Their messages are virtually always contrary to biblical beliefs. For Vert's items in Kami Jigen Idol Neptune PP,see: The Landmass of Leanbox and Vert herself are references to the Xbox and Xbox 360. Belief that there are mystical core truths underlying /unifying religions that are unknown to the uninitiated. Raelian Religion, The, Claude Vorilhon (a.k.a. Called a Pentacle when depicted with a circle around it. Evangelical Christianity: Evangelical (from the Greek euangelion, good news or gospel) generally means a focus on the essentials of Christianity. Wholistic Innerworks Foundation, Randy Barns, Durango, CO: New Age; holistic health, specifically therapeutic touch, reflexology, Reiki, crystals, medicine women. Oneness Pentecostalism: (Jesus Only) A heresy that emerged from the mainstream Pentecostal movement during the years 19141916. Rainbow, Dallas, TX: New Age, psychic, meditation, metaphysics, uses A Course in Miracles text, shamanism. After pulling out the sword, she was happy she was worthy, until she was shocked to learn she was the 983,067th weilder of the sword. Metaphysical Union, Hank Krastman, Encino, CA: New Age, mystic knowledge, psychic, channeling, Edgar Cayce materials. Dual Covenant: The belief that the New Testament (or covenant) applies to gentiles (non-Jews) only. BioPsciences Institute, Minneapolis, MN: Astrology. Temple of Set, Michael Aquino: Satanism, Egyptian rituals, magic. Halpern, Steve: Prominent New Age music composer and lecturer. The organization's exclusivity has also comme under fire. NLP: Acronym for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Publishes the Yoga Research newsletter. To various degrees, virtually all Protestant denominations today share a common heritage concerning the issues of the Reformation. Publishes the Solar Space-Letter. Golden Book of the Theosophical Society, The: See Rosicrucianism. Ti) and other "older members" from "the next level above human" on a UFO supposedly hidden behind the Hale-Bopp comet. Christian Identity movement: The belief that the true identity of the ten lost tribes of Israel is the white, Anglo-Saxon race. Islam is the second largest world religion, and has recently become the third largest religious body in America with over 6 million adherents. Profile available. She deeply cares for her games over her country, and has game posters decorating her place in Leanbox. Also, a special type of demon that can impersonate a deceased person during attempts to communicate with the dead (see necromancy). Germain, Saint: See I AM Movement, Ascended Masters. Profile available. Vert is the only character to have a (><) and a O_O face for the first time in Victory while she dosen't have that face in the original game. The term can be used to describe all Christians or churches that hold to or give heavy emphasis to specific conservative Protestant beliefs. Great Lakes Fellowship: Splinter Group of The Way International. Profile available. Some teach a form of the Serpent Seed doctrine, believing that Jews are descendants of Eve's alleged sexual relations with the serpent (Genesis 3) and are thus not fully human. Church of the Trinity, A. Stuart Otto, San Marcos, CA: New Age; By Jesus' C.E.R.A. In the Green Heart version, the attack colors are different, and she finishes instead by firing a large green laser that impacts the target and causes an even greater explosion. Congregation of the Firstborn, Raymond Glenn, Grapeland, TX: Teaches that Jesus is not God; also sabbatarianism, festival keeping. Cornerstone, Jim Rector, Texarkana, TX: Armstrongism splinter group. Publishes the Update newsletter. The Israelites returned to the promised land of Canaan and became a small but powerful nation there under the rule of King David and his son Solomon. Room, board, and a small allowance for incidentals are provided in exchange for otherwise unpaid labor in Peace Mission owned businesses or projects. American Temple, Michael Whitney, Portland, OR: A "fourth wave" esoteric and mystical order led by "Patriarch" Michael Whitney reviving the doctrines of the now defunct Holy Order of MANS. Sun Myung Moon. Ordo Templi Orientis: Occult, Satanism. Some also believe that today's Churches of Christ are the only true churches on earth and that they can literally trace their history to the first century church in Jerusalem. Brinkley, Dannion: As chronicled in his bestseller Saved by the Light, Brinkley allegedly underwent a near-death experience after being struck by lightning. Newspaper reports claim trespassers have used the site for pagan ceremonies. Publishes the Forerunner newsletter. Horus/Maat Lodge: Occult, paganism, ritual magic, Egyptian philosophy. Faithbuilders Fellowship, San Diego, CA: Theology similar to Jehovah's Witnesses. More specifically, the term UFOs refers to allegedly sighted "flying saucers" or other alien spacecrafts. Association