Driven forward by this vocation for nearly 150 years, today Sciences Po stands out as a world-class university: internationally-recognised degrees and research, a multicultural community and a worldwide network of partners. Sciences Po students also complete exchanges at these universities, either in their third undergraduate year or during their Master’s programme. « Dans leur ville mais sur une autre planète » : la vision de l’Europe dans les quartiers populaires... Parler d'Europe AVADA & AVADA Le Master Social sciences focus on the study of social relationships and human society. Courses within social science prepare students for a wide number of careers that deal with people or systems in public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Recruit at Sciences Po Recruit interns Compulsory and optional internships punctuate our students’ studies from their first undergraduate year to the award of their Master’s degree. Regardless of the region studied, all the programmes adopt a comparative perspective with Europe. A range of financial aid is available to international students so that they can study in the best possible conditions.. Sciences Po created the the Emile-Boutmy scholarship after the founder of Sciences Po (1871) in order to welcome the very best international students from outside of the European Union. LSE-Sciences Po Double Degree in European Studies Our Master's Degrees Since 2006, the LSE and its partner institution in France, Sciences Po (Paris), have offered a distinctive and prestigious European qualification which plays to their strengths as the UK's and France's leading social science institutions: the Double Masters Degree Programme in European Studies. LE MASTER. sciencespo… Master 2 Europe (EEI) de Sciences Po Strasbourg Twitter: @Master2Europe Les trois parcours Diplôme de Sciences Po Strasbourg - Diplôme de Sciences Po Strasbourg. Sciences Po’s Centre d’Etudes Européennes is a multidisciplinary laboratory focused on comparative political analysis in Europe. La Pologne est-elle vraiment eurosceptique ? L’association est le soutien logistique et financier du Master 2 – et du réseau d’alumni du Master. The programme offers several visiting schemes for academics, young doctors and doctoral students wishing to spend time to conduct individual research in Oxford/Sciences Po. ... Connaissances scientifiques à acquérir. ACTIVITÉS. Avec près de 20 ans d’expérience, le Master a formé plus d’un millier d’étudiants désormais professionnels du secteur européen. The Master in Strasbourg programs are excellent in quality with high tech facilities and professional and expert faculty. The Master in European Affairs offers an excellent education to students who wish to pursue European careers, both in the national and European public and private sectors. Formation pluridisciplinaire avec une forte dominante sur les questions européennes, le Master forme aux métiers de l’Europe : représentants d’intérêts, administrateurs des institutions européennes, chargés de mission au sein des collectivités territoriales, consultants en affaires publiques, assistants parlementaires, experts de la sécurité mais également métiers de l’enseignement et de la recherche. Dans le cadre d'un de nos ateliers professionnels, quelques étudiants ont réalisé des... INTERVIEW: Alexis Vahlas - Responsable de la spécialité SESI, INTERVIEW: Marine DE LASSALLE - Responsable de la spécialité PEAP, INTERVIEW: Valérie LOZAC'H - Responsable de la mention Politiques Européennes et de la spécialité GER, Sciences-Po Strasbourg / UNISTRA | website by, 5 février: fin des cours puis période d’examens, 1er mars: départ en stage de fin d’études, Politiques européennes et affaires publiques (PEAP), Politiques européennes et franco-germaniques (GER). Sciences Po has partnerships with more than 150 European universities. RECHERCHE ET PROFESSIONALISATION. Sciences Po strasbourg est une filière d’excellence à vocation européenne et internationale. 31.01.2020 31.01.2020 Jusqu'alors peu développée et largement tributaire de certaines composantes américaines, quel est l'état actuel... Parler d'Europe Politiques européennes de sécurité extérieure et stabilité internationale (SESI). The Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (known as “Sciences Po”) was established in 1871 and is one of France’s leading universities for social sciences. CONTACT US Tell us about your project ideas or just say hello. Quelles perspectives pour l’industrie européenne de défense ? Sciences Po Alumni international sections (FR), Study in the Middle East or in North Africa, Spain, Portugal and Latin America programme (FR), Paris School of International Relations at Sciences Po, Dual Bachelor’s programme with University College London, Dual Bachelor’s programme with Freie Universität Berlin, the Cambridge-Sciences Po Research Cooperation Framework, student associations dedicated to Europe or European issues, Accessibility of the International Website. All of Sciences Po’s European partners are members of Erasmus+.In addition to student and faculty exchanges, the Erasmus+ programme recently expanded its scope and now helps support Sciences Po’s cooperation activities beyond European borders. Sciences Po Strasbourg Master's degree Economics and finance. Students undertake a challenging course of study in the fields of economics, history, languages law, political science and sociology. Sciences Po encourages and facilitates the mobility of its faculty around Europe. 