B)exporting the Revolution as he conquered most of Europe. The victory increased the emperorâs grip on the continentâs politics. Signed in 1815, the Declaration at the Congress of Vienna basically called Napoleon an outlaw. As a result, he made enemies of countries like Britain and Prussia and Austria â and they decided to fight back. Moby Calrissian says this page shall be deleted because it is not worthy of being a template. He executed a coup dâetat, forcibly taking political power to augment his military might. 6th - 8th grade. By clicking "Sign Up" you are agreeing to our Playing quizzes is free! Punkt. Nations like Britain and Prussia saw Napoleonâs rise and confronted him with their armies in a series of coalitions. 0% average accuracy. The Seventh Coalition pulled off a stunning upset, using superior tactics to stop the French in their tracks.
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