for Past-Life Research and Therapies, Inc. Riverside, CA: New Age, reincarnation and astrology. Then Vert explains a very important guild raid coming up and she needs all the players she can get. Biblical Church of God, Santa Cruz, CA: Armstrongism splinter group. A more thorough (and in some cases unorthodox) reform occurred with the Radical Reformationthe orthodox Anabaptist movement being an example. Buddha's Universal Church, San Francisco, CA: Similar to Buddhism in theology. This involves kneeling before a gohonzon (black wooden box containing passages from the Lotus Sutra), quoting this scripture, and chanting the daimoku ("nam-myoho-renge-kyo"). Book of Shadows: A journal for recording occult activities. Olcott Library, Wheaton, IL: New Age library, Theosophy, parapsychology, reincarnation. Watch Couple Teen Threesome porn videos for free, here on Publishes the Sathya Sai newsletter. Chi: Invisible energy or force alleged to make up the universe and flow through all living things via meridians or chakras. All-One-God-Faith, Emanuel H. Bronner, Escondido, CA: Sells Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap, which claims to clean both body and soul. City of the Sun Foundation, Columbus, NM: Channeling, chakras, Christ-consciousness, karma, man is part of God , man is perfect. According to Lee, each city can and should have only one church. Technicians of the Sacred, Burbank, CA: Occult, Santeria, voodoo, magic, Gnosticism. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: Founder of Transcendental Meditation. SDAs say, "This judgment vindicates the justice of God in saving those who believe in Jesus. Bible Believers, Inc.: See Branham, William. Forms of gnosticism affected early Christianity. Aquarian Tabernacle Church, Index, WA: Paganism, worship of Mother Earth, goddess worship, sun and moon festival, magic. Mankind must see itself as one world family, without the need for distinctions between religions. Reprints the early writings of Watchtower Bible and Tract Society founder Charles Taze Russell, including Divine Plan of the Ages. Membership includes Jesus, Buddha, St. Germain (see I AM movement), Ramtha (see Knight, J.
Maya Factor, Jose Arguelles: New Age book on which the Harmonic Convergence was based. Ayurvedic Lifestyle Center, Pearl Miller, Reno, NV: Eastern mysticism, meditation, homeopathy. Brahma: The creator and first member of the triad of demigods in Hinduism, including Shiva and Vishnu. Vert invited the other goddesses for a concert which she missed due playing an MMOs. Holy Shankaracharya Order, Stroudsburg, PA: Hindu theology. Russell, Charles Taze: Founder of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. The current leader and prophet of the movement, Grant McMurray, was the first exception to this practice. Publishes Utopian Eyes magazine. Marah, Madison, NJ: Occult, magic, goddess worship, Egyptian revival, Wicca, moon festivals, divination, runes, astral journeys. Stil-Light Retreat Center, Waynesville, NC: New Age, meditation, Buddhism, Christ-consciousness, Theosophy. Denver, John: Prominent New Age singer who promoted est, Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, and the Windstar Foundation before his death in 1997. Agon Buddhism: Sect of Buddhism. Rainbow Earth Dwelling Society, J. Christine Hayes, San Antonio, TX: New Age, chakras, telepathy, Tarot. Remnant of YHWH, Mark Deacon, Abilene, TX: Sacred Name splinter group from House of Yahweh; teaches Sabbatarianism, British Israelism. Often used as a symbol of Satan, especially in Satanism, and depicted as a Goat's Head symbol, an upside down five-pointed star (cf. Christian Renewal Ministry, Saratoga, CA: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society splinter group (see Bible Students). Temple of the Psychedelic Light and the Church of the Realized Fantasy, Daniel Rakowitz, East Village, NY: Satanism, human sacrifice, cannabilism. Profile available. L/L Research, Louisville, KY: New Age, channeling, UFOs, attain Higher God-self. Psychedelic Venus Church San Francisco, CA: Paganism, goddesses Venus and Aphrodite. Realizing she wouldn't normally make jokes like that, the girls soon defeat Arfoire and proceed to give up their powers in their wish. Church of Christ Jesus: See International Churches of Christ. Profile available. After Histoire leaves, they realize they were stranded! Uses the Agon Sutras as scriptures. Louis Foundation, Louis, Eastsound, WA: New Age, cosmic consciousness, Unmanifested Reality, Inner secrets, True Realization and Awareness. Unity School of Christianity, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, Lee's Summit, MO: New Age. Also rejects the ideas of heaven and hell. Theosophical Society in America, Wheaton, IL: Main organization in the Theosophy movement. As universalism developed it came to affirm that people are acceptable