08.06.2020 Cost. OXPO brings together two of the foremost universities in the world in the field of social sciences. Sciences Po welcomes university students on exchange from its European partners every year. 1 was here. Objectifs du programme Le Master Affaires Européennes offre une formation d'excellence aux étudiants souhaitant s'orienter vers les carrières européennes, aussi bien dans le secteur public européen que dans le secteur privé ou les organisations européennes et internationales. Exchanges between Sciences Po and its European partners are facilitated by Erasmus+, the main European programme for student and faculty mobility. Master Politiques européennes - Sciences Po Strasbourg. Our seven graduate schools offer 30 Master's degrees and five PhD programmes. Sciences Po Strasbourg forme depuis 70 ans des cadres de haut niveau dans le domaine de l’administration publique mais également, et de plus en plus, au profit des entreprises. Avec au total plus de 1000 alumni sur 20 ans, le Master 2 Europe est présent partout dans le monde et ce dans une mosaïque de professions : conseil, entrepreneuriat, fonction publique européenne…. Based on the Sciences Po campus in Paris, MaxPo is a platform for analysing social change and the way in which individuals, institutions and Western society in general deal with an unstable environment. Actuellement, près de 30% des diplômés travaillent à l’international . 2016 - 2021. 31.01.2020 Le Master 2 Europe de l’IEP de Strasbourg est une des formations les plus pointues en France sur l’Europe. Master 2 Europe de Sciences Po Strasbourg Master 2 Europe de Sciences Po Strasbourg -View Eva’s full profile See who you know in common Get introduced Contact Eva directly Join to view full profile People also viewed Martin Parnin. Thanks to our dynamic research teams and to the research project support programme (Mission d’appui aux projets de recherche or MAPS), Sciences Po is involved in many FP7 projects. 17.12.2020 Sciences Po Strasbourg Institut d'Études Politiques de Strasbourg is a University in France offering undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate programs for International students. Master’s double-degree program with Sciences Po Strasbourg CSF is a double-degree Master's program provided jointly by the Institute of Economic Studies at Charles University and Sciences Po Strasbourg, a highly selective grande école at the University of Strasbourg.Each student spends one academic year at each of the partner Universities. Europe and European issues are central to Sciences Po’s research priorities. MaxPo is a partnership between Sciences Po and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne. However, it can become relevant if the graduate wishes to practice elsewhere. Currently student at Sciences Po Strasbourg. The whole Sciences Po is divided into several specialisations and sub-specialisations, one of which is Management, Economie, Entreprises: Corporate Finance and Strategy in Europe. Il est né du constat d’une double lacune dans la formation des étudiants en droit : l’absence de diplôme spécialisé dans le domaine du droit de la régulation économique et le manque de dialogue entre les disciplines juridique et économique. General Information. Whether you’ve got a big idea or need some inspiration with a building project, we are here to create perfect buildings. L'objectif du Master est de former des spécialistes des questions e There are far too many Europe-focused research projects conducted at Sciences Po to list them all here. Peut-on verdir la PAC ? You can find more comprehensive information on the research website. 20 ans de formation de professionnels de l’Europe. Sciences Po’s partners include the London School of Economics (UK), the University of Oxford (UK), University College London (UK), Freie Universität Berlin (Germany), the Max Planck Institute (Germany), Università Bocconi (Italy), MGIMO University (Russia), the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden) and the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). ... Student at the College of Europe - President of ALE Sciences Po Strasbourg France. Find out more about faculty mobility between Sciences Po and other European universities. Three of the Undergraduate College programmes are specifically focused on Europe: Sciences Po’s Master of European Affairs offers comprehensive training to students who aim to pursue European careers in the national and European public sectors or in the private sector. Find out more : Come and study at Sciences Po; Study in Europe Study in Europe at Sciences Po Strasbourg Institut d'Études Politiques de Strasbourg, select a study program and apply admission to get enrolled. There are many opportunities for a Master in Strasbourg in a variety of different fields including business and European studies. Héritier du DESS de Politiques publiques en Europe et du DEA de Science Politique de l’Europe de Sciences Po Strasbourg, qui ont été parmi les toutes premières formations de ce type en France et en Europe, le Master 2 Europe comprend cette année plus de 80 étudiants répartis dans plusieurs spécialités. The IEP is a hotbed of young talents and bears humanist values, it educates students from Sciences Po welcomes university students on exchange from its European partners every year. Housing: in residence: housing in the university-affiliated residence is the least expensive: $280.00 per month in university residences, and about $480.00 in non-university residences. Science Po Strasbourg is a highly selective department within the University of Strasbourg. *Note — Housing rebates are available to students, and vary according to the official rent charged for accommodation. Vidéo de présentation et de valorisation du Master Management et Gestion Publics de Sciences Po Strasbourg. Students pursuing a Master in Strasbourg have no shortage of things to see, do and explore. Several of our student associations have a clear European focus, which reflects the composition of the student body and our community’s commitment to Europe. Jérôme de Bergh. En ce milieu de mois de Novembre, le froid commence à... Parler d'Europe Both parties have committed to the provision of matched funds to enable academic workshops and symposia, and to pay for travel grants, short-term research visits, and