as they are and that no atonement or redemption from sin is needed or provided. Apostolic Churches: A branch of Pentecostalism including several denominations as well as independent churches with the name "Apostolic"; many (but not all) Apostolic churches adhere to Oneness Pentecostalism. Vert wears an emerald green dress with gold markings that shows off her commonly praised huge breasts. Ethical dualism posits a conflict between universal good and an equal and opposite force of universal evil (e.g., the belief that God and Satan are equal and opposite beings). In the first game, Vert was said to have a problem with getting too hot; this references the 360's tendency to overheat. New Realities, Washington, D.C.: New Age periodical. Sociologists and anthropologists sometimes use the term cult to describe religious structure or belief patterns with meanings (usually non-pejorative) unique to their disciplines. Doctrines include ancestor worship, devotion to family elders, and right conduct based on the inherent goodness of man. Foundation Church of the Millennium: See Process Church of the Final Judgement. Life Training, Dallas, TX: New Age seminars that seek to awaken people to a new level of awareness and belief systems; Eastern spiritual philosophy. Participants experience reduced ability for critical thinking and are generally open to external suggestion. Jones, Vendyl: Founder of the Institute of Judaic-Christian Research. Vert decides she'll make a deal with Nisa and tells her she'll only, MAYBE, tell her the secret if she plays a game with her for a week. In modern form, it is a revival of pagan religions (neo-paganism) and the worship of "pre-Christian" Gods and Goddesses. Association for the Understanding of Man, Austin, TX: New Age, channeling, psychic reading, altered states of consciousness. House of Yahweh: Odessa, TX: See Sacred Name movement. First Demonic Church, Efrem Del Gatto, Italy: Satanism. The reformers' major doctrinal issues included a rejection of: the authority of the following: the authority of the Pope, church control of Bible translation and interpretation, a distinction in value between laity and clergy, and salvation being a product of the church and its sacraments (salvation by works). Fort Worth Bible Students, Fort Worth, TX: Bible Students group that republishes older Watchtower Bible and Tract Society materials. Publishes The Watchman. Entry into the higher kingdoms, and one's rank there, depends not only upon the atonement of Christ, but also upon one's good works. Profile available. Neo-Orthodox Christianity: Development associated with the strong reaction of Swiss theologians Karl Barth and Emil Brunner against the barrenness of liberal Christianity. Closely aligned with witchcraft (see Wicca) and magic. Process Church of the Final Judgement, Robert de Grimston: Occult, Three Great Gods who are Jehovah, Lucifer, and Satan. Light Canal, Winchester, OH: Tarot cards, astrology, runes, aura, moon magic, occult medicine. Family, The, David Berg: Originally called the Children of God (COG) and recently called "The Family of Love," this group boasts communal "colonies" throughout the world. May heighten one's vulnerability to suggestion or susceptibility to deception. She was even more shocked when she got only 100 Credits as a parting gift. The sources support the historic, traditional Christian belief that Jesus is the second Person of the Trinity, that he was and is fully God and fully man, that he was born of a virgin, died on the cross as a substitutionary atonement for our sins, and rose bodily from the dead. designating an alleged library that exists on the astral plane containing all the thoughts, actions, and events of mankind. Borderland Science Research Foundation Garberville, CA: Alchemy, dowsing, UFOs, astrology. Parapsychology: The study of ESP and other supernatural phenomena dating to the foundation of the English Society of Physical Research in 1882 and continued through laboratory research at Duke University Parapsychology Laboratory, Stanford Research Institute and elsewhere. Cosmic Awareness Communications, Olympia, WA: New Age, channeling the Force which also spoke through Jesus, Krishna and Edgar Cayce (see Association for Research and Enlightenment). Ahabah Asah Prophetic Ministries: See Gatekeepers. East West Journal, Syracuse, NY: New Age periodical. The Qur'an (or, Koran), the Torah, the Psalms of the Old Testament, and the Gospel of the New Testament are regarded as holy books. Soka Gakkai International (SGI), Daisakqu Ikeda, Santa Monica, CA: A cult of Soka Gakkai Buddhism, formerly named Nichiren Shoshu of America. Later, in modern usage, it usually means experimentation with, belief in, or practice of magic, psychic powers, or the occult. All Ways Free, Madison, WI: New Age periodical. Publishes the Sunspot magazine. Some OBEs are associated with near-death experiences; others are induced through occult or mystical practices, especially in Astral Projection. The latter is a divine energy, force, or spiritual essence that fills the universe and is used by all three members of the Godhead in the exercise and accomplishment of their will. On April 6, 2001, the name of the RLDS group was officially changed to Community of Christ. Laodicean Home Missionary, John Krewson Ft. Myers, FL: Bible Students group. Wrote Engels, "?we have once and for all declared war on religion and religious ideas and care little whether we are called atheists or anything else." Unitarianism: Generically, the rejection of the doctrine of the Trinity in favor of the idea that God is exclusively one person. Similar to Theosophy. Affiliated with the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research. Psychokinesis: Supposed ability to control movement of physical objects by the power of the mind alone, apart from the laws of natural physics. Council of Light, Honolulu, HI: Ascended Masters, similar to I AM movement; channeling. See Gospel. Specifically used to speak of the promised messiah/savior of Israel and the world. Institute of Esoteric Study, Milwaukee, WI: Occult, Lunar festivals, astrology, paganism. Publishes the Secrets newsletter. First World Conclave of Light, San Diego, CA: UFOs, 32 planets already joined but are waiting for the Earth to make the necessary commitment before the spaceships can land. Word Over the World (WOW): See The Way International. Mitchell's churches are not affiliated with the Potter's House in Dallas, TX, pastored by T. D. Jakes. Jehovah's Witnesses: Official name of the religion that accepts the authority of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. He and another member, Blaine Alan Applin, were charged with first-degree murder in 1998 following the shooting death of former member Daniel Jess. Theosophy, Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky: The Word "theosophy" literally means "God wisdom." Free Bible Students: A small Bible Students splinter group currently consisting of only four congregations and approximately 27 home groups. Unlike her white HDD suit, her arms and legs are completely covered with the exception of a small portion of the front and back of her upper thighs. Members of the top two quorums of leadership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claim the title today. Evangelicals believe, and the Bible teaches (Rom. Hare Krishna: Nickname for the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Exaltation: In the teaching of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the highest form of salvation. Begun in 1970, Mitchell has over 1,000 churches in 73 countries including Mexico, South America, Australia, Europe, and the Philippines. Halloween: (Samhain) The term "Halloween" originally referred to All Hallows' Eve, a Catholic observance of the night before All Saints' Day. Wikima Arlington, TX: Occult, paganism, crystal ball readings, spirit guides, shamanism. Profile available. Poltergeist: From German ("rattling ghost"); an apparently supernatural disturbance attributed to a ghost or spirit. Publishes Cornerstone. Also, a Hare Krishna term for money in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Eckankar, Paul Twitchell: Mixture of pantheism and eastern mysticism, astral projection, reincarnation. See Baphomet. See Spiritualism, Demon, Necromancy, Occult. Used by many traditional cults, as well as by some religious organizations that are not cultic in their basic doctrine. Crowley (18751947) was known for sex magic, homosexual rituals, and a fascination with drugs, blood and torture. Astrology and Psychic News, N. Hollywood, CA: New Age periodical. A number of independent churches and organizations (including some militant racist groups) make up the general movement. Publishes a "restored" Bible called The Manuscript Version of the Bible, and The ASK Communicator. qq音乐是腾讯公司推出的一款网络音乐服务产品,海量音乐在线试听、新歌热歌在线首发、歌词翻译、手机铃声下载、高品质无损音乐试听、海量无损曲库、正版音乐下载、空间背景音乐设置、mv观看等,是互联网音乐播放和下载的优选。 Willow Keep, Wilton, NH: Paganism, talismans, crystals, magic, goddess quest. Life Enhancement Systems, Houston, TX: Yoga, meditation. Because of its close proximity to Christmas, the term Yule has often been used as a designation for Christmas. Mysticism: The theory or belief that man can know God or religious truth through the inward perception of the mind, internal illumination, or special revelation, and that such knowledge is more immediate, direct, and reliable than that obtained by ordinary understanding or sense perception. But despite this, she still cares for her people and treasures them deeply. See, Community of Christ. American Foundation for the Science of Creative Intelligence: A branch of Transcendental Meditation.
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