visiting professorships at both Sciences Po and Cambridge. Que cela soit par des offres de stage, des conseils, ou au cours d’interventions à l’IEP, plus de 100 Alumni interviennent chaque année pour aider les étudiants. Sciences Po hosts 14,000 students – half are international, hailing from 150 countries.In order to recruit the best students from all around the world, Sciences Po offers programmes taught entirely in English at the undergraduate and graduate levels. MASTER Relations internationales. Discover the student associations dedicated to Europe or European issues. Sciences Po has developed a network for cooperation in social science education and research with Europe’s foremost higher education institutions. La Formation. The European Union is also one of the main sources of funding for the research conducted at Sciences Po. Du 5 au 9 janvier 2021: voyage d’études virtuel à Bruxelles. Our program gathers students from over 35 countries and an equally multicultural faculty, composed of academics, scholars, European and … As such, Sciences Po encourages and facilitates the mobility of its faculty around Europe. Les étudiants sont formés durant 1 an à devenir eux-mêmes professionnels de ce secteur, que cela soit à Bruxelles, en France, en Europe ou dans le reste du monde. Find out more about the Centre d’Études Européennes. There are schemes for doctoral students and postdoctoral fellows from both institutions, and Visiting Professors (to Sciences Po) and Nuffield Visiting Fellows (to Oxford). The Paris School of International Relations at Sciences Po (PSIA) offers eight regional concentrations for Master’s students. L’une des forces du Master et de l’Association est son réseau de professeurs et d’anciens élèves qui soutient les promotions en cours. The purpose of our Master is to teach students how to become European experts and leaders, and to equip them with the necessary skills to easily adapt to a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment. The Master MGP Department at Sciences Po Strasbourg on European Studies is one of the concentrations available. Thanks to Sciences Po Strasbourg’s long-standing partnership with European institutions such as the European Parliament and the Council of Europe, Lecture courses, seminars and discussion OxPo visitors are encouraged to take an active role in academic and graduate seminars at either institution. Whether you’ve got a big idea or need some inspiration with a building project, we are here to create perfect buildings. abbreviation since it is a Master's degree in law. Here I learned how to adapt to a new language and a new way of learning. 350 likes. Other bilateral activities within its scope include the encouragement of student mobility, and the creation of Teaching Fellowships for Cambridge PhD students at Sciences Po. ADERE - Association du M2 Droit de l'Economie et de la Regulation en Europe, Strasbourg. Find out more about faculty mobility between Sciences Po and other European universities. Sa particularité est de faire intervenir de nombreux professionnels sur des compétences opérationnelles, et des professeurs reconnus sur le sujet de l’Europe. For more information and for the application for an exchange please visit OXPO. Les chemins tortueux des "invisibles" à Strasbourg Sciences Po's international dimension was established in its founding documents. Our partnerships translate into dual degree programmes, student exchanges, research collaboration, faculty mobility and PhD student exchanges. All applications for an exchange in the academic year 2016-17 must be submitted by Monday 28 March 2016. From concept to creation, let us inspire you. Du 14 au 15 janvier 2021 : sessions plénières du Brussels World Simulation pour les étudiants du parcours PEAP. Sciences Po Law School (SPLS) has developed a strong reputation in matters related to international economic law, with a particular focus on all mechanisms of international dispute settlement. I started my journey, after my scientific baccalaureate, with a bachelor degree in history and philosophy in Munich Germany. 1 was here. Présentation du cursus et des activités du Master 2 Politiques européennes de Sciences Po Strasbourg L’ensemble des informations du Master, le programme de l’année en cours et les modalités d’inscription. Tuition fees: Mount Allison tuition fees Student fees: paid to the IEP . Find out more about dual Master’s degrees in Europe. Sciences des données et intelligence artificielle (ouverture prévue en 2021-22) (sous réserve) Sciences du langage ; MASTER - Sciences du médicament et des produits de santé. Master-studies focused on international and European Law, Economy and foreign languages. The Undergraduate College programmes offer a common core in the social sciences and courses specialised by region (North America, Latin America, Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Europe). Master 2 Europe (EEI) de Sciences Po Strasbourg - Parcours PEAP, GER, SESI. Sciences Po Strasbourg. Master 2 Europe (EEI) de Sciences Po Strasbourg Twitter: @Master2Europe Sciences Po students also complete exchanges at these universities, either in their third undergraduate year or during their Master’s programme. Retrouvez le programme : Programme actualisé BXL WEEK. The Sciences Po Undergraduate College offers a three-year Bachelor’s degree programme that includes a year abroad at one of 470 partner universities. Hello all, I was wondering if anyone knows whether completing the Sciences Po's Master in Economic Law (M2) entitles you to use the LL.M. Héritier du DESS de Politiques publiques en Europe et du DEA de Science Politique de l’Europe de Sciences Po Strasbourg, qui ont été parmi les toutes premières formations de ce type en France et en Europe, le Master 2 Europe comprend cette année plus de 80 étudiants répartis dans plusieurs spécialités.
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